Gun rights have killed America. They've put a tombstone onto the countries grave. Americans delude themselves into believing that guns somehow make their situation better, but the opposite is true. Gun rights extend to everyone, including to the 44% of the population that isn't white. It is impossible for Americans to ever fix their demographics unless they want an endless war. The best you can hope for is the US breaking apart and forming independent nations.
In Europe such a problem doesn't exist as only the armed forces have weapons. If Europe gets the right governments, non whites can be removed in no time.
>inb4 Americans sperging out in denial with no arguments.
Europe is like 95% European overall. USA is close to 50% euro stock.
Alexander Nguyen
If only the founding fathers were more specific on what race they wanted to inhabit America. The northern parts of the USA could secede. But the south is lost to shitskins.
Juan Morris
Are you being sarcastic? The founding fathers had many opinions on maintaining the whiteness of a white country.
Joshua Brown
Sure, but it's very open to interpretation as they contradicted themselves in different documents.
Hunter Mitchell
your opinion doesn't mean shit
Christopher Clark
Leo Gonzalez
>Europe is 100% faggot-enabling childkillers with no children >USA has more Germans than Germany and they still reproduce at near-replacement
Tyler Butler
>mfw when I can butter my bread with a butter knife but bongs can't
You should be more worried about the shitskins shitting up the UK, raping children and the like. Maybe after they have been hanged we can worry about the Burgers.
Nothing wrong with gun ownership. I'm not against gun ownership. But it MUST BE FOR EUROPEAN STOCK ONLY. But it's too late for that now.
Hudson Anderson
Stop embarrassing us Britbongs who actually enjoy freedom. If you want to bend over and spread your buttcheeks for the traitors in parliament by being disarmed that's your prerogative, but don't preach to us about how being a disarmed slave is somehow virtuous.
Chase Bailey
I know this is either a bait post or a shilled one, but on the off chance it isn’t, why do you care? Also we have this thread ad nauseam so I’ll give you you three brief points why we need to keep our guns.
1.) It’s guaranteed by law, specifically the Constitution. The militia referenced in the 2nd amendment was said by George Mason (co-author of the 2nd) to include the whole people. Not the National Guard or a federal or state organized militia. As such they should be armed with “military style” arms which the AR15 and similar rifles are, although most are not selective fire.
2.) Ideologically it is a cornerstone to a democratic society, (i.e. one by the people and for the people). The people baring arms is a way to ensure that the power stays with the people. Perhaps this argument will not be convincing to countries that already accept hate speech laws as not being undemocratic.
3.) Pragmatically, mass murder wouldnt stop due to a lack of firearms. It’s already been shown over and over again that attacks using explosives, commercial vehicles, planes, etc. can be just as or more effective that bullets. Furthermore gun laws won’t stop criminal possession of firearms. There are many millions of firearms in the U.S. already and career felons will have them regardless of any new legislation.
>killed america >had gun rights from the beginning and is now the world's sole superpower How's that empire doing, mohammed?
Josiah Hernandez
You mean Roe v Wade?
Evan Garcia
All superpowers fall. And you're slowly declining.
Colton Wright
better triple check that router and proxy goy
Noah Ramirez
Gun rights created America The white American homicide rate is inline with Frances and Canadas.. If the nation split up and guns were banned in the urban parts they'd still have high death tolls like Mexico
Jason Gray
literally hatespeech. reported to the proper authorties