When are people going to put a stop to this shit and burn the assholes who promote this

This bullshit is only getting worse, when does it fucking end. Why is no one putting Netflix on the stand or anything. You can't go anywhere without this bullshit being pushed everywhere.


Attached: inCollage_20180629_111049740.jpg (1920x2721, 1.53M)

Imagine trump retweeting a post that points out the sickness of this shit. All the leftist will side with pedos because trump said CP is bad (they always campaign for the opposite what trump says). That would be a fucking win, this would red pill so many normalfags. Thank god that most normalfags hate childfuckers and childporn.

You may need to post a webm of this "scene", for research purposes.

Kys faggot cia nigger

Attached: hangedks.jpg (477x326, 21K)

>No YouTube link to the Arab pirated movie

user I am disappoint.

Attached: A20A08E9-370B-463D-B270-E43629072410.png (311x355, 18K)

>Movie called "Desire"
>Obscene footage of prepubescents grinding on pillows

They're not even hiding it anymore.

I just watched it and I'll have you know it was actually a hilarious scene.

Nice try FBI

Just Nymphomaniac vol.1 with less sex and in spic language.

:o is it a good series? I got to check that out