Take a good look at this parasite. Young and stupid. Zero experience...

Take a good look at this parasite. Young and stupid. Zero experience. Unironically believes in the worst economic system ever attempted which starved tens of millions (socialism). Wants to destroy national security by getting rid of borders. Completely brainwashed beyond repair. A termite gnawing away at the foundation of the West.

This is a symptom of a growing problem. Take back your country before it's too late.

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Other urls found in this thread:


OP is an establishment Jew.

She's better than all the democrat leadership combined. You kikes rigged the election against Bernie, alienated his supporters and then expected them to vote establishment again. You people are BRAINDEAD.

Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.

explain to us why a spic socialist commie is /ourgirl/ again? are kikes scared of her for something? is she really anti israel? are they trying the "anti israel" card as the new "you can keep your healthcare" or "nobodies taking my shotgun, im good with the over-under"

do you think the left will just keep doubling down all the way to civil war? will they start running openly antifa candidates who have criminal records with felony assaults?

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she's probably smarter and more accomplished than you, loser. Also a total qt.



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Literally the result of not prosecuting traitors.
Both parties are treasonous rats.

>hyphenated last name

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This woman's idiocy will destroy her rise, just give it time. She is an ally to the cause, she just doesn't realize it and neither do her supporters.

Anyone have the feet pics?

>typical amerimutt is completely uniformed on how the far-left views Israel
Good job, you fucking braindead cunt, on not knowing that the far-left, the Socialists and Communists, are typically anti-Israel because of it being an "apartheid state" of sorts. They don't dislike Jews, they don't "agree with Nazis on certain points", they're just anti-Racist 100% and don't like the occupation of Palestinian land that was proped up by major capitalist nations.
I fucking hate how stupid you fucking Americans typically are.

Its not even that complicated. Trolling in current year of our lord is as simple as:

>this kike isn't a kike
>this non-kike is a kike
>this lie is factual
>this fact is a lie

Just ignore them.

damn man why so salty tho?

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Im counting on it

explain to me how someone who unironically believes in the worst economic system ever attempted despite all the evidence could be considered "smart" in any way
>she's also an ugly goblin whose only claim to fame before bribing retard voters with socialism was serving tables at restaurants

we have Trump we dont need snowflake communist to save us


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Yeah? Hows Venezuela going there, Cocheese?

Thats your end all be all right? How bout dat U.S.S.R?

I fucking hate how blind leftists shills are to the be all end all of their propaganda spouting over lords... Let me know how you feel when some animals are better than others.

>the hoarding of wealth is the cause of poverty
braindead statement that implies you cannot create new wealth (you can), but I wouldn't expect anything more from you since you're sitting on your useless ass waiting for handouts

This. I know the millennial left. Trust me, we want these guys to run the democratic party, it will be a fucking bloodbath

>communism will work this time!

the absolute state of the left

Let's be realistic. It's an almost certainty that she will get elected, given it's NYC and the demographics of her district (majority non-white). What then?

She will be one of 435 members in the House with no seniority. If she wants to get anywhere she'll have to recant the Jew-hate (i.e. telling the truth about Jews). My guess she's going to become co-opted and corrupt just like every other minority politician.

Still, knocking off the #4 House Demo is something positive and, if the Dems are smart which they're not, it might occur to them that they're losing control of the identity politics thing.

Turn her into a National Socialist

Lol what the matter kike shill? You’re golems turning against u now? I for one support this BASED spic.

I could not say it better myself.

This "proud latina" screeches in support of socialist regimes while Venezuelan and Nicaraguan women are dying in street protests against their government. Absolutely disgusting.

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>worst economic system ever attempted
that would be capitalism, the wasteland created by which you currently live in

Looks like an opportunity for a Republican to win in a heavily dominated Democrat district.


let the left eat itself

Not brainwashed. She's a racist.

has the SJW / cultural marxist propaganda worked too well and the millennial retards are much further left than the establishment left wing politicians? is this the beginning of the rapid collapse of the political center?

No clue how white people, especially men, can vote Democratic now when the campaign was explicitly run on skin color.

what’s the matter kike shill? Your golems turning against u now? LOL.

Doesn’t take much brainwashing to be against greedy evil jewish landlords. Just facts.

Serious question: why don't we arrest and bar communists from office anymore? What the FUCK was the cold war all about??

the future is RED


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>Take back your country before it's too late
It's already too late.

What the hell is that kind of head shape?

WTF she is an alien

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>he says as communist governments have only been collapsing for the past half century

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not real communism tho

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Listen to her talk though. She destroys the anchors and they all seem to have realized their days are numbered.

We really don't have a political center in this country and haven't since Ronald Reagan. All the blue-collar Dems have retired, been ousted, or died off. Southern Dems switched parties. The Dems have swapped allegiances from working Americans to left-wing billionaires and take their marching orders from them.

For example, Tim Gill, founder of Quark, pledged half a billion dollars to promote fag marriage. Michael Bloomberg with his anti-gun agenda. The Dems need money and they are the only ones giving it to them.

Jow Forums could EASILY redpill this woman into National Socialism


thank you for being the biggest PR gift to the political right in decades - and we don't even pay you for it, you volunteer unknowingly!! keep up the good work retard

classic kek

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>not real communism tho

Ok well let me know when "real communism" happens and then you can tell me how it wasn't real communism after the mass starvation, purges and collapse.

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Don’t worry, she’s part of the plan to collapse the political left and re-enter a new age of McCarthyism that’ll BTFO retarded commies for another 100 years.

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A fucking leaf. Please tell us more how socialists are definitely based.

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when something seems to good to be true, is it? or should i just accept how retarded these people are and be grateful

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She’s gunna win fuck you faggit

Fucking lol...but like for real that’s not natural

>big ai space brain powering robot liberal being covered by wig
40% chance that this is actually our reality

She'll fail without our help.

It's called hair.

Anything to drive away whites from the left faster
I recommend Pat Buchanan's newest article

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Every generation is inexperienced when it first comes onto the scene but millennials are both inexperienced and believe deep in our hearts that the world has screwed us and that nothing is our fault, which keeps us from learning. We are completely focused on image and not substance and have no idea how to manage real responsabilities. The idea of this woman running a taco stand is a joke let alone a political movement. The millennial left has always guzzled down all of the boomer lefts propaganda and are completely clueless as to what even the boomer right believes, let alone anything farther right than that, hence they are always caught off guard by even the most basic shit and frankly would probably lose to even cuckservative republicans, but itd actually be better if they somehow got into the whitehouse because they would set the country on fire in a blaze of such monumental stupidity that even Trump would appear mature by contrast

who gives a shit. does it look like were running for office? does it look like we care about optics? does it look like we hire a PR manager?


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I'd still fuck her

This is the new face of the Democratic party

Literally a roastie bartender who has seen hundreds of dicks, telling everyone she'll give them free shit

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thank you thank you for being so profoundly retarded, you are a gift from heaven
if you keep pushing we might actually see real RWDS in the streets in our lifetimes

I wanna see those titties. Please God let there be pics.

Being pro BDS doesn’t matter when you are literally in favor of open borders.

I'm glad she won the primary. If we're going to have a traitorous leftist in power then at least he/she should be anti-Israel.

We need to see this spic's feet.

Actually it looks like you have a pathetically cursory understanding of every issue, probably due to you being raised in the greatest media bubble of all time, it also looks like politics is just another fashion accessory for you to try and pick up dumb lefty chicks with and I wouldnt be surprised if you thought Gramsci was a type of pasta sauce. Btw capital is still winning

nobody is remotely afraid of antifa, they are cowards and faggots with small numbers, no weapons and no training, college losers running around with panties covering their faces - but they are excellent tools to turn voters away from the left and implement harsher anti-leftist policies

you're the ultimate useful idiots and you're too stupid to realize it

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??? white death squads? is that what RWDS stands for?

fuckem. we'll punch them too

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Antifa are truly idiots

you're proving my point - a man who literally eats shit on camera, a braindead degenerate antifatard, going for a running start sucker punch and he can't even knock someone over

you have no numbers, no weapons, no training, nothing - you're a complete joke
a tiny fraction of the armed civilian population in the US could wipe you out overnight without any help from the govt or army, although they could join in too though it's not necessary

you are nothing but an unwitting PR tool for the right, keep having your public temper tantrums and knocking over garbage cans - you will never take power in any way but you will drive voters to the right so keep it up

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Youre slunk meat

How long until she's false flagged Benezir Bhutto style?

we subvert the liberals, they are beginning to doubt civility now. before an candidate like Alexandria were thought of as extreme, now they are members of congress. before BTFOing politicians from restaurants were considered anarchic, now its the new norm.

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Fire is cool

based lesbian quote.
yes in fact energy and resources are a 0-sum game and all wealth is derived from energy and resources. keep your stale ayn rand bullshit in your fagot country and please understand the northern border wall is coming next, and I do in fact shoot whenever i'm on an open stretch and see your fagot plates on my nation's roades

Who? I dont watch tv.

>said the wealthy lesbian

you are fantastically retarded, for every one liberal you "subvert" you drive hundreds of people to the right
the republicans are the ones with the guns and the police and army are against you as well, you're fucked
keep up the good PR work for the right and we'll keep not paying you for it
keep it up

as long as kikes are forced to shut the fuck up or die the it’s cool

>Take a good look at this parasite.
>Young and stupid.
>Zero experience.
>Unironically believes in the worst economic system ever attempted which starved tens of millions (socialism).
>Wants to destroy national security by getting rid of borders.
>Completely brainwashed beyond repair.
>A termite gnawing away at the foundation of the West.

Good writing leaf.

fucking retard go do something useful for someone in exchange for money (like mowing a lawn) there now you have acquired wealth, or go produce something yourself and sell it
you need to be sterilized before you breed

>the worst economic system ever attempted which starved tens of millions (socialism).
Socialism is more an angle than a system. Communism did indeed starve an imaginable amount of people, but in turn was a kickstarter for capitalism by weeding out the kleptomanics.

a pile of garbage with graffiti on it is not a civil war, it's a public temper tantrum and it threatens nobody except left wing politicians afraid of losing votes

keep it up

thanks, as many pointed out she might be a useful idiot, maybe we should hope for the ranks of left wing politicians to become filled with idiots like her

police? army? fuckem. im not even trolling.

the police in america are HATED. ever heard of civil forfeiture? the cops that shoot white AND black people for nothing? why do you think the cops in america are getting so militarized? becouse they lack all legitimacy and are despised,

as for the army, you think that soldiers just gonna shoot us in the streets? the soldiers are not some robots you know, and who said Antifa is not in the military already? it dont take much to defeat the US army, you know, ask the Vietnamese, a bowl of rich an an AK it all it takes, as the Iraqis too for conformation


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someone needs to Bukake this photo

>it dont take much to defeat the US army
you're beyond retarded and not living in reality, which works out for me
you'll never even get a chance to try and have a revolution, but in an alternate universe where you did, you would be slaughtered overnight by the armed civilian population - the army and police wouldn't even be necessary

it's not you "the people" vs the state, it's a tiny handful of unemployed losers vs the vast majority of the population, AND the state - you have no hope in hell

keep living in your delusional fantasies and having public temper tantrums that drive people to the right, you are a PR gift

keep up the good work

>as for the army, you think that soldiers just gonna shoot us in the streets?
regular armed civilians (who outnumber you thousands to one) will delight in mass slaughtering a communist terrorist organization, so will the army and the police; every youtube video of violence against antifa has a near 100% like ratio and hundreds of thousands / millions of views

>who said Antifa is not in the military already
who said they are?

you're completely delusional, you've lost your grip on reality

>the vast majority of the population, AND the state

>thinking the majority of Americans are in love with the state.

so tell me, if we are just a handful of isolated losers, what is the militarization of police in america about? is it all just for us? i thought we are just a harmless isolated gang of freaks. if everything is so peaceful and secure what the hell is that all about?


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>every youtube video of violence against antifa has a near 100% like ratio and hundreds of thousands / millions of views

thats becouse bootlickers dont act, they watch youtube. 50 people on the street are 50 times more powerful then 5000 YT clip watchers and when it comes down to it you can ask homeboy Spencer who can mobilize better.


you believe MEME magic too much, real shit happens in real life not in like/dislike buttons

Socialism only starves people the same way that capitalism starves people. What the fuck are you guys really even saying when you say this? Starvation is not written into the tenants of socialism, it was just an unfortunate mistake.

>I can't be bothered to take into account history when I have a cool sweater I bought at hot topic and some smug opinions with no basis in reality
>late stage crapitilism amirite guys?

>why bother to present an argument when I can just green text some smug opinions with no basis in reality

Military here. Will confirm.
You are hated. Everyone here are giggly little bitches because of all the civil war mainstream articles. Sure, it's possible that there may be some commies hiding in somewhere. But, they don't have all the weapons and training...WE DO.
I really don't care what you think about this nugget of reality. I only hope your balls drop and follow through. I'm an atheist and I pray for it. We're all here waiting.

the whole point of communism is to give things to people that didn't earn them

you know what that does?

it makes people who do the earning less motivated to produce

so you get less stuff

then people starve


>"thinking the majority of Americans are in love with the state"
retarded strawman, the vast majority of the US population wants to defend itself from you (antifa) and that has nothing to do with the state; but the state would likely assist them, though that wouldn't be necessary anyway

>so tell me, if we are just a handful of isolated losers, what is the militarization of police in america about?
it's about the state growing fearful of unrest from the armed, law abiding, patriotic, gainfully employed American public - which has absolutely nothing to do with antifa
>i thought we are just a harmless isolated gang of freaks
you are

>thats becouse bootlickers dont act, they watch youtube
a communist calling someone else a bootlicker lol, the reason they're not "acting" is because they're smarter than you and also gainfully employed and have lives and jobs they risk losing, if and when they need to act (which may never happen because you pose no threat) they could wipe you off the map in less than 24 hours

the main conflict is between the corrupt establishment and the people (not antifa); antifa are nothing

thank you, this guy gets it, you're basically confirming what I said here: I'm not military but from what I understand, the US army would delight in purging communist domestic terrorists, is this correct?

>some commies hiding in somewhere

you dont get it, we live in a police state, why is the NSA reading ALL of OUR emails? why the police getting militarized? WHYYYY?


if you really are from the military you might want to read some Military man with brain in their skull:

>“The locus of collective armed conflict has gradually expanded the battlefield to include the whole earth. In like manner, its duration may now be indefinite, without there being a declaration of war or any armistice (...) For this reason contemporary strategists emphasize that modern victory results from conquering the hearts of the members of a population rather than their territory. Submission must be gained through adherence and adherence through esteem. Indeed, it’s a matter of imposing one’s purpose on the inner individual, where the social contact between human collectivities is established at present. Stripped bare by world homogenization, contacted by globalisation, and penetrated by telecommunication, henceforth the front will be situated in the inner being of each of the members that make up the collectivities. (... ) This sort of fabrication of passive partisans can be summed up by the catchphrase: ‘The front within every person, and no one on any front.’ (...) The whole politico-strategic challenge of a world that is neither at war or at peace, which precludes all settlement of conflict by means of the classic military juridical voices, consists in preventing passive partisans on the verge of action, at the threshold of belligerence, from becoming active partisans.” (Laurent Da-net, “La polemosphere”)

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>“The developed postmodern societies have become extremely complex and hence very fragile. To prevent their collapse in the event of a ‘breakdown,’ it’s imperative that they decentralize (the salvation will come from the margins and not the institutions) (... ) It will be necessary to rely on local forces (self-defense militias, paramilitary groups, private military associations), first from a practical standpoint owing to their knowledge of the milieu and the populations, second, because on the part of the State it will be a mark of confidence that federates the different initiatives and reinforces them, and last and most important, because they are more apt to find appropriate and original (unconventional) solutions to delicate situations. In other words, the response called for by unconventional warfare needs to be citizen-based and paramilitary, rather than having a police and military focus. (...) If Hezbollah has become a first-rate international actor, if the neo-Zapatista movement manages to represent an alternative to neoliberal globalization, then one has admit that the ‘local’ can interact with the ‘global’ and that this interaction is truly one of the major strategic characteristics of our time. (...) To put it briefly, a local-global interaction must be answered by a different interaction of the same type, supported not by the state apparatus (diplomacy, army), but by the local element par excellence—the citizen.” (Bernard Wicht, Vers l’ordre oblique : la contre-guerilla a l’age de l’infoguerre)

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