Overall, has Cuban immigration been a positive development for the United States?

Overall, has Cuban immigration been a positive development for the United States?

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Are you retarded?


10/10 I am triggered

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Why do they look like mutts instead of white or black?

They have helped Florida stay in the GOP column in presidential elections, and also to at least split the senatorial delegation.

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1st gen cubans are overwhelmingly R. The problem is they don’t fucking raise their kids, so we have a bunch of degenerate chongas running around.
>source: am surrounded by Cubans. They’re everywhere.

Cuban and Mexican immigrants are alright, Puerta Ricans and South American immigrants are all cancer

I'm Cuban, and voted for the Don. My parents came from Havana, and owned the tip of it before commies took over. Not only that, but my grandparents figured out a way to immigrate legally.


It very much has been a positive thing, Cuban immigration spawned conservative economist George J. Borjas, and Cuban immigrants heads and shoulders above other immigrants in terms of economic and linguistic assimilation.

>Cubans exhibit substantially higher educational attainment over the course of generations than any other hispanic group

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Ted Cruz is confusing for race. Is he of the white race or the Hispanic race. Why does he look and seem White if he is from Cuba and Hispanic.

I know a lot of Cubans voted for the Don. I’m not saying you all are bad people, you aren’t. I’m saying the culture in Miami is fucking garbage and a lot of it is due to parental negligence.

Funny how the entire history of our cultures results in us being in our own squares. Then this project happens. We're are all fucking dead. Even Elon struggles with being positive.

The later a Cuban arrives, the less white he is. The ones who left pre-Castro are super white, the boat lift ones are mulattos, and current Cubans are outright black. Overall I'd say they've done a lot of good, but indirectly caused a lot of harm. Boomers were able to look at Cubans and see well functioning hispanics, so they didn't have alarm bells going off once the Mestizo invasion began. It also gave made the Dominicans, and Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans feel more at home in South Florida. Economically and politically Cubans on their own have been a net-gain, but there's still a lot of problems with them, and indirect problems caused by having any "hispanic" community.

t. cuban

Why do some of the Cubans look so White? They are Hispanics so it is confusing.

>my grandparents figured out a way to immigrate legally.

Yeah its called being a fucking refugee like every other Cuban.

All the ones I've encountered have been great. Not like other spics or Italians.

Hispanic is a linguistic term. There are Germans, Italians, Portuguese, Spanish and such in Latin America which have blonde hair and blue eyes. They're technically "Hispanic," because they speak Spanish and were born in a Spanish speaking country. Cuba had racialist laws longer than the U.S., and an intense social stigma against miscegenation. That means that there are a lot of pure Spanish left.

Ted Cruz looks whiter than a castizo, so I'd consider him white. But I haven't looked into his ancestry, so he might have just gotten a good roll of the dice in terms of phenotype.

since dudeweed became legal in colorado swarms of cubans have been coming here to illegally grow weed. they are cancer dont fool yourselves.

Floridian here, it's either
>hit and miss
On one side of the coin, they are pretty conservative, hate commies, and I've mistaken a few for legitimate Spaniards and they are a joy to be with, especially since I am a Spaniard myself,and the women are gorgeous. On the other side, they are like niggers and are a pain in the ass, they made Miami the way it is which means that after the Mariel boatlift, a lot of other spics, mainly the mestizo trash of south and central america, thought that it would be a great fucking idea to come here, and thats why Miami nowadays is a shit city

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Question: why some spics type like niggers?

because they are or they have nigger blood in them, you of all people should know that

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They were really wealthy, and not only managed to get a flight to New York, but were able to travel to California once they immigrated. They were jewelers, and the family that did stay in the states are still jewelers.
I don't know any Cubans where I live it's surprising.

My family came from Italy in the 19th century and all the marriages that happened were between other Italian families or Germans.

fair enough, I've heard plenty about south Brasil thanks to my dad

what the fuck is this gay shit

Cubans are just as swarthy as their Spanish cousins. Fuck these miserable rodents.

why are they androgynous?

I have looked into this. You can trace all his father's ancestors back to Spain. Test is a genuine white hispanic

la enguia is brazilian isn't he?
good meme btw

Look up Mariel boatlift
>Fidel empty's his insane asylums and prisons to Florida
>crime in one year goes up %9000
>Miami when

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t. Poster who has never been to Miami

I dont live in Florida so I dont think Ive ever met a Cuban

>this is the guy calling you manlet on the internet

browns are never a positive development.

Cuban, actually.

Cubans are the reason why Trump won in Florida.