This white roastie would rather live in her car homeless and hungry than settle down with a incel

>This white roastie would rather live in her car homeless and hungry than settle down with a incel
Really fires up the neurons, doesn't it?

Attached: white roastie.png (1920x1080, 2.95M)

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And then women wonder why men have absolutely no respect for them today

No big loss. Look at how greasy she is. She's definitely not too big on taking showers. Pussy probably stinks so bad that it would scare rats off a garbage truck.

That fucking hair tho

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She is painfully beautiful

Look at that greasy ass hair. This nasty bitch probably smells terrible and has hairy legs and underarms.

>She is painfully beautiful
What does it for ya? Is it the droopy eye. The 420 blaze it way she talks, almost fucking ruhtarded like?? Or that cringe hair you can almost smell thru your computer screen???
Fucking leafs mang.

Not cool, she has cystic fibrosis, she is sick a lot, the natural life-expectancy for a girl with cystic fibrosis is about age 37

it doesn't make sense for a girl in her 20s to go get married, get a career and house if she is only going to make it to age 37

>I use public bathrooms
>I dont cook
>I sell art (drugs)

What the FUCK is wrong with women

I didn't know, I didn't actually watch the video.

she only lives in her car the 1 or 2 days a month shes not getting fucked by some coke dealer

Nah, she'll hook up with a beta male to support her and fuck Chad on the side.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic, progressive, and frequently fatal genetic (inherited) disease of the body's mucus glands. CF primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems in children and young adults. ... On the average, individuals with CF have a lifespan of approximately 30 years.

Yeah she should just give up and die you retard.

Sure it does. She could fuck me for a decade while I pay for everything, like life insurance, food, etc

>Fuck her for 10 years and then get the life insurance payout.

fuck off white knight

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>life insurance payout
>pre-existing terminal affliction

Then she should stop wasting everyones fucking time and resources and just an hero. Faggots with their faggot excuses, I've seen paraplegics more useful then that fucking worthless dyke

Some women with Cystic Fibrosis may have trouble getting pregnant, but many can get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. ... If you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, ask your provider or genetic counselor about this. Women with CF may have a higher risk of getting gestational diabetes.

im just a traveler :) i like traveling and doing new things :)

Post tits or gtfo

I don't like leg or arm hairy but I love excessively hairy pussy.... Is there something wrong with me?

And nothing of value was lost. I don't care at this point if i don't find someone. Would still be nice to have someone that I can trust, that all I want in a partner. However, going full Saul Alinsky (Getting corrupt to save America) and getting rich isn't a bad life either. I just wish that it wasn't such a lonely path.

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>Lives in car.
>Has to go to mechanic when it breaks.


She look like a whore don't care about it
Go find good girl who can take care about your poo when you got Alzheimer

>who can care of your poo.
what did he mean by this?

she's a coal burner for sure

And she's Tatted up! What a catch

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and the suspicions arise

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>ayy dude weed lmao
Nah, she can stay in the bus

she didn't sounds homeless or hungry
she just wouldn't have you

>I sell art
So, naked pictures of herself on patreon or some shit? This girl reeks of the pseudo-hippy lifestyle, I can't look at her and NOT picture her fucking random guys for drugs/a place to crash, being irresponsible with her money, living a fantasy life because she has many different options to fall back on. She said a couple of things that seem sound enough, but they were nothing more than things you'd pick up from basic common sense.


you are the 40% who will never get ANY woman


I just wonder.

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I wouldn't touch her with user's dick..


I'd rather be an incel than fuck this mentally ill bitch

She would have me, if she met me, but I don't leave my house and I can't drive it anywhere. I'd pound the mucous out if her lungs and braid her hair while we netflix and chill.

She does kinda talk like shes retarded...

>cystic fibrosis
it makes no sense having children if your genes are fucked up

Does her 56% face get your leaf fluttering?

I dont wish her bad, this is america, you're free. But this won't end well.

Nothing of value was lost.

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She's living a carefree lifestyle hanging out with friends, partying on the beach, drinking, going out. She just keeps her shit in her car.

I think they know why, they just don't care or think about it at all.

She probably just couch surfs with friends mostly and showers at their houses and goes to the beach a lot. She's not like some dude living alone in his car, she has a strong social life and support from her friends, family and beta orbiters.

wow, you are a faggot. please kys.

She's like a 6.8 at best.

I think she has some lung disease which is why she speaks like least she claims.

She probably sex not drugs. And I'm sure she really does make art and probably gets money for it from beta orbiters too.

Welp...her sisters are niggers. Enjoy drowning in your lungs in a van down by the river you defective whore.

this thread is full of the dregs in society

the only thing she's doing is traveling across the country like men did in the 50s. big deal!

none of you betas have the guts men had in the 50s
you're all a bunch of untalented hacks in your parent's basement eating tendies playing video games.
no adventures, no skills, no talent. you're going to end up welfare niggers, like the shooter Ramos

even your imagination sucks!

Why are you so mad? Do you have the fibrosis?

you even sound stupid
are you black or hispanic?

>where do you want to have a family
>if by family you mean family of DOGS

how does a human being go this wrong

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I like your hair without the dreads. Looks good. Wanna Netflix and chill till you die? I'm down.

t. roastie

Betas would be on suicide watch if they had any sense of shame lol

I met this chick in a State Park in California last year. Cool as fuck. I was living in my truck at the time, we kicked it, smoked a doob, then I took off. She knows she's going to die, just wants to live her way.


Her hair smells like piss.

i'd rather live on my own in my car and just travel around, than settle for some retarded female equivalent of an ugly incel too. nothing wrong with this.

She combed out the dreads. This is old news!

Imagine telling every stranger you meet about that.

She's still solid 6 with potential to be 8 with no effort.
clean skin, blond hair, nice face, what else would you want apart not being covered with mold?

>She combed out the dreads. This is old news!
Who the fuck cares enough to look for more recent information on this skank?
ffs get a damn life. I mean I wouldn't toss this nasty bitch a used rubber let alone money or attention which she obviously craves.

She is sucking 8 different cocks every week. Why would she settle down?

She could have had a kid or two and raise them till adulthood, if she wanted too. I'm sure it would give her more satisfaction than being a gypsy.Of course if inheritability of that disease is not high.

You will find someone. There is a lot of dumb bitches, but there is still good and sane people out there. Don't let those disgusting exemple consume you user

Namaste, Pajeet.

I'm literally going to stalk her until she realizes I can make her time here happy and her death painless. She will love me eventually.

no one is weirdly attracted to her? I bet if you cut those dreads out gave her a bath and showed her the love her father obviously never gave her shed be alright.

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you seem to know a lot about her, are you one of her "beta orbiter" too ? Or do you consider yourself an alpha orbiter while doing the same thing as beta orbiters ?


She combed the dreads out and got a new van.

No, he won't. Unless you're putting effort into it, you won't find anyone. Trust me on that.

she is the definition of vapid. the guy she doesn't end up with wins.

btfo so hard her eyebrows fell off.
must be canadian

That tat may as well say
>I've fucked hundreds of niggers
wow I wouldn't even let her in my house let alone my bed

Check out her TWIN sisters.


It's called an RV. Why doesn't she just get one? That poor roastie fuck.


This girl is fucked. She is aging by the minute.

>shed be alright

She will literally never be "alright". She's on drugs and will always fuck around on you with the first black dude she sees.

>the eternal zeeb

>Why doesn't she just spend $80,000 on a fucking vehicle
Fucking boomer logic, buy a house

>literally eye color of a nig nog

This country is disgusting to me.

thank god now all she needs is a good talking to and some lessons on not talking like an idiot.

>Or that cringe hair you can almost smell thru your computer screen???
I've encountered this and similar hair styles more times than I can count. I've never run into one of them having smelly hair.
Might have the tism, lad


>She's not like some dude living alone in his car, she has a strong social life and support from her friends, family and beta orbiters.
This. She lives a great life, even fat chicks can find a place to stay on tinder within an hour of getting to a new city


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Im looking for a way out but everywhere sucks.

You can just rent one and it's like one hundred per month. Though it is probably low end RV's, better than living in a crowded $25k vehicle with no living space whatsoever, don't you think?

You're both leeches that deserve to be in camps

>retarded female equivalent of an ugly incel
A single mother

Helium is cheap and takes you to heaven

>You can just rent one and it's like one hundred per month
Try hundreds per day

>just gonna chill here in this multi-million dollar stable while I pretend to be homeless

She's riding a carousel of cocks, that's why.

Come on, if you're truly "involuntarily" celibate, then it stands to reason no one would want you. A lifetime of whoring around would be better than spending time with someone who is fundamentally broken and/or immature mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

If you consider yourself an incel, think about why. Long and hard. And dont just come up with excuses that put the problem on other people, like women are whores or I'm too ugly (ie I'll never live up to others' arbitrary standards). You have to be honest with yourself. Are you selfish? Are you ignorant? Do you lack ambition? Do you lack competence in any marketable or useful skills? Are you emotionally stunted? If so, work on these issues, drop you unfounded and defensive ego, and you will find someone.

Compete or die alone.

Those are temporary RV's, not actual purchases.

Otherwise, this site would be fake:

ugh you're depressing.