What is the ideal white nose shape?

The big straight nose or the upturn?

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>im insecure about my nose
>validate me
fuck off summer

no for faggoty noses

The upturn nose seems the best one to me. Big noses are a semetic trait afterall...

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Or maybe a bit of a combination?

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Undoubtly the upturn nose wins when it comes to women.

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I have a massive kike hooked nose.

Sucks for you. You're not allowed in the 4th reich.

Eww what a shitty finnic face

Doesn't look Mongolish to me.

Girls like guys with masculine large noses. Your little fart sniffing tiny nose is feminine white boi

How's my nose fellow Israelites?

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You don't know shit

Doesn't look like that bad. But the hook is definitely visible.

I tell myself it's due to my roman genetics so I don't feel too bad about the possibility of italien jew interbreeding.

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The bigger, the better.
Why are aquiline noses so hot, bros?

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Donno, but I'm with you user.

upturn button nose is CUTE.

>Undoubtly the upturn nose wins when it comes to women.

This. Button noses on women, Roman or Greek noses on men.

Big, long and straight Greek/Roman nose is quintessential fapping material for girls.

>fapping material
Learn how to get laid you filthy subhuman. Bet you're a virgin sõyboy. Oh god how I hate loser porn niggers

this kind

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That's an upturn.

I love her so much

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Is a big nose with a bump in the middle Jewy? or Roman? asking because I have one but otherwise am aryan looking


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Straight oc

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I find women with large noses so fucking irresistible, I live in NY and so many women have the large italian nose, it's great

That's a perfect nose for an aryan man

This one

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