If god doesn’t exist

Then why do morals exist?
Why do people bother to be humanitarian?
If god doesn’t exist.
What exactly do they see as right vs wrong?
I am a sociopath.
I lack a conscience so explain it like I’m 5

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Boils down to
>don't do something to others that you don't want to be done to you.
You don't need God to not be a dick.

Education, a sense of whats right and wrong, christian values inherently rooted in western society and so on

As opposed to the times in B.C. we have grown up in primarily Christian nations and have been raised under Christian morals for generations. When before humans were very begrudging and hateful towards each other, so while our morals and judgement from right and wrong are more birthed from religion, it is the monotheistic christian/ jewish god that birthed these notions and they've lasted ever since.

That is assuming that others are going to hold those values that you do, and chances are they won’t

If there is no God, then there is essentially no objective basis for morality, and no matter what you come up with it will always be inherently subjective

don't listen to this retard

But why should anyone follow that?
If you know that you can impose your will on someone and never face any consequences for it, what's to stop you from doing it?

Exactly. If there is no god then morals simply don’t exist. There is no reason to help someone or to show compassion to others. If anything they will just get in your own way.

because the only way to have a harmonious and productive society is to have certain moral constructs that usually penalize murder, rape, theft, etc. you can't form a strong tribe to defend yourselves against others if you're not adverse to these.

also because most people have fucking empathy and aren't 15 year old self-diagnosed sociopaths.

while this is speculation, it is evolutionary advantageous to not piss people off. humans live together and if you go around killing and stealing you're more likely to get killed yourself, ruining your chances at procreating

I’m 19, on the FBI watchlist since sandy hook, and have spent a good 4 months in mental hospitals

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They do it because human beings are social creatures, and its necessary in order for interaction to take place

But rivalries actually increase evolution. Only the strongest will survive.
If everyone is living in peace then we will never evolve. Never grow.

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you should probably just kill yourself.

Why not ask your Rabbi if he isn't too busy sucking baby dicks.

Morals do not exist. Humans have arbitrary preferences, that's it.

That’s very immoral of you to say

The darwinist argues that morals have evolved as a social construct for the survival of humanity, I guess.

Because if you don’t the Government shoots you

but you should seriously kill yourself then because i presented a good point and you completely ignored it to point out the fact that you were not a 15 year old and somehow brag about how "hard" you are.

Genes. Natural selection. Living beings are just a vehicle for genes to express themselves in the physical universe. I’m of the opinion that genes and environment are responsible for every aspect of every individual.

If rule of law is established.
War, anarchy, economic crisis, all the shit goes out the window.

no, my argument was about morality evolving from a standpoint of the benefits to building a society. obviously the destruction and eradication of sociopaths would benefit society, so me telling you (a sociopath) to kill themselves is philosophically aligned with my previous posts.

other animals kill opposing family young for dominance and so they get more resources, territory and chances for reproduction. How do our genes tell us not to kill someone?

How is it an evolutionary trait when it’s forced by the goverment? Literally any time a government starts to destabilize, humans go back to their natural state of immorality & kill each other over 5 grains of rice

Why wouldn't they if it's in their best interest to hold the same values?

Starvation is what changes people into monsters, that suff is what leads to it.
Men with beer bellies dont fight revolutions.

Do they not? What is war and geopolitics? Our “family unit” has just expanded beyond what it is for other animals. Sentience also plays a part, but genes still drive the car.

You might have something that they want.

From this point of view government is a development of natural selection.

Successful societies have crafted rules that keep society functioning in a healthy and safe way where people can comfortably prosper with certain morals.

I'm not a darwinist, but I think this is what they think. If they even know what they think...

Because you can argue the existence of the government is itself an expression of evolutionary traits.

Even if God does not exist you will live a happier more joyous life life believing that he does. If for some reason you can't do that, you will still be better off pretending.

Retards think you need god to be a decent human bean.

The thing is you can't get away without consequences. Nothing prevents other members to deal with someone who tries to get away with it.

i'm nice and try to help people because it personally makes me feel good

To put it simply, it comes down to whether we're solitary or social. For the most part evidence suggests the latter.

And you people really think that these governments are going to stay around forever after this shithole world runs out of resources?

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Ok pal, empathy, love and understanding for your fellow man who is also on this journey

This is liberal nonsense that rejects duty. If you see someone about to make a monumental mistake you should correct them, not "live and let live bro".


God won't fit into your tiny mind's little itty bitty box. Good for God is not always good for (((you))), human.

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This might be a possibility for dumb people. Smart people keep asking questions though. Science has pushed us into a post religion world.

My pet theory is that morals exists because they have some value for a society and religion is just a useful vehicle to enforce those values for example polygamy is good for and individual but in the past societies decided to become more monogamous because it increased societal stability because people had their spouses to look after them and they are less likely to feel disenfranchised which causes people to cause trouble in society. So values dictate to people what actions are good for the nation and community even if its bad for the individual. I personally believe if a decision if good for my country my community or my family its a moral decision. However I also believe that peoples perception on whats good for society influences why they have different morals .

Because not having at least the illusion that as long as you do what you're told you won't get fucked over makes people anxious and this causes social instability .

The simple answer is profit. If you're nice to someone, they then owe you a favor, if they don't return the favor, they're ostracized by the local community. By acting to the morals, you build up a form of currency known as 'fitting in'. Fitting in gets you opportunities and opportunities increases your chances of getting laid. Our deepest instincts command we breed and make a impression on the world. As such, those who have no future will often break away from moral rules while others will continue to utilize them for benefit. Could you gain things by being a dick? Yes. But in the long term, it's easier to play ball.

And if you share your resources it's more advantages for me to share mine. If on other hand If you murder me and take what was mine others might not want the same thing to happen to them

Depends what you mean by "God" but sure. Thats the root of nihilism, after all.

You’re basically saying “how are humans going to thrive if/when they are unable to thrive?” If we are selected for government, we will have governments. If we are selected for no government(lack of resources) we will have no government.

Niggers weren’t selected for government, hence they haven’t built government.

In your original post you admit to not have a grasp on such things.
Kikery detected.

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they won't be governments as we understand them now but they will be collections of people who enforce and punish actions detrimental to the regrowth and repopulation.

Yet people do what they’re told & they still get fucked over & die while in debt

Science is it's own religion

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>these governments
Of course not but government will remain or reform.

>sandy hook
Lol yeah I'm sure the FBI is watching you because you like to make edgy jokes online . How the fuck would you know if they were anyway?

There's no tangible evidence for the existence of god. All you have at your core is faith.

I even agree to this to some degree. People need some bigger "thing" that connects or else they will shut down into more tribalistic groups

You should have been aborted

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"Morals" exist as a product of evolution. Don't bash grug from your tribe over the head with a rock because now your tribe is weaker and you're less likely to survive.

*tips internally*

it's impossible to debate someone who is too stupid to know they're stupid.

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Daily reminder there is nothing natural about that what so ever.
You must harm other beings in order to exist in this world or you must perish yourself.
The social aspects of human beings boils down to exchange of value, favors for favors in return.
If atheists view morals this way, i'll keep my distance from them.

Fucking this, there is little proof of God outside faith

To add: if the population is selected for it by the environment. It isn’t necessitated: it’s possible for a population to thrive without being selected for a government. Natural selection shapes it all.

God is a known unknown.
Personally I believe God is a RND that has been favorable towards humans.

It's the most accurate way we have to describe the world around us. I'll take that over any blind faith, every time.

I was detained soon after sandy & all I will say is this- they gave me 2 options. One was jail & most likely then prison, the other was a mental hospital.

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>there is no material evidence
Misses the point. Science is just a thoroughly modern form of telluric spiritualism.

Fuck off randy greasy bastard

did you study or read up at all about any moral philosophies or arguments during that time or did you just let your brain vegetate?

your family unit comes first though. While, yes we have evolved to form a comradery towards others, your first instinct is to keep yourself alive at all costs, than your family, than your comrades, if your friend turned on you to kill your wife, kid or you, that sense of comradery which you say is genetic would be cast out the window in favor of you and your family's survival. We're not ants to be units to our society.

Potentially, sure.

Agreed, what we see is what we "know"

>chances are they won’t

Chances are that the normative citizen in your civilization will hold the normal values.

And I agree that you should save them from making a mistake and in turn it would benefit me and my group if later on somebody would correct me if I was about to make a mistake. Never implied to live and let be or dealing after someone has already made action

Since the hospital unit I was in was for teens between the age of 14-17, I was too busy with the ladies. I read one book, and it was the kite runner.

Woops this was meant for

>telluric spiritualism

I have never in my life heard of this. Am I uneducated or did you make this up?

So you'd burn the witch if it were the norm?

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See I ascribe to no faith system. Only material evidence has meaning to me.

In that case a smart sociopath would have picked prison because a mental institution would never let you out, as your condition is incurable. You're also very bad at lying and continue to give me the impression you're LARPing one of the oldest games in the chan book.

Based eternal Anglo

Yes, the continuation of our genes has a higher importance than our extended units genes. That’s why you’d kill your neighbor to save your children.


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Not to chime in but, no. That is unreasonable

It’s illegal to keep kids locked up in a mental hospital here for more than 60 days, silly Canadian

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>obviously the destruction and eradication of sociopaths would benefit society

they have their place. they can survive crises others can't. i don't know if we need 3% of our society to be them, but prison seems like a reasonable way to keep our thumb on the nozzle.


lul I'm going with the story that OP is 19 to humor him.

How is this thread also a tpb thread?! kek

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