why do blacks hate asians?
Why do blacks hate asians?
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Couldn't take all of the dick and got mad.
Nobody likes niggers
because they can't muh slavery with them.
alo wtf with the fucking Captcha, they are more and more anoying.
>they hate us more than we could ever hate them
>subhuman mongoloid soulless insect "people"
Why do nigs nog?
Asians shoot chimpers from rooftops
They view them as off-color whites
The niggra is driven by a fundamental urge for gibs. When others obtain gibs through hard work and not gimmes, it causes confusion in the niggra. Because niggras can only express themselves by nigging, they either attempt to git dem gibs from the Asians by force, or complain about it to kike news
Anyone with a face tatoo should be incarcerated