The Government of Canada Announces New Funding for Black Canadian Youth

My tax dollars hard at work it seems.

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Other urls found in this thread: minority&TABID=1

>Canadian Heritage to provide $9 million in funding for community-led projects that support the needs of Black Canadian Youth

>OTTAWA, June 29, 2018 /CNW/ - Canada's diversity is a source of strength and an important factor in our success as a country. However, our success has not been equally shared by all members of our society. All Canadians deserve equal opportunities to thrive, no matter their origin, culture, religion, language or skin colour. Unfortunately, Canada's Black community faces unique and significant challenges, such as an overrepresentation in the criminal justice system and a higher prevalence of low income. Anti-Black racism also remains a consistent problem, with crimes targeting Black populations being the most common type of hate crime related to race or ethnicity in the country. The Government of Canada recognizes these challenges and is taking steps to address this discrimination and help equip young Black Canadians with the tools and skills they need to overcome barriers.

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better than paying off terrorists, i guess

What a total fucking waste. We don't even have negros in this country. If we have youths who need guidance it's the aboriginals not Jamal's who don't even live here.

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This, sort of. (((Black Canadian))) is an oxymoron. There's a whole bunch of them in Montreal and Toronto (10% and 9% respectively) but that's all. I bet 75% of them don't even know what Vancouver is.

Great to see the government doing something to help the black community.

T. Known Boss

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look up the equity act, they have been paying non-stop for anyone who is non-white (British or French). Literally everyone else gets gibs in one way or another.

The only minorities we have here are natives, chinese, Hindus and the odd Filipino. Blacks and Hispanics are rare enough in this country you can go for months without seeing one. I know we have some Jamaicans in Toronto and a few Haitians in Montreal but that's really about it.

We don't owe them jack shit. There were no blacks in Canada 30 years ago and those that are here are from shit hole countries. They come to my country after we were nice enough to let them escape their shit hole and expect special treatments and handouts.
>(((black community)))
How about Canadian community? I want to help my fellow Canadians, not just sub sections of the population. This is why black Canadian is an oxymoron and always will be. They're violent parasites and nothing more.

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>New Funding for Black Canadian Youth
>mo money fo dem programs
So 95% of this 'funding' will end up in Toronto and the GTA then. I'm not surprised in the slightest. Save us dead crackhead's brother you're our only hope Doug

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>Blacks and Hispanics are rare enough in this country you can go for months without seeing one. I know we have some Jamaicans in Toronto
t. never been to toronto
We have a SHIT ton of somalis and jamaicans. Going a day without seeing a nigger you'd have to never leave the house.

Kys canuck
I'm a somali who moved to Ontario on 2005. Stayed there and received gibs dor 5 years. Then I found out gibs are better in alberta and moved there instead. It's pretty sweet living here for nothing, I'm having my 5th kid soon and they will all go to Islamic school.

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Those African immigrants tend to be Algerian, Moroccan or Egyptian and look more like Arabs or Turks. We don't have the flat nosed, kinky haired Africans here.

this, also go to any state run company or bigger firm and they get hired because of equity programs

Also pay for my shit

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Conveniently ignore nigeria

>We don't have the flat nosed, kinky haired Africans here.
Sounds like you need a tour of the GTA

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Literally who the fuck lives in Toronto? I ain't never met a white person who has family there. By Canada I mean the areas where whitey actually lives in.

>Blacks and Hispanics are rare enough in this country you can go for months without seeing one

Brampton is full f black people what the fuck are you on about?

but i thought these people were supposed to magically make our economy better not add more strain to an overburdened system

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Here is the ultimate blackpill if you have time:

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>diversity is a strength
>but the diverse people are not successful
>so we need to take money from the successful people and give it to the diverse people

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>By Canada I mean the areas where whitey actually lives in.
I live north of Belleville/Kingston, and the niggers are starting to spread. Just along the 401 so far, but it's only a matter of time.

Try leaving the GTA for once. In most Canadian towns you can't find them.

you're an idiot

>The only minorities we have here are natives, chinese, Hindus and the odd Filipino.

I live in Montreal and this is so far from the truth here exclusively. I'm well traveled in this country having been to every province except Newfoundland. This is very true in almost all parts of Canada. Montreal is a completely different world and the people who live here are so out of touch with Canada and what Canada is really like, even Quebec. minority&TABID=1
If you do the math, blacks are the biggest minority group here at over 10%, followed by arabs, then spics while all the groups you listed are below those 3 groups. Montreal is by far the least Canadian city in Canada. I see at least 100 niggers every time I go to the main street near my house, multiple hundreds of arabs.

In the grand scheme of things, $9 million in spending is $0.25 per capita. Not every Canadian is a taxpayer. So let's just say you're donating 2 quarters to the BBC fund. In the grand scheme of things, that's a litre of President's Choice soda.

I been to southern ontario only once when I was like 8-9. I don't remember anything about it. Try leaving there. Come out west or go to Quebec or Newfoundland.

i fucking hate canadians worse than mexicans. you have all the potential in the world in terms of ethnicity and natural resources, but all you ever come up with is asian crime gangs and faggotry like degrassi and drake. 'terence and philip' was being too kind. you biches deserve everything you get.

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Leave where the most people are... yes because white flight will last forever

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Kingston is pretty damn white, I was there last summer. Very nice as far as Ontario goes.

you da captain now, bruh!

pay up white men

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>Try leaving there
I've lived in Thunder Bay and Calgary, can't really say either was much better. I do have a nice house in the woods and I don't care about driving 45 min to work, so for now I'm happy.

>I been to southern ontario only once when I was like 8-9. I don't remember anything about it. Try leaving there. Come out west or go to Quebec or Newfoundland.
People live in Southern Ontario because that is where the jobs are. Living out in the boonies is cheap and all. Very little BBC. But there are no jobs either. Heh.
Pretty much all these right-wing corporate cuckold faggots on Jow Forums who tell us to go move North if we don't live the cost of living in Southern Ontario have never actually moved to the boonies themselves...

>kys canuck
>all Canucks are gone
>you now live in Somalia 2.0 except it drops down to -25 half the year
>your entire family freezes and starves to death
We will get our revenge whether we are alive or dead you dumb monkey.

Canada will be Somali in 200 years idgaf. We are doing this for our great great grand kids. Wisconsin will be somali as well

dont forget women need your money as well

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We are filling your universities, whites are doing menial labor while Somalis enter your public offices and education systems.. whites are done. This is somalia now

>So 95% of this 'funding' will end up in Toronto and the GTA then.

And Montreal. We have a higher black population percentage wise.

>the government is going to define equal work

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I'll hodl you leaf

professor who make money not on their job should have wages cut

>Canada's diversity is a source of strength

Agreed. Changing our ethnic makeup has clearly made Canada a more powerful nation.

I ain't never been to Montreal, but people say it's very different demographics wise and your data proves that. Also the GTA and southern ontario had blacks, but the white population is proportionally so small there, I don't even include it as Canada. Have a good one, OP.

It's 9 million dollars that helps black people feel like they belong and contribute to society. Black people help Canada.

"Violent parasites" that applies to the white man

Why is helping your fellow Canadians a problem?

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boys and men need to stop harassing women. THATS YOU POL

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Every day Canada just gets a bit worse, fucking top lel this place is a fucking socialist shitshow that needs to be ended

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>i fucking hate canadians worse than mexicans.
What do you think of (((Mexican Canadians))) because we have a lot of those too now.

>people arent allowed to make money except by doing 1 thing
Kill yourself you commie faggot


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This is a good thing, unless you don't want to stop the cycle of poverty and you would prefer the future to get even worse. We need to stop obsessing over politics that we have no control over and focus on what really matters: starting a healthy family:

we shouldn't pay self self sufficient people I mean he is working on our tax dollars

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This is what the average canadian will look like in 2200 and its b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l

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Its just a couple million, why would we help the racist white people out east with unemploment?

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>this will be Somalia
>I cant wait for this to be Somalia 2.0 and you all freeze to death or starve
Holy shit you are not larping only a Somalian could be this stupid.
I anticipate that and look forward to the time when you dumb fucks are attempting to run all of the gas infrastructure and instead you all freeze to death because you are monkeys and not men. Your people can barely feed themselves with practically a year round growing season, what do you think is going to happen to you here?

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We have jobs out west, come to Alberta, rural BC, Saskatchewan or Manitoba.

why should white men do all the research anyway

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If somebody provides a service with value they should be compensated for it


So that's what they did with the youth church job program money?

there are people who actually need a job to live and not use it as a debating tool for online games

We will keep white women as sex slaves and any mutt kids we have with them will be put into hard labor

>when CIA funded propaganda designed to subvert America is so strong it subverts Canada and Europe as well
the universe sure loves irony.

unrelated note
>I was at gfs convocation yesterday
>most of the graduates were jungle asian/brown
>some nigs here and there
>less than 15 white people
>about 3 Canadians
>Torontistan is fucked

Government funded Venture Capital going straight to women and PoC's. Its not like ideas should be rated on their value, its about if you got your idea from being oppressed by white people.

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>less than 15 white people
And with this new funding Trudeau aims to get that down to 5 white people

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White women don't like flat nosed, round faced, pube haired, duck lipped Somalis,

>this meme from the liberals that women are oppressed
I'm a woman and even I have to admit that this is bullshit. We hold men by the balls in society. Literally. Even men who know they have no chance with us and are ok with playing the father figure role white knight us. Women white knight us.

Nobody wants to have sex with a forehead

As if they have a choice

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I work in a large corporation, men talk to women like they are walking on pins and needles.

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>Black people help Canada.
Really? I guess it's true because you said so. If we need to pay them to assimilate then why in the fuck should we let them into our country in the first place? We didn't need to pay the Polish, Irish, Russians, Scandinavians to assimilate, why should blacks be given that special treatment?
>"Violent parasites" that applies to the white man
Yes. I agree whites don't exactly have the best track record of being peaceful in world history. We screwed black countries and other non white countries over big time, but especially black ones. Not Canada though, blacks have virtually no history here (besides maybe Africville in Nova Scotia, see our new $10 bank note, Viola Desmond). If whites as a race have had a history of being not so nice to another race, is it really smart to fill up our countries with that race? Why would we cram our country full of people who have suffered historical injustices at the hands of us? Doesn't sound smart.

Its not enough to just EMPOWER women in Canada we need to invest 5 BILLION INTERNATIONALLY for feminism to REALLY WORK

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>We need to stop obsessing over politics that we have no control over
Government is supposed to represent the people. I wonder how every day ordinary Canadians (actual Canadians not nu-Canadians) feel about this shit?

>men talk to women like they are walking on pins and needles
I as well, except all our female employees are in HR/PR or reception. The actual 'work' teams are 100% male, it's not bad at all (for now)

this one speaks for itself. The absolute state of this fucking country man

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I refuse to believe that is real. Luckly on this long weekend I already have 7 pints down and can laugh it off for now

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I have an older male neighbour who literally offers me free physical labour. Help moving things. Handyman stuff. All because he says that I remind him of his daughters. And we have the same ethnic background. Lots of older men white knight women with no expectation of sex or anything. And yet somehow men are privileged. lmao. It's strange how older men who aren't my own father sometimes treat me nicer than my own father has treated me.

We need gender equality in sports, its doesn't matter that women differ biologically

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do ctrl-f " Climate Change and Gender "

we need 6.7 million for some new stats, come on, pay up

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as an injun, i totally agree

Why did I look at that? This 24 I have was supposed to last me until Sunday.

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alot of people where i lift have confederate flags for some reason including me like on trucks and shit ALL the shitskins and nogs are around the gta and 85% of the chinks are in vancouver the rest are decently based whites and some drunken indians

What is it called to take someone else's money you haven't worked for? stealing. They come here to steal.

this'll stop human trafficking, with a HISTORIC 14.5 million investment to create a call centre that will never get used because people can call 911. Lets keep paying 2 mil every year anyway though afterwards

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