How many people at this point do you think are straight white males on this board?
How many people at this point do you think are straight white males on this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
just me. and i live in a basement.
I can only confirm myself, rest are poofs
What's it matter?
t. Non-white
all of us are 2d japanese anime girls
Dont care if they’re truly right wing
Jow Forums is a great network of bots built as an experiment of the nsa after making a secret deal with moot. There's ever only 40 or so real people here daily.
Jow Forums is a board of non-whites.
When can we have a normie chimpout and kvetching once they realize that this board is hardly white?
Beaner that identifies as nazi reporting in
Just me. Traps are not gay...right?
Like 56%, ironically.
Nice try Ben
You wish goblin.
I wonder if real niggers with self-hate post on /pol.
>straight white males
I'm 2 out of 3
such a jewish opinion, it's like they're proud of their subversiveness, even the "based" ones
So what are you then?
guy with camera is a kike i know him personally
Take note of the fact that he said, “good damn” instead of, “god damn”
not me haha
if traps aren't gay then im straight but not white
Proud potatonigger.
Has this fucking beaner/chink thing got a fucking jug of milk?
>a fucking jug
>of milk
Well we can cross out all the americans
dumb frogposter
I’m a brown 80%er and I’m still probably whiter than most Americans on this board. I look like a pajeet because I’m 20% West African.
>Jow Forums
>”a white board”
Everybody here is a non-white larping as white. You wouldn’t know.
this picture makes me hate non whites so much
>calling me a goblin
>not knowing what GOMAD is
That ridiculous moment in time when dumb Antifa kids thought drinking milk was a sign of white supremacy so /ourguys/ bought lots of milk to drink in front of them. God 2016 was a weird year.
I think this has gotten more relevant nowadays
I want remove shiskin pajeets and pakis under the Union Jack on this board. It's disgusting that shitskins are here.
Straight male but italian. I'm sorry
Only we are straight as wh*Te subhumans cant even please woman so they go to us and you are watching our dick(which you wh*Toids secretly love) fucking your wifes.
Your dicks are only 1cm on average larger
Don't talk to the memeflaggers user, they're beneath you.
calm down jamal , have another slice of watermelon
More like 3/5's nigger
yeah but I make it all worth it for you assholes.
Is that Brittany Venti with the gang?
this was mostly a /tv/ meetup, also NYC is minority white.
Holy fuck where do you find this shit? lmao.
I didn't know that interracial cuckolding fetish was a thing in Germany. It's mostly an American thing. I have a thing for black guys but mudsharking is more of an American thing than a Canadian thing.
came here to ask the same question
this is what american will look like in 2050 and it's beautiful
Jow Forums is a non-white only board sweetie.
forgot to unhide flag :>
Don't talk to the memeflaggers user, they're beneath you.
Jackie4Chan is my weakness.
Of course he's beneath me, he's downundah.
Oh shit are we finally giving this whole pretending to be retarded americans meme?
Europeans also cant resist our BBC
get your grammar right faggot
>slavnigger correcting grammar
fuck my wallet nigger PAYPIG, you gonna fill up my master pockets real good
Jow Forums the United Nations of people from all backgrounds and countries coming together to demand that we each stay on our own fucking sides of the borders, unless you are qt asian grills or passable traps, then fuck it, we'll make an exception.
nah im coming over next year to steal your job
Jow Forums is just how people behaved millenia ago
I’m a SWM
Do you really want to play this game my moorish brethen?
>implying you will ever have enough money for a toilet let alone a plane ticket
what you mean nogneck? black bitch love BWC
What did they talk about?
Where abouts in Australia are you from?
qt asian grills and passable traps, it's the Universal Language of Peace
why are there thousands of hindu videos on shit like traffic modulation, ethernet frames, and netframeworks? why are poos tech driven and ant like? you will become next chinese
History says otherwise. Your nation was created by impregnating your wh*Toid women. You are our sons just look at your skin and you will remember. You can be honorary black.
Probably most.
whats the bet you are the same poo in the loo curry muncher that i have seen in multiple threads the last couple days purposefully calling new zealanders australians
Don't feed it any more (you)s
Wtf? I don't have anything against New Zealand, I’ve actually always wanted to visit Sydney.
I thought he was irl shitposting for based octaroon milkies
I'm trans gender, but after my gender confirmation surgery i will be a strait white woman.
Every mongrel with an amerimutt flag
How can you even recover from this? We already mutted your generation.
nice completely ignoring my post that disproves everything you say
omg xD Thats hilarious. NZ Bringing that Poo-Pain.
About 70%
>makes my country bigger
this really hurt my feelings can you please apologize
Someone must make this leafet pay the toll
Like I said, just don't give it an (you)s.
Memeflags arent people and literally never have anything useful to say. Real anons don't hide their flags, only shitposters do.
It's mostly the same depressed non whites (usually hapa asians) that post this shit constantly it's just so pathetic that i almost feel sorry for them
I'm japanese
You have to go back
Every time they get a reply they dump their fetish folders on a thread and run it into the ground. On an ideal Jow Forums some memeflagger would lay out tasty bait only to be completely ignored by anons carrying on a discussion. When someone wants attention the last thing you should do is give it to them.
I had no idea how out there the Jow Forums contingent was till pic of some of the meet-ups started coming out. There are a lot of genuinely strange people lurking out there. We are living in a strange time.
There's a lot of Latinos and Asians on here... because everyone hates nogs I suppose
I agree
Down the alleyways we creep, we're all your friends when you can't sleep.
you are still at it huh
Only me, everyone else is a russian bot.
To be honest, I am too.