Is OCD a made up illness?

20 years ago I don't remember anyone having OCD.
Now everyone one and their uncle is washing their hands 30 times a day.

Attached: bessies.jpg (640x640, 75K)

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Seems like a natural progression when your mind is saturated by mass media from day one. I'm sure the Amish don't have any OCD

I've had it for more than 20 years, even before I knew what it was. I don't have it to that extent, though. I just have some compulsive checking behaviors (on the order of half a dozen checks for locked doors, envelope addresses, exam answers, etc., etc.) that people would consider abnormal. I've also had abnormal perfectionist tendencies (such as getting my shoelaces tied evenly).

I can go many days without encountering my OCD. I feel sorry for those who have to do hours-long rituals each day or whatever.

OCD is for cucks

It's just that everything is so fucked right now politically so people try to make a little bubble of perfection subliminally to separate themselves from the chaos of neo-liberal consumerism.

neurotransmitter imbalance basically causes paranoid psychosis about strange compulsions

Attached: aurora_borealis.png (639x478, 282K)

It's definitely real, I've met people whose lives were destroyed by ridiculous compulsions.

There definitely it's a lot of mental illness larpers out there though.

I haven't left my house since 2008

>Shit culture produces shitty parents
>Kids have depression
>Pump them full of pills
>Other issues arise
Basically big pharma cucking children.

Remember the Mouse Utopia experiments?
Excessive and compulsive grooming was a byproduct.

It's real, I used to suffer massively from it. Managed to get it under control, still shows up from time to time.

I can confirm it is real. Watch the movie "as good as it gets". That's basically what it's like.

I haven't left your house since 2008 either.

Attached: hlpme.jpg (200x281, 16K)

Used to be like this myself.
It got so bad that I had to do rituals,IN MY HEAD, going over thought sequences and the such.
That's when I realised that if I didn't get this shit under control it was going to kill me.

I managed to get it under control.
I'm thinking about writing a book about it and how I got over it some day.

I love threads like these because they show how incredibly fucking stupid the average Jow Forumstard is.

>20 years ago no one had an illness we knew nothing about
>because the only valid medical knowledge is stuff from hundreds of years ago and nothing new can be discovered!

It's not stupid to doubt it. Mental health larping and identity politics can make people extremely cynical and sceptical about real mental problems, so real cases actually do suffer. Also, the victim culture kinda locks them into being perpetual victims too, and in time it becomes increasingly harder for them to recover and find employment.

It's a real cluster fuck.

I have a fear someone is in here with me, so that's creepy, but I have a revolver, and a GSD who would tell on you.

did you see anyone with it 20 years ago?
assuming you were not a baby then..

I see everything you do. You and your old dog know nothing........I'm always watching

Attached: herewithyou.jpg (573x436, 17K)

It happens startlingly often, enough for there to be dozens of stories.

It's real. I have it but to a very mild form, more of a by product of my anxiety disorder. I'd never do crazy rituals like turning lights on and off multiple times or having to have something on even or odd numbers. But I'd almost always take a water bottle with me whenever I got in a car just to have because I had this fear I'l might randomly throw up and would need water to wash my mouth out with. The worst it ever got was before I saw a doctor and was having massive panic attacks daily and one night I was home alone and there was a cop helicopter over head searching around my house and kept shining the light in my backyard. I checked the locks 20 times probably.

They've been writing about OCD under different names all the way back in ancient Rome. In the 16/1700s ministers were talking about it. We only started doing behavioral therapy in the 60s, 20 years ago we didn't know much about OCD. Of course as we learn more and as people become more aware of it people get diagnosed more. That's like saying the zika virus isn't real because people didn't hear about it 20 years ago.

He's 3, my dog
I wish I had a single level house. You could get in my basement and hangout for weeks before I would notice

No, I've had it seriously my whole life due to childhood trauma. You get thoughts that something terrible will happen regularly and you have to do weird habits to stop it. It can be really fucking bad at some points. It's just that dickheads say they have it when they have one little habit and it makes ocd just seem like a quirk to most people.