Black Man in TEARS Over TRUMP

Dems on suicide watch #WalkAway

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Other urls found in this thread:,-contract-work-449057?ampMode=1

I thought I was going to get salty tears but was happily mistaken

>Tears of Joy
nice try kike

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love Henry, he's great

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Your welcome.

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I wonder how many liberals are going to play that and have their brains explode

They may not be salty but they’re watermelon and chicken flavored though with a hint of weed.


Fuck man that's beautiful

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Delete this!!!

It's funny, because Trump hasn't done jack shit for black people. The unemployment figures that he's touted in the past are deliberately fudged from the Obama-era to exclude those that are not working and not seeking employment. Therefore if most of the black community is out selling drugs and living off of government assistance they wouldn't be counted in the statistics as unemployed, even though none of them have jobs. If everyone in America quit their jobs tomorrow and stopped looking for work, the unemployment rate would be 0%.

Hannity, Tucker, Levin, and Laura Ingraham will all have him make the rounds and he will rake in the donations like Chocolate and Silk

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Prove it

I don't need to prove it. It's a well established fact that can be understood by doing a simple google search. The only thing that matters is the labor force participation rate, and for blacks it's been on a steady decline since the early 2000s.

thank you BASED black man

>I read this on my left comm-I mean I read this because I were interested in this specific topic and I forgot my sources, oops

Damn I'm in tears right. Bless trump.

>It's funny, because Trump hasn't done jack shit for black people.
There are job openings on farms. Ya niggers better get to it before the whiteman takes the job, or are you afraid of working on the farm again?

What if he was truly among us?

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>muh president *weep, wail*
>aaah lurve heem sooo much *sob*

Why are yanks such hysterical emotional fuckwits?

burn the constitution

That's how we beat you, because we care

Blue Wave


Is there no standard anymore
What it takes, who I am, where I've been belong
You can't be something you're not
Be yourself, by yourself
Stay away from me
A lesson learned in life
Known from the dawn of time


He is right, I know I can be racist sometimes. When I saw that black lady speaking yesterday it brought me so much happiness. Thank you trump.

How is the queen?

Disability claims are plunging under Trump

And unlike Obama: " A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.",-contract-work-449057?ampMode=1

Get the fuck out of here with your weak shit, brainlet.

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Thank you for a paragraph clearly stating that you dont know anything at all.
Im surprised it had a single period, did you go back and edit them in?

...again. Still not tired of winning! Not till after midterms.

>300000000 million people are exactly the same
Hi leftypol cunt. Piss off

"It was the most memorable time of my life. It was a touching moment because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's gonna help me."

Saw Pantera in 96 and was the best show Ive ever been to. Superjoint came through my town a few months ago and my jobless degenerate friend met Phil because I have a job.
Missed opportunity for me.

10/10 bant, made me chuckle

No, remember how perot gave billy bob the upset?
How different would it have been with another term for the shrubs dad and bypassing klinton altogether?

After two scoops, we nesd another two scoops. SIXTEEN YEARS of leftypol btfo!

Does anyone have a link to the video of said black woman thanking trump? I'd really like to share with friends and family.

Mate im rw af, but i dont get out pictures of hitler and burst into tears, snot dribbling down my face like a fucking 2yr old.

Was it a Turning Point for him?

We're normal people instead of lifeless asshole, rude, husks of people like Brits

>all these cucks want policies that help niggers

will you cry when a paki is assfucking you?

All this #Walkaway things in a diamond in the rough today. I honestly think we have a chance.

Is your dad visting us then?

Based negro

Rundown on tearfest

>If everyone in America quit their jobs tomorrow and stopped looking for work, the unemployment rate would be 0%.

OMGoodness, you are so smart!

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someone fill me in on this #walkaway thing. whats going on?

retweeted make this guy famous, get him an invitation to the white house

Movement for people on the fence to walk away from the now batshit left

Happy or sad tears why do people film themselves doing this shit? I feel like I’m one of the only sane people left

Why are Brits such nutless pussies?


Glad he's happy, however pic related still applies.

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where can I buy this vape flavor?

>unrelated rant ahead
Damn you twitter diversity handicap hires! You fuckers make the scripts needlessly complicated and redundant just to justify your paychecks! I'm sick and fucking tired of having the scripts down pat on what needs to be allowed and then suddenly it's like the shit gets scrambled around for no reason! FUCK

cry muthafaga cry

If you feel sane in this world I have some bad news for you.

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>I don't need to prove it
Spoken like a true liberal. Thank you for confirming you're talking out your ass

>File: shartblue.jpg (239 KB, 889x1039)
Maybe this guy can swing an invite also:

>catch me outside how bout that

Spread the word:

We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again

Contrast this to Merkel snatching the German flag from her colleagues hand

Vid related

If he was then he wouldn't be using a meme flag, that's for sure.

Ignore him user. I've stayed up till 3am to watch trump before and happily cried my eyes out

>man cries when thinking about all of the opportunities that he's been afforded and is thankful that he's living in a country where he feels the current leadership of said country and the individuals living in it
>"What the fuck, I don't get it! I don't cry when I think about this leader of some other country that tried to invade my country in order to consolidate power in the region after a massive imperialistic land grab before the resulting war ravaged both the nearby continent and his entire nation and he killed himself so he wouldn't have to face any consequences!"
I get what you're saying, the dude is definitley being a bit over emotional about this to a silly degree. However your comparison here is really really fucking dumb.

Do you not have any leader in your country that you feel is actually trying to make positive change that you could use as a comparison instead? Is Hitler really your go to here?

yeah nigga

>Do you not have any leader in your country that you feel is actually trying to make positive change

Honestly, no. Even civics like jayda fransen end up in prison. We are effectively locked into a two party system, both of whom seem intent on outdoing each other to be the biggest cucks.

LMAO BASED BLACK MAN!!!!!1!!!1!!!1

Black fragility, sad!

>Contrast this to Merkel snatching the German flag from her colleagues hand

Are the German governments just indoctrinating white guilt? I can understand why they feel guilty about the second world war. But it's no good flooding yourself with a load of Muslim Migrants, just to try make up for the Nazi past. They have switched from far right to far left.

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Have you considered expatriating then?

>.t unemployed teenage faggot

Got elderly family mate. Cant really do it atm, plus much as id love some guns and freedom, i love britain - cant turn my back on it....

what the FUCK is WRONG with people today?
IS EVERYONE ON THEIR FUCKING PERIOD? why does evejn a fucking NIGGER act like a BITCH ON THE RAG?????

I can't take this shit anymore. Seriously, I feel like I'm going to pop a fuse. The whole fuking world has gone completely bonkers.

I blame the narcissism and virtue signaling a result from social media. Social media was a mistake and killed not only the internet, but general fucking mental sanity.

I want to get off this godforsaken planet.

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Then the obvious awnser should be that you should go try to be a political activist yourself. If you don't intend to leave and you really claim to love your country while hating your leadership don't then you think you owe it to yourself and your country to at least try to change that?

Think about it. This sort of stuff isn't as hard as it sounds. Even if you're right wing all of you have to do is to start trying to push moderate and sensible policies that everyone can get behind and start a conversation about implementing more right wing and conservative stuff while you're working on the stuff that can get fixed right now.

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Soon you won't be allowed on Jow Forums, you can take the bluepill then

OI! Ya got a testicle loisance!?

Feels good man

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I'm in tears too now man
Trump MAGA and hopefully MEGA once he is Emperor of mankind

A black man who actually wants to work. Incredible.

Because unlike you limeys they actually have reasons to smile.




nah m8, more like thoroughly disgusted

You have to catch a niggers tears in a bottle. Best if fresh

Honestly, right now truely is a time to be optimistic for your people. Youll live to see them "leave the plantation" in droves

Mufuggin Bix nood , man see I tell u crackas, we can unitel our people's to topple (((them)))

I'm sure he will troll another libtard, epic style, soon enough!

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