1. What is your political stance?

1. What is your political stance?
2. Why is it your political stance?
3. What would it take for you to change your mind?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pedophiles get the rope.

Jews too.

its a drawing my dude

1) rope for the jews
2) rope for the jews
3) rope for the jews
Looks like we've got this covered.

>I-it's just a drawing!
t. pedo

1. Libertarian Socialist / aka "Israeli rightists despise me for being vaguely left-wing and secular; Israeli leftists despite me for not caring for Arab and at the same time supporting genuine wealth redistribution"
2. People should be meaningfully free to live their lives how they choose. Peace is good, war is evil. I'm a weak ugly manlet kissless virgin with an overdeveloped sense of empathy.
3. Honestly, I don't even know. If you suddenly give me ten million shekels I'd probably drop most of it, start guzzling arab cock to keep my moral highhorse thing going, and just become a standard Israeli leftie.

1. Ancap
2. Because of memes
3. Death by recreational McNuke

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its pixels on a screen
made from lines drawn on a tablet

>1. What is your political stance?
Open Borders for israel
>2. Why is it your political stance?
>3. What would it take for you to change your mind?
Israel no longer existing on the map

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She's at least 60 years old.

It's illegal.

maybe in your shit country where rape is okay if your muslim

>It's illegal.
No its not.

Attached: 1417133108998857.jpg (1290x722, 579K)

>rape is okay if your muslim
I don't think it works that way.

Does my flag look british to you?

>B-but officer she said she was a 1000 year old vampire!
That won't fly with me sonny.

Attached: 412342.png (357x325, 204K)

you need armed guards and steel fencing to protect the eiffel tower now

youre getting there

1. Natsoc
2. Because democrats want to genocide whites through policy in a long slow death.
3. Democrats would have to not be a threat, and there would have to be a secure future for my race. Then I wouldn't care so much.

not in israel
but it is how it works in europe

oh wow it's mr. internet tough guy posting a pic of a man aiming a gun at a camera

No it doesn't.

Nobody is advocating genocide.

yes it is

Can we ban Israelis from /pol? They are worse than Canadians.

1) liberal
2) conservatives ignore too many hard questions/problems and communists are retards
3) posting aya


You made the claim, so the burden of proof is on you.

Yeah that's a problem bongs also have. Mass defilement of white working class women is another.

>what are muslim grooming gangs in britain protected by the state
>what is mass rape and molestation of german women

1). Environmental Nationalist

2). Shipping Freight uses bunker oil, end aid to third world. Stop rewarding third world birthrates with first world immigration.

3). Trump launches a false flag and goes to war against Iran.

Free-market capitalist.
Because it's the best system for the average human.
Something more in tune with human nature comes along.

Yes they are and the left isn't even trying to hide it anymore. They get everyone cheering about it in college classes, I've been there and seen it myself. They can't wait until we are a minority, they plan to move against us as a block after that and take our rights away. This is a war whether we want one or not and it is us vs darkies. We must not give us our guns or we'll go out slow like the south Africans. Whites used to be most of that country too. Multiculturalism is white genocide and Jews pushed it down our throat. You're just upset that some countries happened too fast and the frog is trying to jump out of the pot before it's boiling.

Get fucked Jew.

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Liberalism is insufficient. Much of the troubles in our world are inherent to the economic system in which we live, the one that puts profits before people.
Communists are retards, but I highly recommend you read something like Noam Chomsky, George Orwell (not just his Big Two, but stuff like The Road to Wigan Pier and his essays) and publications like Current Affairs or (ugh) Jacobin.

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1) Nationalist
2) Jews/commies
3) No more Jews and commies

My nigger, just get that strawman meme outta here

Attached: ancap.jpg (1400x569, 82K)

>what are muslim grooming gangs in britain protected by the state
Alarmist lie.

>what is mass rape and molestation of german women
Overblown hysteria. Statistically, immigrants/muslims have lower chance of committing rape than natives.

Neither of these claims have anything to do with the ludicrous idea that rape is somehow "legal" if the perpetrator is a muzzie.

who is tommy robinson

youre not even a fucking jew are you you arab shit

mind changed

Oh and stop 3rd world aid and immigration to the west. They need to survive or die alone. If they still let us exploit their resources then that’s their problem.

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1. Left-wing nationalism / Social democracy
2. My country was strong, independent and a good place to live in during authoritarian socialism. Now it's just a colony of the west who are filling our country with their degeneracy. I see pictures of my city in 1985, girls are dressed modestly, men are looking like men and everything is in order. Now, it's filled with sluts and numales.
3. Someone to prove me different.

>Alarmist lie.
What is Telford, Rotherham, Halifax, Rochdale, Derby, Bristol... The list goes on.
>Statistically, immigrants/muslims have lower chance of committing rape than natives
But where is the proofs?

>despite me for not caring for Arab
Cool, Palestinians also don't care about Arabs.

says you

There's nothing wrong with charging people for the air on your property. If I decided to set up a privately owned space station and people aren't willing to pay the subscription fee for the air in their living area I should have the right to shut it off at any time. Don't be a commie.

may as well be.

1. Hatred of jews
2. Because they're evil
3. The death of all Jews


Capitalism is a deeply collectivized system that turns human beings into mechanical and interchangable cogs in a heartless exploitative machine. It crushes the human spirit and sucks out the will to live out of people. It actively incentives cruelty and inhumane treatment of your fellow men, ensuring that only the most sociopathic monsters get to the top. It encourages atomization and individual isolation. It pits people against each other, on a class, a nation and a personal level. It destroys art, churns up idiosyncratic pleasantries in the name of "efficiency", builds ugly buildings, make shitty food, breaks up families, destroys communities, eradicates traditions. The "average human" is profoundly unhappy under capitalism
There is very little "in tune with human nature" about it.

1) Market Nationalist
2) the best thing for a happy society is trust (hens nationalist), and the best thing for a prosperous society is capitalism (hens the market)
3) An example of happy and prosperous society that is diverse and socialist

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>An example of happy and prosperous society that is diverse and socialist
Half of Europe?

Perhaps in a nanny-state society which does not believe in freedom for expression. I do not believe this is so in France yet.

t. sold my child on ebay

No white actually gets killed. This isn't genocide.

1. Socialist
2. It is aligned with my interest as part of working class
3. If I was wrong concerning second point obviously

>prosperous society
>works in the Jura factory in Niš for 200 euros and can't even go take a piss
is there a more stupid thing than a serbian capitalist?


There's nothing wrong with selling your children. They are your property. There's also nothing wrong with doing drugs or engaging in homosexual acts.

that's the first thing that's already going away
kind of, but not even near to america, and with every passing decade it get's worse, kind of at the same pace that the EU is leaving market ideals and instead is trying to have a china-like planned economy

>There's nothing wrong with selling your children. They are your property.
Based, morality is irrelevant when profit is involved.

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See, you say these things are a fault of capitalism, and while some of them are, most are not.
Capitalism is a system that turns human beings into mechanical and interchangable cogs in a heartless exploitative machine.
It gives all who participate equal opportunity to specialize and excel in a market with (theoretically) infinite competition.
It actively incentivizes competition and treating others fairly (lest you lose your foothold in the market, losing wealth and eventually losing everything), ensuring that a relatively fair balance of ethics and production is achieved, and those who play the game the best rise to the top.
It pits producers against each other to please the largest slice of the market. Obviously this will lead to low-end products (postmodern art, shitty food, etc.) and high-end products, with a nearly-infinite variety in between.
Pretty much everything else you said either isn't applicable or is a blatant lie.

look up the history of socialism. weak bait Schlomo

Nobody cares what flies with you, now fix my fucking toilet.

Well, it's not that I hate Arabs. One of the only people I could ever call a "friend" was an Arab. It's just that the Israeli left has an unhealthy obsession with "the occupation", Arabs, and the refugees.
I do generally kinda vaguely agree with them (even if I wouldn't want to see refugees in my neighborhood), but there is just so much more misery and suffering in our current economy even without overt racism. Those Tel-Aviv sluts enjoy talking bullshit about "the occupation" and "Bibi voters" in barely-intelligible half-Hebrew-half-English that they learned off the New York Times, but just 25 km outside their comfortable suburbs there are working class Mizrahis, Ethiopian Jews and Ruskies suffering and scrambling just to barely make ends meet.

Ours is one of the least equal developed societies, and not even the "radical" left is willing to do anything more than pay lip service to this.

I'm willing to bet actual shekels that I know more of the history of the socialist movement than you do.

>thinking serbia is capitalist
not to mention that our economy has been in ruins since the commies fucked it up
Listen, when a corrupt and bureaucratic government takes away a third of my paycheck and when over-burdensome wage laws are implemented, and when at every opportunity the government tries to fuck over small businesses owners, that's not free market capitalism

btw you probably think you "deserve" a bigger paycheck while slacking off like 90% of the people I know
balkanites are the niggers of Europe

The "free market" is a myth. The natural concentration of wealth in a poorly-regulated market economy combines with the state's predisposition to responding to upper-class concerns means that every capitalist economy devolves into cronyism that actively favors big wigs over the "little man" (small business or wage worker).
Serbia is capitalist, and from your description, the most stereotypical example of capitalism-in-practice.

Every person deserves a good life.

I agree. Nobody but the psychopathic enjoy seeing their fellow man suffer.

>free market
>state preposition

Sorry what?

>the free market is a myth
All first world western countries are at large market oriented. Serbia and other half assed countries like it are different. Most of them have lower IQ populations and lazy people. The free market has been proven to work time and time again, especially in western democracies whee people are aware of it's benefits. Serbia is over regulated and over taxed because serbians have a nostalgic view of Yugoslavia, and thus are trying to still have lots of taxpayer funded social programs while also trying to westernize. That's where the fuck up is. You know nothing of the politics of this place, so kindly fuck off shlomo

are you retarded? do murderers and pedophiles deserve good lives? do warmongers deserve good lives? You deserve a good life if you're a good person. Unfortunately that also means pulling your own weight and not being a burden on others around you.

I bet you don't. Did you live through actual socialism? Is your entire country's outlook on the west, russia, and politics in general revolve around socialism? Do you have relatives that remember what it was like to have their country occupied by the soviet union? You don't know shit

>It gives all who participate equal opportunity
But it doesn't. "Opportunity" is directly translatable into "capital", it's literally where the word "capitalism" comes from.
Some people have more capital (hence, opportunity) than others.

>a market with (theoretically) infinite competition
Of course theoretically. Because in practice there is little competition, and what little there is is deeply slanted in favor of those who already own capital (see above).
The real world is not the Austrian School neoclassical models on which this entire ideology is based. In the real world, people aren't rational, they don't have the emotional energy or time to careful weigh in market options at every junction, they often don't have access to vital information when it comes to making consumer choices, they struggle to find jobs, they are at a profound disadvantage compared to their employer, etc. etc.

>It actively incentivizes competition and treating others fairly
If you treat others fairly, you are a bad capitalists and would only sink. The system encourages you to swindle and lie and steal and squeeze the life juice out of others.
More ethics almost always translates to less profit.

>It pits producers against each other to please the largest slice of the market
Note: Largest slice of the market, not the actual demos who need to live with the consequences of what "the market" picks.
So shit architecture gets built because some developer decided he likes to build a house that looks like a bloated toad. Shit food gets made because poor people can't afford healthier stuff, and, even if they could, have their mental bandwidth reduced by the experience of poverty, leaving them susceptible to easily-gratifying fast food.
Instead of ensuring everyone gets to enjoy high-end products, capitalisms ensures that the "loser" live shit lives while the rich literally don't know what to do with their vast amounts of wealth and waste thousands of dollars on "luxury ice cubes".

Attached: Glace-Luxury-cube.jpg (600x400, 124K)

> Did you live through actual socialism?
> Serbia is over regulated and over taxed because serbians have a nostalgic view of Yugoslavia,

if socialism was such a hellhole why do we have nostalgia towards it, choose one

1fuck you
2fuck you
3fuck you

>The "free market" is a myth
Learn to read.
Every "free market" system (if it can even be achieved in the first place) inevitable degenerates into very much non-free faux-market.

You do realize what the "gene" part of "genocide" signifies right?
You kikes are good with words so I'm sure you can figure it out...

>do murderers and pedophiles deserve good lives?

>do warmongers deserve good lives?

>You deserve a good life if you're a good person
No, everyone deserves a good life by virtue of being a feeling, living human being.
That, of course, means that the victims of those murderers and pedophiles and warmongers deserved better, but nothing can morally excuse needlessly punishing the bad people.
Things like incarceration should be aimed at rehabilitation and, if absolutely proven beyond any reasonable level of doubt to be impossible, to keep the rest of society safe.

we have a nostalgic view of the brotherhood, military capabilities and the spirit of Yugoslavia. On economics it barely survived. It was lucky that both the US and USSR were funding it to gain it's favor.

But let's assume that the living conditions were relatively good. That doesn't mean anything, since in the long term most of the countries ended up in ruins both financially and not to mention the war. In the long term it was unsustainable.

not sure if you're being serious or you're a jidf agent

>1. What is your political stance?
>2. Why is it your political stance?
I am convinced that society can only be happy and comfortable among their own people. "Us and them" feelings are much too common in multiethnic communities. I also want to see Denmark's rightful lands returned to her.
>3. What would it take for you to change your mind?
A larger external threat that requires the banding together of multiple ethnicities or a very well spoken/hard-lining civ-nat, as I am also prone to liking efficiency.

>They are worse than Canadians.
Let's not be so hyperbolic.

>Do you have relatives that remember what it was like to have their country occupied by the soviet union?
Actually I do. I'm half-ruskie.

Being "market oriented" doesn't mean living up to the libertarian fantasy ideal of a "free market". As I detailed in , the "free market" is a dumb fantasy that ignores "human nature" just as much as communist systems did.
Regulation and taxation have a role in society, they are not just there because the people are somehow infected by a brain bug that makes them think irrationally.

>Most of them have lower IQ populations
Ironically, the single best genuine intelligence test in the world is whether the questioned person believes IQ tests are a valid metric by which to judge others.

It would work if I have proof.

But no "gene" is being killed, idiot.
Having more brown people around won't make pasty white bois disappear off the face of the earth.

I am being serious. I am willing to admit my empathy gland is probably working overtime, but I don't think any of the conclusions it leads me to adopt are invalid.

>No white actually gets killed

Unironically ancap.

Capitalism is just the best system for giving everyone what they want. If it's too difficult to prevent states from forming in Ancapistan, I'd settle for minarchism.

I think you meant it's the best system for giving wealthy people what they want.

According to the jew who wrote the UN definition of genocide it is. Genocide is attempting to destroy a race and includes deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part or imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group which you guys don't even try to hide as your objectives.

>Genocide is attempting to destroy a race and includes deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part or imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
So no "white genocide" is taking place, then?

My political stance is that a monarchy is the ideal form of government but that isn't realistic. Realistically a Nationalist authoritarian government is ideal.

What if the monarch turns out to be an oppressive tyrant?

sure you are

and I'm not saying regulation is bad. I'm saying you need to stay as close to the free market as you can. I'm not a libertarian or ancap by any means. I'm saying on average, and in the long term capitalist democracies work best in the west.

And on human nature, I know it goes against it, but so do a lot of other thing that we still do, so that's not an argument.

Btw that shit about "hurr durr IQ is not real" is cringy and false. If you look at countries by IQ the best tend to have high average IQs and the shitholes tend to have very low IQs. And there's one exception to this rule, China. Which has been commuinst for a long time now, and only now are they starting to implement market oriented policy. And guess what they're starting to do very well.

you're probably at least upper middle class then. You should try and go work out on a field or in construction for a month. You're too soft on people

>sure you are
Of course I can't prove it on an anonymous anime imageboard. What do you want? Shtob ya govoril po ruski?
(my Russian is pretty bad either way)

> I'm not saying regulation is bad. I'm saying you need to stay as close to the free market as you can
You are contradicting yourself.

>I'm saying on average, and in the long term capitalist democracies work best in the west
On average, and in the long term, what actually "works best" are corporatist class-compromise social-democracies of the type that (used to be) in Germany or France or Sweden or Norway. Not the "free market"-obsessed liberalism of America or Britain.

>If you look at countries by IQ the best tend to have high average IQs and the shitholes tend to have very low IQs
The actual correlation is between IQ results and the quality (and, perhaps even more important, availability) of educational systems. Which, surprise surprise, communist countries tend to invest heavily in.

But let's assume that the living conditions were relatively good. That doesn't mean anything, since in the long term most of the countries ended up in ruins both financially and not to mention the war. In the long term it was unsustainable.

History will tell if current system we live in is sustainable, I would say it is slowly crumbling just yesterday Croatias retirement fund officially went bankrupt, in same time debt is rising and population is declining.
Balkan and east european countrys are living this wet dream on how we could be rich as western countrys if only we weren't so lazy but you completely ignoring that western countries are rich and prosperous because of historical reasons not just because they are hardworking. In India people work 10 hours a day for shit, they are obviously more hardworking then most of western world - but they are still shit third world country I wonder why

>You are contradicting yourself.
how is this a contradiction? use as little regulation as possible, it's not that complicated

>On average, and in the long term, what actually "works best" are corporatist class-compromise social-democracies of the type that (used to be) in Germany or France or Sweden or Norway. Not the "free market"-obsessed liberalism of America or Britain.
guess we just have different personal preferences on this one

>The actual correlation is between IQ results and the quality (and, perhaps even more important, availability) of educational systems. Which, surprise surprise, communist countries tend to invest heavily in.
Tell me about how well that worked out for Venezuela