You have 7 seconds to explain why you aren't a monarchist

You have 7 seconds to explain why you aren't a monarchist

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I don't believe in magic blood that makes you fit to rule.

Because I'm not a fa

Because I'm not a monarch, duh. If I was royalty you bet your ass I'd be a monarchist.

Cause those girls grand grand grandparents weren't the nicest ones... DIOS, PATRIA, REY, FUEROS

I am, but only if they rule within a nationalist context (which was the default responsibility of monarchs for most of history, but needs to be said explicitly in the 21st century). Monarchs who support mass immigration and do nothing to stop your country's destruction deserve to be overthrown.

Because this isnt the end of rome.

We dont have to make guarteed pacts of comradeship to a subjugated people in order to survive.


How about being more powerful than everyone else? Might really does make right.

What if Leor marries the Carlist heir?


I don't believe that a dynasty should be based on some shitty fairy tale about some slag wench handing some douchebag a knife,which he probably didn't have a loisence for, from some mud puddle in the middle of a shitty cow pasture that ended up being england.

Because I'm too busy raising my own healthy family, like all of you should do

I want them remove my genitals from my body and place them in their collection of slave meat

Your picture is proof of why its a bad idea. Inbreeding causes physical defects and neurosis.

This. The only person in the entire world fit to rule it is me. All of you should be my serfs because I said so and clearly I am more fit to rule than you.

Because I’m not a retard and already know the truth about what this world needs. Why do you newfags spam this bullshit every day? Lurk moar. SAGE.

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I am a monarchist.

Tyranny is evil and everyone should have equal opportunity

Look at those frail skinny arms. Lord have mercy on the inbred and bless us mutts.

Nothing magical about it John. It’s just the most powerful man rules with all accountability on him unlike our (((modern))) systems that can’t hold anyone in full responsibility within the government for decisions.

Because my legitimate rulers performed to dance with the stars.

pretty risky
your child who will get to be on the throne might be autistic
fascism is better

Her parents will never agree on that... But wait, I'm searching for info.

What do you think their feet taste like?

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Because monarchy's inherently anti-nationalist. They're an institution that has, historically, always cared more about their fellow monarchs rather than the people they ruled over. Outside of maybe the UK (and even there, not so much anymore), monarchs have done more bad for a nation than good. I can concede to monarchs like Napoleon being good, he's someone who achieved his throne by actually fighting for it, and brought France to heights.

>Tyranny is evil
Almost by definition, what about monarchy though?

Monarchy is either tyrannical and self-serving or inept and useless. There's no real middle ground. I can understand why you'd disagree with me considering monarchy is so intertwined with bong culture.

I've recently taken the Islam red pill user. Christianity is dead and is filled with cucks and leftist.

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Because they are no more worthy of a special status than you or I. They are a relic from the past that some people are intent on keeping for some unknown reason.

>ayee you there peasant
>y-es milord
>thats a fine wench you have there, let me stick my god blessed rod in her so fortune could be upon you
>a-as you wish milord
>that wench cant sick dick, both of you going to the cells
>b-but milord its un just
Hobes would be proud

They're 12 and 11

I am one tho

Most of the country would support that, but it'll end like the Austrias through the ages...

A monarchy with an iron clad constitution is ideal.

Fuck political parties

You have 0.0001692315 seconds to explain to me why you aren't an objectivist egoist.

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Why not? It'd unite the Bourbons and cuck the Carlists, and it's better than something retarded like Sweden where their princess married her personal fucking trainer.

How are you going to guarantee that the monarch won't be a corrupt degenerate?
How are you going to guarantee that the monarch's dynasty isn't going to consist of corrupt degenerates?
How can you lawfully depose a corrupt, degenerate monarch?

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There is no King worth dying for.

This, and there's no real 'lawful' way to depose a monarch, within the limits of a monarchy of any sort.

While polygamy is degenerate as fuck, arranged marriage is literally islam or India tier.

Not even Christ?!

all of those problems are easily fixed with fascism and its fanaticism

>tips flag

Because they die when you shoot them just like everyone else.

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>muh fascism

You do realize that Mussolini, the original fascist, was a corrupt degenerate, right?

Are democratic politicians not selfserving inept and useless?

in what way ?
he purged all of mafia in italy

Freedom from tyranny and oppression.

I was born free and the freedom is more important than gold

With a functioning system, you could vote them out.

Yeah, and replacing it with his friends.

He was extremely vain. His friends knew how much he liked getting praised and wormed their way into the high office through manipulation.

The one our kings stole from your lands and the one you submitted

>they will never give you a rimjob
feels bad.


But Iam.

yes better to be oppressed by a cadre of self selecting faceless shadowy bureaucrats that can't be voted out rather than a noble house with centuries of connection to their land and plenty of skin in the game that can't be voted out

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I am the monarch of my domain and my castle. Speak for yourself.

When are you finally going to roll out your kike king from the Protocols, Shlomo?

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i see no such thing about him keeping the mafia but with his friends
it wouldnt make sense too

The only good monarchies were the Proto-Indo-European monarchies


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You don't have to keep having them intermarry to Habsburg levels of inbreeding.

They don't have any incentive to have a functioning system.

Because no white are better than an other white.

I'd happily be a monarch if it meant I got to marry them.

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Look at how Putin took over and gave away every industry Russia had to his friends. That's exactly how Mussolini ran the country.

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Whenever the time is right to put a king as the ruler of Israel. Our parliament is corrupt and incompetent as hell, only Bibi and a handful of others manage to do something right sometimes.

They are all a bunch of freakish, inbred hemophiliacs.

amerifats have ruined everything

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i don't bow to no man

Suggestion like 3 generations to marry one of your kindreds

Do you think they'd consent?

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We gave you a queen before and you rejected her, so you had to be punished.

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Because eventually you get a shit king and the country goes to shit.
Also, monarchs see their nations as more...theirs. Their own backyards. They seek to expand them always.
This results in constant war. Which is why Europe, during the feudal age, had constant never ceasing war.

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imagine being so spineless you give up being a monarch for some divorcee.

the country was in total economic collapse before he came to power
if he wouldnt have done that those companies would have been sold to foreigners , possibly jews
mussolini wanted to avoid foreign influence

Not like that but religious things

Nigger, all I care about is absolute minimal taxation and being ethno centric.

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It's retarded. Autocrats like Caligula and Pol Pot have done more harm. Plus you have to sustain some pretentious fucks and their obstentious lifestyle because of "muh god given right to rule".

Burger, I'm disappointed in you. 1776 for opposing the king and now reverting to medieval bullshit?

I've actually read that the Bourbons as a whole were more inbred because the French royals would often marry their cousins which they always had a ton of. Habsburgs just had shitty genetics to start with and it snowballed from there.

I’d rather not have inbred kikes rule over whites for 500 years. National Socialism is the only way forward.

Edward was /ourking/!!

Franchise > Monarchy

so you'd happily have some absolute dictator but monarchism in all its forms is off the table

To have love for the monarchy, you must also love god. I do not.

>implying you cant have both

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>National Socialism is the only way forward

>we're going to attack these dudes thousands of kilometers away because uhh... they're "untermensch"
>if you don't go along with this plan, you will be captured and shot

Nice free society you got there, mutt boy.

Because the world immediately improved when they stopped being in power

Harry's shucking and jiving abomination wedding to a legitimate 56% yank.

>mussolini wanted to avoid foreign influence

So does Putin, and Russia is an absolute shithole. You just don't give away companies to incompetent retards just because they're your friends.

They are inbreeding more than Mudslimes

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Day of the sock is coming footfag

Because I'm a fascist.

Do you believe in magic genes that make you fit to rule?

Austrias were shit