Moloch Ba'al

> This is a threads dedicated to the Topic of Moloch Ba'al, and the origin of the Satanic Phonecian/Hebrew connection to modern politicians and rituals performed by the elite

THIS topic was very popular and wide spread during the general election and primaries. Ever since then, it seems like everyone forgot about this. So i'd just like to give everyone a refresher on Moloch Ba'al, the Valley of Drums, Tophet, the Rite of Moloch and current practice by modern elites. So let's begin!

> Leviticus 18:21 "And thou shalt notlet any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD."

> Moloch/ Ba'al

Rabbinicaltradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices inCarthagetoBaal Hammon.

These Statues, like in pic related, where heated by massive fires from the back of the statue. They where made of Bronze because when the statues would get Hot enough, they would begin to change to a glowing Red color. Fire would rose out of the eyes, stomach chambers, and even fingers, almost appearing as if was hungry. The arms of the statue were tilted so that when the child was placed on the arms, they would roll into the massive pit of fire burning below the statue.

It was called the Valley of Drums because the sound of Drums and Trumpets were used to cover the agonizing screams of the babies and children burning in the fire, and not make the parents feel uncomfortable. First the mother would walk to the alter, and give her baby to the Priest, who would then say praises for Moloch. The child was then laid onto the burning hot bronze arms of the Moloch Statue, and would roll into the pit of fire, as the sounds of Drums beat harder and faster as the screams got louder.

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Nice blog faggot

#2 is a picture of the Valley of Dumbs, and 1 is Jerusalem.

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There's a spiritual war that's been going on as far back as man has between Jupiter and Saturn

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The Valley of Drums, also referred to the Valley of Hinnom, Gehenna, was a part of land in Jerusalem where the ancient Israelites practiced child sacrifice to Moloch. The land was considered cursed after the outlawing of Moloch worship, the hills where the statues of Moloch were built, where cut down and made smaller, in a symbolic gesture to show it's a site far from God. After The outlawing of Moloch worship, the King of Jerusalem ordered the walls be built up to the edge of the Valley. There, all the trash, waste, and cadavers would burn in an endless fire 24/7. And such a fire was even mentioned by Jesus Christ in the Bible. Meaning it was a desolate Valley for atleast 600 years before Christ.

Gee I wonder who is behind this post

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Moloch/ Ba'al, sometimes referred to as two different dieties, are actually the same single Deity by The Hebrews. Although in anicent Carthage, they mainly refered to Ba'al. In Canan, Moloch means King, to the ancient Israelites, he was viewed as God. But the practice of Moloch worship was only by a minority of Israelites. This was in turn seen as Idol worship by the majority of Israelites. Prophet Jeremiah recorded that the Valley of Hinnom had become soaked with the blood of the innocent (children) and that the children of God had abandoned him in favor of false idols. They had errected statues of Moloch on high places for the pupose of sacrificing tbeir children. All those who practiced Moloch worship were put to death, and the Valley of Hinnom, was geographically changed in order to bury the high places in which the rituals took place. Moloch worship was obviously outlawed and those who practiced were forced underground and into hiding, yet the practice still occurs today.

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The Rite of Moloch was a ritual performed by Phoenicians and Israelites in the ancient world. Parents, Nobel born or Peasant alike, would perform these rituals in order to please God, bring a good Harvest, and to bring victory in battle. Several different types of Moloch ritual statues were built in ancient times. In one, 7 chambers would be cut out of a bronze bulls chest. Each chamber would be filled with a different kind of animal and item, and the final chamber would have a living human child. Another statue was a Bronze bowl who's arms were slanted out, as to look like it was accepting something.

As you can see there where several different kinds of Moloch statues used, each with a different ritual, but always including child sacrifice.

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Holy fuck that is is one of the most kike words I've ever heard.

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m-l-k means king (moloch, melech, malach)
I think in the case of the israelites it may have been literal king worship.