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What part of "talk shit, get hit" do journalists not understand?

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Wish this fuck would eat a bullet

A-are we a toxic and dangerous online community?

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Of what ? Leaving survivors ?
Ok, i apologize.

The part where they get hit I suppose.

Journalists should stop lying then. #DayOfTheBrick

journalist can't be hyping up a civil war and not expect to be the first effected.

also this guy had nothing to do with trump and everything to do with a local libel case

It's chinese cartoons website. What are you talking about?


they are hilarious
Jow Forums didnt "radicalize" me
even if i have been "radicalized" - and thats unlikely, it was done by the MSM and their hatred of white males, the constant lies (wage gap, blm) and diatribes (toxic masculinity, rape culture) - Huffpo & the guardian do more to radicalize people in a day than Jow Forums does all year

Twitter is much more toxic.

Freedom of speech doest mean freedom from consequences ?

I was just surfing the world wide web checking out my favorite diablo 1 fansite and I couldn't believe my eyes. they were celebrating the shooting.

Lad this mongalayan basket weaving website isn't what he's talking about.

He probably means tumblr.

Not anymore so than these people are.

>unrelentingly attack half the country for 2+ years
>assign bigoted labels when narrative is questioned in the slightest
>forcibly drive agenda against public will
>demonize entire race and day it’s not racism
>openly call for the repopulation of a country and the eradication of its current inhabitants
>cry foul when those inhabitants fight back

The Jew cries out as he strikes you

this is a faggy communist term/concept i refuse to hear it you might as well have said "flarfingarbinshyntargeffen" in place of "toxic"

> Being named Sextoy.

"murdering the press"

This is why they think people are willing to murder them. They fear retribution for their sensationalism.

They have no proof of our latent violent tendencies, however. All they have proof of is their own sensationalism and people that were murdered as a result of their contrived news reports.

1. He hasn't heard lots of Trump supporters call for violence against journalists.

2. Unless he means online trolls, but then there are far more calling for violence against Trump.

3. The guy who shot these journalists was not incited by Trump but instead a personal local grudge.

4. And the media glamorizing these incidents is a major part of why so many outside of society weirdos take this path in the first place.

5. And anyway, it's not like that lunatic killing those 5 journalists is that funny. More like a "hehe" than a "HAHAHA".

They are the enemy of the people, and I prefer my enemies dead.

Journalists seem to think freedom of speech allows them to say anything and be shielded from any and all consequences because if you say anything back you are silencing the "free press"

Only a pedophile us lower than a journalist and politician

And after even more years of them being the enemy of the people. We've been someplace very dark. We're headed into the light.

Jared is kinda making me feel like shooting up some journalists.

>unrelentingly attack half the country for 2+ years

bruh it's been going on for decades

I didn't believe you until I checked. Jesus, this place has never been that bad in the 13 years I have been here. People have lost their minds or it is all an illusion constructed by fake account to sow discontent. The left is off the rails; it's only going yo backfire. At least we can say nigger and kike here without some feigned outrage.

It's either Elon Musk's yelp for journalists or we're gonna keep killing journalists.

And often they're the same thing.

The Media using their institution to promote hostile actors violating US Borders shows willful and malicious negligence in their deference towards the United States making them an unlawful hostile actor in their efforts against the United States. It would be as easy as indicting a ham sandwich with any grand jury.

This shows they wont stop, that is what RICO is for, its used to stop an organized group from engaging in criminal action. Right now the News, SPLC, AIPAC and ADL are buying our leaders off, RICO is the tool given to us to stop these aggressions against our country and people. These Fake News organizations operating in unison is an organized effort breaching the most sacred of public trusts, the freedom of the press by working against the people to form false narratives undermining our Nations Sovereignty.
>18 U.U Code 2381: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

For Trump to Make America Great Again, he must implement RICO effective immediately to shutdown these cartels of crime and save our country.

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Free press doesn't mean free of consequences, action reaction. Welcome in the real world.

Didn't they guy shoot up the place because they released his details in a sexual assault case or something?

Couldn't agree more. For me, it's a "rehehehe"

Rooby rooby roo

journalists are toxic and dangerous for misleading the public with their fake stories about immigration and trans bullshit.

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> tell lies for decades
> a few press-niggers get clipped
> double down with more lies
Its like they dont understand people are done with the propaganda.

All you have to do is stop lying.

>why wont you let us genocide your children in peace!!!!!!!!

They really have gone fucking insane havent they?

>talk shit
>literally report on facts and be proven right in court twice
>Guess you gotta die now for saying the truth!

How fucking braindead are you?

>It's only ok when we do it
Where was the media outrage when the fuckers shot up a Republican baseball game


No we're not little Sexton Jewy-wewy, we're heading somewhere safe - the revulsion of the people against the revilable Mainstream Press
Go get Sextoned weirdo


Wow how first amendment of you Murritard.

The personal responsibility part
Journalists could holocaust white Americans and get away with it entirely - or so they think

kek fpbp

>((journalist)) use paper as a personal attack on some mentally ill faggot
>get shot by said fag
you reap what you sow

>these same halfwit ((journalist)) were reporting that the shooter was yelling 'trump akbar' and wearing a maga hat while shooting up the place with full auto ar15s
and you wonder why you're considered the enemy

>some local shit newspaper that was shot at because of reporting the truth that had nothing to do with Trump or politics in the first place

You guys really aren't even pretending to be retarded any more right?

Not saying it was right to do but being nice and asking them to stop being manipulative wasn't working.

Also this was a long lasting fued, long before Trump even thought of running

They completely understand. They coined the phrase "Freedom of press does not mean freedom from consequences"

You sound quite braindead I am laughing at you right now
you think the mainstream is right? AHAHAHAHA
you deserve to get hit and god willing you will be by the end of the year

why does he have to be so mean?

Maybe dont be the enemy of the people

I am entering my second year as a sports reporter and for the life of me cannot figure out why other journalists think they're such fuckin' heroes.

In other countries, journalists try to report the truth under threat of arrest or assassination. Here, journos act like they deserve a Pulitzer Prize because they didn't neck themselves over people calling them faggots on Twitter.

fuck that jarod jew fuck.. i think we need to turn our attention on him next.

Stop being hypocrites then

None of us killed those Journalist and you have zero proof he's from Jow Forums. Shouldn't you be busy making straight people uncomfortable?

Process of elimination > Natural selection

This guy is right.


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The entire concept apparently.

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Freedom of press doesn't apply to Jow Forums goyim

How is some rinky dink local newspaper mainstream? Do you even understand the words you are using or are you just farting out anything Trump says?

Good thing there is no such thing as a God and when a court proves you right twice, you are usually right. But I guess you just discard anyone you don't agree with as a conspiracy so you are never wrong.

Calm down, aquafresh. user was clearly referring to the general sentiment the twittwe journo was implying. Now go wash your mouth out.

radicalization = anything that is a threat to Jewish tyrannical hegemony AKA the kind of Jewish tyrannisism that will get us all killed swiftly

(((Online Communities)))

They're afraid to call the demon by its name.

>be left. Constantly incite violence ( muh punch a Nazi, muh Antifa "counter demo")
shit gets real
>wahhh why you being so violent

Hillary supporter here. Not going to lie. It will be a great day when all the 'journalists' are dragged from their homes and executed in the streets. The only people that will care are the common core virtue signaling retards that are hypnotized by the Operation Mockingbird media.

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plus even though there are (((outside influences))) here, there's still a level of autonomy. twitter is essentially institutionalized propaganda that has been weaponized by corporations.

I hated biggers and jews before Jow Forums 10 years ago when I started browsing. Honestly without Jow Forums to vent my hatred through memes I probably would've tim mcvey'd somewhere by now.

Let them cry. This will end up just like the story "The boy who cried wolf"

>Support the genocide of the White race and the destruction of traditional America
>Get pissed when others celebrate you getting what you deserve.

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Dude, you are having a conversation outside of what is going on here and sound like a triggered sperg. Are you not familiar with board culture? Go back to lurking, maybe?

you made your bed, now lay it.

you mean AR47 ghost guns

I do not understand a single word I am using, I am actually an Ape with no cognisance of the world
But I have decided to bow down to you and your superior logic, because one thing I have learned about human cognition is that they all unnecessarily and undeservedly fellate the opinions of leftwing mainstream retards such as yourself
so please accept my sincerest apologies
You fucking retard

Freedom of the press is not freedom from consequences.

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>unironically using an online community that radicalized people to complain about another online community that radicalized people
Liberal democrats everyone

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It's just the beginning. All commie scum gets the rope.

No. These were the same fucks calling for civil war at the beginning of the week.

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National Geographic determined what journalists will look like in 2020, and it's beautiful.

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I hate to say it, but it looks like Trump really is done this time. I can't support a President that openly espouses this kind of rhetoric. I used to think it was all fun and games, but now journalists are being targeted and I can't be apart of this movement anymore. I'm starting to think the altright is dangerous for this country. At least under Bush and Obama we weren't at each others throats and journalists weren't under attack. I will not be on the wrong side of history. Take care pol, it's been an interesting ride.

Fuck you nigger. He was slapped with a harassment charge for
>muh cyberbullying
Who made this a thing? The kind of people who run the MSM and their shitlib feminazi allies. Looks like the MSM got what was coming to them when they legally doxed and cyberbullied him and he discovered that there are two classes of citizens, so he fixed the glitch in the law.

I don't know if this guy was justified or not, but I also don't care. Either way this sends a valuable message to fake news faggots and I wholeheartedly approve of that message.

When muzzies attacked Charlie Hebdo most other journalists defended and excused the attack. Can we make a comparrison how journalists reacted to Charlie Hebdo and this new attack? I already know what the result will be, but having a neat collection would be great.

It's "mainstream" in that community you fucking hmong

They became a part of their own sensation.

And here, one act of violence occurs and they start crying bitch.
These people are hardly worth the rope to hang them by.

Thanks for the narrative!
t. CNN

Fucking blue checkmark sojajongens, attacking our Nepalese llama herding forum.

He's taking part in fake news right ducking now. Stop pushing the "trump caused this!" Narrative when it isn't true. We have clear evidence that the guy had a personal grudge against that news agency. Holy fuck, why can't these people just tell the truth?

>Elon working on his journalist/media review site
>Trust for both the media and journalists in general is at an all time low
>Terms like fake news now permeate public discourse
>Journalists getting gunned down in the street

Where were you when the Lügenpresse finally began losing its grip on the world?

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I fucking despised the media before I ever set foot in /news/ or Jow Forums.

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yeah lets pretend you're not making a deflection by equivocating our own arguments against fake news with a shooter's argument for killing his ex girlfriend in an office building. nothing like playing pretend! good goy!

Journalists should be collectively shitting bricks, because journalists get the rope first.

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The real question is: Why? Why did they need to publish his name and picture for a fluff piece about cyber-stalking? You fuck with people they fuck with you back

>paper reports results of stalker's trial
>stalker goes REEEEE lawsuit defamation
>judge BTFOs case out of court while politely saying stalker is a retard in terms of understanding laws
>stalker spends years making death threats and shit via sockpuppet Twitter accounts
>paper doesn't press charges despite police asking
>Nutcase finally flips himself, legally buys a gun because nobody pressed charges that would make it illegal and goes bang bang

Totally just happened out of nowhere.

>Wrong side of history.
Kike detected. The only wrong side is the losing side. The winners write the history.