Be Muslim

>be Muslim
>somewhat moderate middle class family
>3 kids, 1 girl, 2 boys (including me)
>parents used to be bluepilled cucks
>Older sister wanted to study medicine in the US
>dad was sceptical, mom convinced him it's a good idea
>sister finally enrolls at UC Berkeley
>2 years go by, trad Islamic sister gets indoctrinated into the cult of feminism
>each time she visits we notice something is off
>bitch keeps turning into a westernized hijabi thot
>visits us for ramadan in 2017, bitch has gone full thot
>relatives keep criticizing her behavior
>bitch flips, starts acting like an entitled feminazi, says she doesn't believe in god, supports homos etc.
>dad finally snaps
>huge fight at home, brother and I back up dad. Shows parents pics of sister's questionable pics with her jewish best friend partying with tyrones and chads on IG
>mom defends empowered sister at all costs
>dad wins fight, announces she's not to return to the US
>house on complete lockdown
>bitch manipulates mom into sneaking her to the airport the next morning
>she agrees
>bitch returns to the US


Attached: absolutely-haram-haram-21991229.png (500x441, 115K)

Lol. She must have been a piss poor student to become "indoctrinated into the cult of feminism" at Berkeley. Most of us in STEM here literally don't give a shit about school politics in the slightest.

>Jew propaganda says move to a western nation
Never listen to the Jewish propaganda

I hope you're redpilling your muslim friends on the dangers of moving to America

Can we just skip to the part where your family murders your sister?

Did your dad honor kill her?

Yes , continue pls.

Can you share Bobs and Vagine of your Thot sisters so that everyone should stay away from her .

Keep it coming, OP

>dad grumpy af the next day
>we attend mosque for prayers thinking sister is under lockdown
>get back home for lunch
>sister missing
>dad goes into full panic mode, thinking sister ran away
>mom doesn't say a word
>call relatives, friends. No one has seen her
>finally file missing person report
>dad is about to break down, we're all upset and shit
>mom unusually calm
>be me, autistic and redpilled on wamen
>tell mom I know she's hiding something
>she breaks down, tells me everything.
>dad f l i p s, almost kills mom. We stop him. Urge them to have a civil discussion.
>She confesses everything, she wants sister to be "liberated". Says she's a good girl and she she trusts him.
>Sister texts me a couple of days later
>Tell her to fuck off, you disloyal roastie
>Tells us how much she hates our Muslim asses, fucking bigots
>Parents marriage basically over, they move to separate rooms
>Dad barely speaks to mom
>Becomes more religious and redpilled
>Still doesn't disown sister, pays her tuition etc cuz good dad
>Bitch stops talking to us
>finally ditches hijab, poses with degenerates at some pride festival
>block her forever

