You realize "pride" movements would go away if you stopped telling faggots to be ashamed of where they put their dicks, right?
You make your own hell.
You realize "pride" movements would go away if you stopped telling faggots to be ashamed of where they put their dicks, right?
You make your own hell.
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consult the sacred texts:
You do realize faggots have been shamed for millennia, yet faggot parades are relatively new, right?
Im so fucking glad AIDS exists. Get the fuck oit of my country.
Nobody used to give a fuck what people did in the bedroom because it stayed in the bedroom.
But faggots fisting each other on the street to show their "pride"? That shit is gross and sane people don't want to see it.
Faggot here
This is not even remotely true, pride parades are about
1. Perverts who want to show off, especially trannies
2. Leftists who want to poke conservatives in the eye by forcing them to say 672 different pronouns
3. Shit companies like Starbucks and Wells Fargo trying to get progressive points
Actual faggots are not being oppressed in any way, we have our rights, the fight's over. Pride has nothing to do with actual homosexual people. It's delusional trannies, leftards and gigantic corporate tools.
they go away after we gas em
This is exactly correct
As a faggot I have to admit it would have been a very good idea to put every AIDS-ridden fag in a concentration camp around 1985.
>Nobody used to give a fuck what people did in the bedroom because it stayed in the bedroom.
Are you going to pretend that buttfucking isn't still a criminal offence in like a dozen states?
Why don't we try killing them instead, as an experiment?
You do realize that the majority of the populace isn't telling faggots to be ashamed of where they put their dicks, right?
You make shitty arguments.
>You make your own hell.
Most people don't give a flying fuck about gays.
Some random old Texan goes off about it and gays across the globe start whipping their dicks out.
Most gays are flamboyant egotists looking for any excuse to tout their uniqueness. And that's why we have their issues rammed down our throats all the time.
It won't. But that's because it's become more of a tradition for the legbutt community.
Wrong, actually. Sodomy is an offense, but that also covers women sucking dick. Nobody GAF about archaic laws that are never applied.
I really wish you fags would shut up, but maybe you'll have some real oppression if you don't.
It isn't. Sodomy laws were invalidated nationwide by the (((Supreme Court))) in 2003.
>Police are busting down doors with search warrants to search for people butt fucking
Find me a case where someone was charged for consensual sodomy. You won't.
Not many people criticize them on their dick sticking choices and yet they still don’t shut up about it
No they wouldn't. They'd just ramp up the sexual perversion until people got pissed off again and then they'd cry victimhood like they always do.
Exactly. Stop focusing on controlling other people and focus on raising your own healthy family:
Based faggot
I don't go around talking about where I put my dick
For the last thirty years, faggots have been told nothing but to be proud of being a faggot, to embrace their gayness, that they're just like everyone else, etc.
And yet, the problem has only been exacerbated in that time. Your assertion is wrong.
Fucking fag...
I agree with you.
This is exactly correct. They are all attention whores at their core
White people are far more maligned in society today than fags are, yet I don’t see white pride parades. Face it, you’re just hypersexual degenerates who want to rub your perversion in normal people’s faces.
are you going to pretend that that is even remotely enforced anywhere in the country you nigger leaf?
>Dumb Leaf Laws
>"comic books which depict illegal acts are banned"
>"Residents are not allowed to have an Internet connection faster than 56k."
>"It is illegal to show public affection on Sunday."
>"It is considered an offense to have more than two materials on the outside of one’s house."
>"In Toronto it is illegal to swear in a public park."
fuck off you illiterate twat
Faggots and other degenerates should be killed with rocks.
here here
This annoys me a lot more than it annoys you. The trannies and leftists are probably going to fuck it up for everyone. They're courting a backlash.
Gay pride movement existed before Jow Forums even existed moron.
Theyd also go away if we gassed all the fags though