I've got a serious question /pol

I've got a serious question /pol
When the KGB defector talked about 'useful idiots' and how they'd be the first to go in real communism, this was when the USSR could simply install new puppets.
Now that the USSR is gone, what will happen with the useful idiots? Are they actually going to rule countries? Or did he mean that since they don't actually understand communism, the real hard-line Communists will just liquidate them so they don't cause problems?

Interview if anyone hasn't seen it:

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you'll figure it out op

>Now that the USSR is gone, what will happen with the useful idiots?
you dont get it. they are not controlled by the USSR. it was designed to work on its own, like cancer

useful idiots are the true believers on the ground. they help to bring communism to power, but have to be taken out because they know where the bodies are buried and will revolt when they discover they were fooled about the true nature of communism

remember that communism is just a scheme to remove land and property from goyim. all the bullshit about muh workers and muh people is just a lie


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Useful idiots get liquidated by their leadership. Utopian communism is a meme. Low IQ peasants get brainwashed into idealism. Get told to overthrow government. Hand power over to their leadership. Leadership proceeds to establish a dictatorship for personal gain. That doesn't jive with idealists who expected utopia. Idealists don't have power and get executed for crimes against the party.

No. The sole purpose of useful idiots is to bring down the underlying structure that makes capitalism possible.
They were never meant to rule because they are simply broken "human" beings.
The fact that the USSR is gone is irrelevant. Communism is a supranational internationalist movement.
Family will continue to degenerate (breaking the progressive accumulation of wealth by inheritance), racial and social differences will be exacerbated and western countries will be atomized into clans, in other words, look to South Africa, specifically the town of Orania.

Useful idiots are simply voters that really don't understand what's going on and are easily confused. Both sides have them, and they're not going anywhere.

Basically they are people too stupid see past your charade, and that you can easily convince to vote against their interests using little effort. Bernie voters were useful idiots.

They are too dumb to do our be anything useful in the end.

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you have to wait for them to die off..which is futile if we don't do something about education and purge the universities and colleges..we nobody seems to be talking about doing so we're fucked

Communism was a Jew thing in it's inception. When Lenin died it slowly started to be more like a mob system than anything.
Pogroms were made and the Jews that did not died left to Murica, France and Germany and became Social Democrats.
Bolshevism, i.e violent takeover is not the part of the Jewish modus operandi.
If Trotsky had risen to power like Lenin wanted the story would have been different.

They mean the useful idiots that where there to bring them into power through the use of violence. They will be liquidated because they have all ready proven themselves to be willing to take up arms to get political change, that means that they are threat to the people in power.

They are useful when you just want to cause violence and destabilize a nation to pave way for a marxist revolution. After that they are a liability and are executed before they start any more ruckus.

What you can do about the education is to starve them out of their purpose. Homeschooling and traditionalism is the way to.
No need for fantastic reforms or revolutionary changes. They problem started with mandatory, government sponsored education not with the demoralization phase as Bezmenov calls it.

Imagine subsisting on a diet of pure soja.
>what is power
>what good are "the people"
>why are shekels good
>what do revolutionaries think of those in power
>what are bread and circus

There are more uses for people, like being teachers and professors, being radicalists asking for reform (like no fault divorce to easily dissolve families). They are there to implant communist ideas along with strife without knowing they are ever being used towards the destruction of the nation until the tension gets so high there is bloody conflict. You don't need the USSR, you've already taught other generations about being a good goy for the state, they will be the ones that rise, at least the most tenacious ones.

You are at least 100 years behind on communist ideas. Seizing the means of production by force is outdated.
Look into Antonio Gramsci;Frankfurt School and György Lukács

there is a school in U.S which is failing due to the white leaving , saying fuck you due to the day without whites bullshit thing..a little hope

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I say good riddance.
Before I came to Europe I used to live in southern Brazil, in pretty much rural area populated by a white minority, it was not uncommon for them to get toghether and hire private tutors for their kids and share the costs.
the kids spoke perfect Portuguese and perfect German and remained true and proud of their roots.


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Note that they say that the REVOLUTION is a Jewish thing, and I fundamentally agree. Do some research on the rise of anti-semitism in the Politiburo after stalin and you'll see why Jews switched to Fabianism from Bolchevism.

The ideology itself is jew to the core, the politburo and jew relation is what soured.
But yes, Lenin was backed by American bankers when he was exiled in Switzerland before the revolution of 1917.

communism itself is judaism without the spiritual part. it's judaism for goys.

There's not a hard and fast "this one is a useful idiot, this one isn't". Its all a matter of degree. We're all useful idiots to some extent. Society is basically a collection of competing cults, all vying for power. The best hope is to get the most reasonable cult into power while humanity figures out that the most important thing is for the individual to learn how to actually be an individual and think for itself.

The useful idiots will be used to run countries if its useful to the cabal, if not, they'll be removed one way or another. They're just a means to an end. Think of Qaddafi or Sadam.

UN is continuing the Soviet program of the subversion of west.
UN has direct and free access to all western nations from grass roots to the ivory towers, and they can operate in those without any friction or resistance. UN has all the funding, resources and manpower needed to control this massive operation. Much larger capabilities than USSR ever could even dream of.
All the experts from the USSR and East Germany are still operational.

A lot of Jews opposed the revolution though. Trotsky got excommunicated.

they're already ruling countries btw

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Simo Haya here gets it. The UN is Fabianism pure and simple, that is what the Jewry want.
They can get way more Sheckles if a ((democracy)) and an overall sense of meritocracy is mantained than by seizing means of production like they did in russia.
They have evolved user

useful idiots in 2018 are people like the pope and celebrities that are tricked/bribed into believing they're preaching the "right thing" in trying to convince the world open borders and the rest of the Soros gospel is anything but financial geopolitical games. it's a safer world for them but the principle is still the same. propaganda now is at levels that make the cold war seem tame. yuri's videos were some of the most eye opening I've ever seen. when you understand Rules for Radicals you see it being played out again and again and its so frustrating to talk to people that don't believe it's happening

Like Seth Rich.

Trotsky was a Fabian socialist like pretty much all the Jews today are. They believe in soft power and working from the shadows. it's way more profitable and there is no resistance if your enemy can't see your attack

If you think of execution as an extreme form of ejection then you can apply it to today. Of course some are assassinated and destroyed after their use, but for the large majority of them there will be a mass ejection from the 'party'. The progressives of today will find themselves at the heel of those who they push along. They will be ejected.

Only by proxy with limited powers. World still rests on the foundations set up after the WW2, where citizens are relatively free to pursue their own goals and live their lives as they see fit.

The communists wants full dictatorial powers, where people are pursuing their goals, do what they are told, no freedom, no liberty, and they want to secure their absolute power and positions without any possibilities of getting voted out, or violently removed.

I don't think you quite understand the broader context OP. But as this is important i'm going to explain, and then answer any questions.

The term useful idiots came from Stalin in comment to the followers of Lenin ideals - that the proletariat (regular people) will embrace the marxist/leninist ideals and work towards their model of Socialism in the belief that it will create a better society for all people.

These useful idiots are vastly more numerous today than in those early days of Soviet Socialism. SJW's, and liberals of every shade that push for all the leftist ideals of equality, open immigration, fight for restriction of freedom of speech, gun control, and for all the degeneracy we are seeing ARE the useful idiots.

The goal is, as it always was to from an all powerful, international socialist society and control every aspect of peoples lives. The useful idiots are making this happen, but in the end it will not be the communist utopia that was promised by Marx and Lenin, but another, and this time much larger authoritarian socialist state.

The point Yuri was making is that when useful idiots outlive their usefulness, all their tub thumping and protesting and marches will never be tolerated in the Socialist state that they are unknowingly building.

It may not come to bullets in the back of the head for these people anymore, but you must look at it in today's context to understand what Yuri is really saying.

Pic very much related.

Please ask any questions.

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ironically the oppression they claim the worker endures under capitalism that they use as rhetoric to be installed as dictators becomes 10x under communism. its the ultimate pyramid scheme. the ruling class under communism lives as aristocrasy in mansions and are chauffeured in Rolls Royces while the worker stands in the bread line

Well said lads.

that's because he's a useful idiot..laying the foundation for the actual communists without even realizing how fucking retarded he is..that's why they call them useful idiots

He was refering to what is described in pic related. People who think that happy little optimistic utopian ideologies can fundamentally alter basic, universal, pragmatic laws of power and control, supply and demand, etc. are always hapless pawns who can be manipulated to supporting physical policies and practices counter to their own best interests.

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>Lenin was backed by (((American))) bankers

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Yup, Mr. Shecklewitz cant have none of that based russian monarchy industrializing their country can they?

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The useful idiots are people who can be indoctrinated to do what ever. Women could be indoctrinated to breast feed wall bricks and think it'll be good for the climate change. Men could be indoctrinated to walk in diapers, think they are women, women can be made to think they are men.. There are absolutely no limits. They could be indoctrinated to think they are a doll house, or a house plant. Anything.

It goes in decrees. Roughly

>15% of the populations (whites) are immune. >15% are absolutely open to these. Remaining >70% are borderliners who could be indoctrinated to some decree, but also could be convinced and red pilled out from it.

Lenin was a shabat Goy, and also a kike from one of his parents.

>real communism

Communism is never meant, designed, or going to ever happen. Socialism is the entire goal. Authoritarian state.

Communism is the fairy tail the Useful Idiots are told they will get, but of course it never happens.

Philip K. Dick told in one interview that he was so gullible person, that practically anyone could just tell him anything and he would comply. Numerous occasions where he bought something he didn't want or need, just because someone told him in the store he should buy it.

Part of the reason socialism ended is bureaucrats and criminals found capitalism (in some form) gave far more opportunities for theft

I'll just leave this here, since I believe it's definitely good to know for everyone interested in reversing the subversion process:

What is civilization in it's barest form?
The ability of the population at large to word things in a civilized manner, with discipline in the expression of emotions.

Lose that ability and you lose civilization.

Oh the irony

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>sits with the Democrats

>Now that the USSR is gone
It is called the EU now. See Perestroika deception

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