What's your opinion on the red indian savages?

What's your opinion on the red indian savages?

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better than dogfucking mapleniggers who cant stay in that shitstained tundra they call home over the winter.

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But indians are literally mapleniggers.

A lot of them were shitty, but some like the Lenape were nice and honorable and I feel sorry that the settlers jewed them out of their land.

>But indians are literally mapleniggers.
You cannot deflect what you are, for the whole world sees it, dogfucker. Begone, mouth of flies!

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>their land

They never claimed ownership of it.

I like them. More than beaners. See. The natuve american gets his face carved in the mountain. Just like the presidents.


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Look up the walking purchase. They didn't even chimp out after being forced off the land.

The Lenape were alright, can't vouch for a lot of the other tribes.

For the white settlers, it was either farm or starve. They could make a self sufficient farm in 15 acres, while the stone age hunter gatherer Indian tribes required at least 500 acres.
The agreement was the land would be farmed and the famers would provide food and fiber to the Indians. It would be a win/win

I think is good they're almost extinct, thank God for our ancestors, we would be like Mexico if they hadn't cleansed the land from them.

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How can you post a picture of hitler and talk shit about native americans? Youre an idiot.

They failed to do the most basic thing any animal does, protect their territory. I have no sympathy for losers

thought minas tirith was in new sheepland

Doesn't this make your Hitler posting all the more retarded you stupid faggot?

We should have killed them all.

You know all that stuff SJWs say about niggers only seeming inferior cause of muh white oppression such as ghettos and whatnot so it's not just biological inferiority? Yeah I believe that's true for the Amerindians but not niggers.
They spent hundreds of years warring against whites faggot. Plus disease did most of the killing off. And yet retards like you complain about filthy niggers all the time.

Our government gives them free shit constantly and they still drink listerine. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Where is my free shit?
Whites promised to take care of us Indians forever... so where's my free shit? You didn't genocide us, you sold it. Your white ancestors sold you into feeding me and my descendants forever. Your great grandfathers didn't welch on the deal, the current generations did.
That said, the thieving Indian tribe literally stole the reservation right out from under my family.
Fucking Indians.

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I'm actually from two tribes, one American Indian, the other Canadian Indian.
The Canadian side got totally fucked by the leafs. Stripping men naked then giving them the "star light tour" where they freeze to death.
>Noble Dead Man

>force them to live on reservations if they want to preserve their culture
>limiting their job oppertunities and economic growth so of course poverty is rampant

>too stupid to preserve their identity if they leave a plot of land.

Yeah, Hitler was a huge loser. The Nazis are loser faggots shitting their diapers.

Remember when you see a woman your not allowed to make a pup tent in your pants only a teepee

And don't be fucking looking at white women

How New Jerseyan is Jow Forums?

Most of what I know of my tribe I learned from French Canadian authors.

Hi Rabbi,
Keep pushing that shit... the goys are catching on!

Too late, user...
Mom was blonde and blue eyed.

some are actually ok
they value honesty and family
some detest beaners and jews especially(that honesty thing)

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My whole reservation is fucking commies. Worthless sons of bitches. It's what you get when you've sold a whole state (Wisconsin) in exchange for a promise to get a free lunch for all time. I mean, it's a great deal, but it spoils the people.

Why are there so many of these teepee nigger threads all of the sudden? At least 2 up in the catalog at all times the past 2/3 weeks.

Someone needs to get the blankets

Fuck you dude. I'm usually a pretty laidback guy but seeing someone just go off and badmouth based Hitler for no reason like a crazy person got me straight up pissed. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Zuni peoples most sacred place is in the grand canyon where white people came up from caves to sae them from a natural disaster (biblical flood). The same place they found Egyptian artifacts and tons of gold in 1910.

Not Jersey.

Hitler actually made bases in antarctica and on the moon. The fbi relesed docs stating that he lived after the war.

Admril byrd got btfo in Antarctica after he followed Hitlers U-boat there.

Hitler retrieted to the moon for a while. He's reincarnated now. Back here. :)

So if that's what you call "being a loser", k..........keep me posted

yeah you could say that about every US city and university though

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Pope wasn't so bad. I mean, let's be honest, the Spanish were overbearing assholes who needed a good lesson in the dangers of hubris.

Po'pay was a murderous savage who left the Pueblos weaker and more vulnerable to attack because he was such a shitty leader. The Spaniards did nothing wrong.

What are you talking about? The Spanish made huge concessions to the Pueblo after Pope's Revolt. They also preferred a more diplomatic approach when they retook New Mexico, preferring to offer gifts and trade opportunities to threatening violence. The Spanish weren't beaten forever, but they definitely took the Pueblo seriously enough to back off a bit from that point onward.

Great souls but extremely low intellect and prone to vice and Degeneracy...sadly many of their women turn to homosexuality for whatever reason, and the lot of them are alcoholics, tweakers or potheads

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'Savages' built Chaco Canyon?

Tragic fallen people of the past

We owe them a duty to create a better society than the one we have

Any one know what tribe that is from

Built the canon or the butcherd and cooked human skeletons

Amerindians are actually some of the most sadistic and potentially violent people on earth. The most dangerous countries in the world are filled with amerindian psychopaths like honduras. The North American were notorious for torturing people in the most novel ways.

North Americans didn't actually eliminate that many, they just got lucky that there weren't many here to begin with. Otherwise we would be as bad as Mexico.

The doom of their people was an inevitability, they're just lucky that it was the Europeans that discovered them and not the chinks.
If the bugmen had crossed their pond before euros it's a safe bet that there wouldn't be a single living native in North, Central, or South America. There sure as fuck wouldn't be any casinos.