Pol is against this

>pol is against this

Attached: Capture.png (530x639, 509K)

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>people smiling at each other is what makes America great

These people are simpletons

Attached: 1525702807867.jpg (550x543, 83K)

Yep. Now fuck off shitskin.

Public transportation?

Love between children, regardless of their culture or race, is always a beautiful thing to see.

It's sad that most of us on Jow Forums are depressed and will only ever try and see a negative.

Looks fine to me.

The left is about feelings

The right is about facts


Absolutely nothing wrong with this scene. My issie is with the type of people who think the two individuals on the left should be genocides from existence.

They define incompetence.

Why would that woman interrupt him when he is trying to shit in that bag