Dems have RBG on high intensity excerise program

Should 86 year olds be doing this kind of shit?

Attached: rbg.jpg (1376x818, 190K)

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Yes. If you are doing that at that age you are doing yourself a huge service.

>tfw Trump takes RBG on a visit to the gym

i hope her heart explodes due to this unironically

She better watch out, democrats have a rough time at the gym according to Harry Reid

oh no no no no no

>Start working out
>At 86 years old
You are already 40 years too late, her heart is going to explode like a grapefruit being shot with a 20mm

Might as well pull a Scalia on her then



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this tbqh

Whoa rbg lifting more than obungo right there


i dont know why you just assume that shes on an exercise program appropriate for someone who is younger than her

Jow Forums here

Whenever I see those small dumbells it fucking enrages me. How can anyone, even an 86 year old woman get any kind of a workout from those? You might aswell just put your hands in the air repeatedly. Fucking hell

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She was a fool not to retire under Obama if she wanted to be replaced with another liberal. Instead her hubris kept her there to retire under the first woman POTUS but instead she got Trump. I would have loved to have seen her face on election night when she realized that she's probably not going to live to see a woman POTUS.

The point is to get her blood pumping, not to build muscle. You greatly underestimate the elderly.

why do retards from Jow Forums always start their posts with "Jow Forums here"? Posting on a Jow Forums board doesn't make you an expert in anything.

She should be. Lets get her on a workout for a 20 year old.
She needs to get her heart pumping harder.
Nothing bad could happen

I guess her sole reason for existing now is to outlast a trump presidency

Any type of resistance is cardiovascular. Swing a 4lb nail gun all day

Jow Forums here


thats what i think about your post NERD

You just changed your position:
1.Mocking her for not being on something harder.
2.Then turning to sarcasm and stating that she should be on something harder - the sarcasm making it the opposite of what you meant.

here have one of these to sate your thirst bro.

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Well, that's another 6 years, and then another 4 at least of a Nikki Haley presidency.

I want her to work harder so her heart explodes you utter fucking moron.
Are you an actual boomer who can't catch subtext? Jesus fucking Christ.

She's already had cancer twice and is almost 90. She's not going to make it another 6 years.

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Not if you keep switching your intent.

Shouldn't you be posting in a Q thread or the latest /ptg/, boomer scum?

Shouldn't you stop being obnoxious?

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That baby blood she drinks can work wonders.

>leftists can only get shit done by stacking the scotus
>shot pants when they can no longer do that because they think it’s normal to cheat

As long as the transfusions of baby blood and foreskin jerky keep coming she will be fine.


>gives you this look
>lose the pants user

what do

Attached: rbg.jpg (625x461, 28K)

Right after you stop saving thumbnails. How's the timeshare pops? I bet you got a good deal on those Mexicans that take care of it

How the fuck could someone be that old and still be a feminist?
I guess she's just out of touch with the situation feminism has spawned.

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It will just leak, like warn out leather.

Larry King lookin bitch

I don't like role playing on Jow Forums.

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RGB says, fuck me in the ass and I will retire. What would you do?

Not role playing boomer.

Comply desu. Politics be damned, I think it'd be goddamn hilarious to be RBG's last fling

I wonder what her pussy tastes like...

Yes you are.

Whip out my Patriot boner and get to work.

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We should start a campaign about how cruel and heartless it is to have an 86 year old woman doing the strenuous work of a Supreme Court Justice. We shouldn't be putting her health on the line just because we're scared of another conservative justice. It's cruel to put our liberal ideology over her well-being.

I would take one for the team and fuck her in the ass :(

>Jow Forums calling people nerds

Oh lord

I'm insulting you, you massively retarded faggot. Holy shit, how did you even find Jow Forums from facebook

Democrats will bus the senile, insane, retarded, etc. to polls and tell them how to vote. Doubtful she was aware of much.

This always makes me laugh

Yes, on the basis of fantasy. Come back to me with a real argument.

Look at that fucking melon

She might join the 'right eye club'.

Attached: Right-Eye.jpg (540x540, 23K)

i'm voting republican and i support trump, but i don't support dishonor. what they did to prevent the dems from getting their choice was cowardly, and then reversing it so the dems couldn't do it back just put the nail in the coffin. i will never support someone like McConnell who is a. the most hideous creature I've ever seen in my life bar none. clearly very base genetics. and b. a hypocrite.

You are fucking autistic dude.
He obviously meant he wants her to work out really hard so she has a heart attack.
This is what he meant from the beginning. He didn't "switch his intent".

that's the left eye, retard.

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t. share blue

S O I detected

how do you not see that as dishonorable. are you even a white male? white males don't fight with dishonor.

No one asked you? You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

dude i don't even care i'm well off there is no supreme court decision that is going to impact me even slightly. i just think it was hypocritical. do you disagree, or do you just think it was worth it?

brb changing vote because senile old woman is being used for propaganda purposes

This would be such a great early 2000's era comedy -
"Ruth Ginsberg is a judge - but not just any judge! She's the last liberal judge on the Supreme Court! And at EIGHTY FIVE, this chicken still has some spring to her! But when Mr Trump, Ted Cruz and an exponentially increasing chance of stroke comes knockin', Ruthie better make sure she ain't dyin, or libs will start cryin'! Laugh, cry and go on a journey in this family fim released just before mid-terms - Rated PG-13".

I agree. McConnell is a snake.

They pump her full of aborted fetus blood every morning and kill a virgin at the footsteps of the Supreme Court just to keep her alive long enough for her to not die until a democrat is in charge.

Attached: pepe.jpg (225x225, 6K)


Digits of truth.


Stupid old kike


Some random twitter shitter said she runs 15 miles a day

i thought i read she's been doing this for years. ever since she got diagnosed with cancer.

if cancer isn't going to kill this old bat, i doubt a little exercise will.

I was thinking more of a late 80s comedy.

Attached: Weekend at Bernie's.jpg (799x1066, 227K)

pic related
>>its (((you))) kike

Attached: (((tht they are))).gif (480x360, 1.84M)

Don't care in the least. Reid was just as much a shithead when it suited him. Also the Supreme Court was guaranteed to remain partisan with the past several inclusions, each candidate a reaction to the last.

Judicial activism has been allowed to happen for far too long. Thurgood Marshall was even quoting as saying "do what you think is best and wait for the law to catch up". Exact opposite of the job description.

Too many digits to not be officially happening

unless you're trying to enter a strongman competition or just want to move heavy shit, there's nothing wrong with light weight / high reps. it's much better than lifting heavy, especially for women. There was a huge push for this in the 80's and 90's when research came out suggesting low weight / high reps would produce greater muscle gains than lifting heavy, especially doing isolated muscles. nothing beats lifting heavy for strength and building neuropathways for strength, but there is some evidence that it isn't necessary. You try to push those 2lb dumbells over your head 100 times, you'll be struggling.

Which is important because when a right handed person punches someone in the face they get a black left eye.

>take one for the team
Implying, you sexual deviant

>Should 86 year olds be doing this kind of shit?

..yes, you retard. Just the fact that you have the power and energy to train at all is good. One of the major predictors of death for old people is losing basic strength and flexibility.

All older men should be on testosterone replacement as a matter of preventive medicine. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than an extra 10-20 years of elder care.

Horse semen

Rebecca Black looks just like Jazz Jennings

Dr. Jow Forumsness P. Gains here. Tell me your symptoms

Does the P stand for protein?

With how badly everything else they've tried has blown up in their faces, is there any other possible outcome?

You're such a fucking tard holy shit

If you can't think of a single reason why someone would preface a post with that then you're a fucking retard.


If she is only starting it now, it's probably gonna have negative effects. Her body isn't used to it.

Well, the oldest SCOTUS judge was Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who served from 1902 to 1932, retired at age 90. That gives RBD another 4 years to break his record.

She's an old Jewish woman and they're usually pretty healthy and live a long time.


>Thinks cancer doesn't come back
>Especially with a body stressed from excessive exercise.

My grandmother will be 101 in July. Her views on gender are best represented by her loving the NFL but complaining bitterly every time they go to the woman on the field who interviews the coaches and players, "a woman has no business on that field!" So it is a great thing that my grandma will be gone before they elect a female president.

The time for fighting fair is over. Either we accelerate into some kind of civil war or we get a right wing dominated government that can do what's necessary.