What did the average person with 110 IQ work as in medival times...

What did the average person with 110 IQ work as in medival times. Seeing as high IQ and hardlabor often dont go together anymore this seems like a genuine question

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Skilled tradesmen have existed for thousands of years.

Monks, merchants, artisans etc.

I’m of Irish heritage and my iq is 119 a lot of my ancestors were priests

Chad Plague Doctor in the Late Middle Ages. Otherwise, there was a path for intellectual pursuits through the Church.

i think jobs and life in general were more about class than iq back then, much more than now. kids were thrown into a trade before they could show an interest or be educated in anything else, also child labor laws didn't really exist either.

Intelligence testing wasn't really scientific until the late 17th century. Going to say IQ above 100 belong to those in royalty or priesthood.

>Implying inbred lazy nobles and degenerate priests having orgies in the Vatican were high IQ

Several of my direct male ancestors were officers in the army of the tsar, or engineers. So halfway physical labour I suppose...

>t. Got bad grades in history, science, and never reads books.
Fucking brainlets in full force today.



The education necessary for that type of IQ was completely absent from europe in the medieval ages. The only edication was from the church and the only thing you learned normally was to read the bible. Even look at the scientific advancements from the time, they were all essentially euro red necks fucking with their gardens. Kings and nobility had the ability to learn to read but most srill chose not too. There is a reason its referred to as the dark ages.

IQ is only applicable in the modern western world as most of the questions to test it pretain to modern western life. Stop buying into the IJew and understand that intelligence is immeasurable

Iq tests are averaged every decade so that 100 stays the average. There had beeb sn observed increase in iq of about 2-3 points every decade. This means someone scoring 100 on todays test would get 110-115 on thr same test in the 1950's. The is called the 'flynn effect'.

It raises doubts about our model of iq as if you followed the trend back to say 1900 the average person would be retarded by modern standards and be unable to run a organised soceity, which obvs was not the case.

Anything from 90 to 110 is considerd normal range. So 110 in middle age just means you would be dlightly sharper than your average peasent.

Considering that a lot of people in the medieval ages were chronically malnutritioned, people with an IQ of 110+ were actually a tiny minority. They, I'd assume, were noblemen, monks and priests.

The average IQ was probably only like 90 or something.

I'd be a knight errant. That shit'd be dope.

Advisor or priest

Army/Engineer/Craftsman I would imagine

All high IQ people lived in the big cities and retarded low IQ lived in the rural lands

>intelligence is immeasurable
Yeah maybe if it's lukewarm like yours. You literally don't know shit about the dark ages lol. Go check out the Harvard open courses history lectures about it or something because Wikipedia and your middle school history book are wrong.

As a peasant because they needed lots of peasants.

Der Bauer trägt das ganze Land
Auf dem gebeugten Rücken
Muss sich stets tiefer bücken
Für Fürst und Pfaffenstand
Je mehr die Herren sich schmücken
Je härter drückt ihre Hand
Da hilft kein zorniger Gott
Der Teufel wohnt im Schloss
Da ist des Bauern Not so groß
Des Bauern große Not
Der Edelmann reit aus zur Jagd
Der Fürst reit übers Getreide
Der Bischof im goldenen Kleide
Macht mir die Kindlein nackt.
Der Fürsten Gold und der Pfaffen Geschmeide
Hab ich aus dem Acker gehackt
Der Adel reit übers Brot
Auf seinem hohen Roß
Da ist des Bauern Not so groß
Des Bauern große Not
Ein Junker fuhr mit sieben Gulden
Zur Stadt, und in den Gassen
Sieht er reiche Bürger prassen
Und macht beim Fugger Schulden
Muss Bauern schinden lassen
Die Bauern müssens dulden
Aufs Blut und in den Tod
Trifft mich ein jeder Stoß
Da ist des Bauern Not so groß
Des Bauern große Not

They worked as a peasant or maybe were lucky and became the local blacksmith.

cannon fodder

Attached: medieval-battle-wallpaper-1.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)

Old German poetry really is lovely isn't it. I have a set of pre 1930 collections published between the old Reich and Weimar

Es stand ein Sternlein am Himmel,
Ein Sternlein guter Art;
Das thät so lieblich scheinen,
So lieblich und so zart.

Ich wußte seine Stelle
Am Himmel, wo es stand;
Trat Abends vor die Schwelle
Und suchte bis ich's fand.

Und blieb dann lange stehen,
Hat große Freud in mir;
Das Sternlein anzusehen,
Und dankte Gott dafür.

Das Sternlein ist verschwunden,
Ich suche hin und her;
Wo ich es sonst gefunden,
Und find es nun nicht mehr.


Tradesmen. Why do you think the most common surnames are craft related like Smith, Carter, Cooper, Baker, Miller, etc?

Given that my family has an IQ of 115-130 in every member, and that I can trace my lineage for quite a long time perhaps I can inform you lot of jobs some of my ancestors had.
The majority of my ancestors were landed peasants, being headman (or mayor) of the local village and town.
A large amount went into the clergy, mostly local priests, but there were monks, scribes, a bishop and one (distant) sat on the Vatican council.
Some went into crafting trades, becoming stone masons, merchants and various artisans.
A few went into the military and navy, usually as low ranking officers or as Yeomanry, as far as I can tell none rose that far.
Some were masters of the hunt and attendants for the local lords, which led to my family being a bastard line from the lords of Muncaster as they couldn't keep it in their trousers.
Being descended from Normans who came over in 1066 gave my family some advantages over the local Saxon population in the short term, but they shortly intermarried into the local population.

Don’t be a faggot. Every middle ages European job was a complicated skill. Leather tanning, bucket and barrel making, shoe making, clothing making, black smithing, stone masons, shipwrights, wooden building construction, on and on every job was highly skilled and those with high IQ moved up through the ranks and became masters of their craft.

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