Why does the moon glow

why does the moon glow

Attached: jeg bare spørr.png (750x686, 483K)

because it has an albedo of 0.03 or some shit

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I was wrong.

I don't know but its definitely not the sun

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the tides

>video rendering is supposed to prove [absolutely anything]

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The moon is the CIA niggers base

cia niggers





The moon is made out of highly radioactive stellar material that reacts with the deep space wavefield on a quantum level to create light particles.
t. astrocosmeticist

I don't know, but the Jews probably have something to do with it.

It's a light like the Bible says

someone is shining a flash light on it

why not

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it’s a cia nigger

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Attached: 1502214283906.webm (1008x564, 1.01M)

It's slightly out of line between us and the sun user. It's not actually glowing. That's why it has phases

glow in the dark paint covers it

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Unfortunately this

because it is reflecting light from the Sun

Moon dust reflects light from the Sun.

B- But who painted it?

Can you imagine being stupid enough to look at this and assume there isn't something wrong with the camera, but rather with the moon itself?

So is it just a coincidence that the phases of the moon coincide perfectly with the relative position of the Sun?

This seems pretty fucking obvious.

Attached: moon phases.gif (427x320, 355K)

The moon isn't a physical body

The moon glows because it’s reflecting light given off by the sun into ur eyes. One side always faces away from the sun that’s why the moon has a dark side.

reflects the light of the sun.

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Yes it fucking is

Because God designed it to be that awesome!

Also, it's light has a cooling effect which can be measured even by liberals, at home, with a thermometer. One in the moonlight and another in the shade right beside it. If it's reflected sunlight, why is it colder? Ever felt the light of...a light bulb...it is still warm reflecting off of a nearby object. It never makes things cooler.

But the earth it an oblate spheroid and the random Big Bang made fucking everything! Of you don't believe science over the Creator of EVERYTHING, you are a stupid doo doo head!

What is your evidence?

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The moon is just another glow in the dark.

he did

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>Also, it's light has a cooling effect
No it doesn't

Bob Ross confirmed CIA nigger

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Lol, just looked up this """"experiment""""

He puts his hand directly over the thermometer and then acts surprised when it heats up.

It's almost as if the human body is constantly pumping out heat at 38 degrees celcius

prove dis



The jews

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Because it is a CIA nigger.

OMG the video is rendering wtffffffffffffffff

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For the same reason cat's eyes glow
It's watching you