Reminder that Alaska is rightful Russian clay. Give it back

Reminder that Alaska is rightful Russian clay. Give it back.

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You sold it to us


Typical Ruskie. Buy something from him and he demands it back later.




Give us a refund. You can keep the Samoans, Flips and hipsters in Anchorage, we don't want them.

Reminder the Karjala is rightful Finnish clay. Give Lake Onega back.

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Buy it back faggot

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Reminder that Finland is rightful Swedish clay along with Viborg and the rest of the baltics. It was literally built by Swedes. GIBS IT BACK YOU FUCKERS. INJHUSTICE
It's the promised land, åh vej

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Seven million dollars in gold for the rental of the Tsar's fleet during the War of Northern Aggression.

A deal is a deal.

Buy it back
>looks at meme flag

Get your own shit in order first and then, "Molon Labe."

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Nah. We don’t have enough money for this shit.

Look up William Seward faggot

We will. The world will regret pushing Swedes around, we'll make you pay, bigly.

Okay Captain Sweden

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We will march through continent, we will initiate breeding programs to overflow the world with nordicks. We will make 10 billion Nordic people and just let them loose on the world.
From birth they will all have injection of Miami Hotline soundtrack and gamer fuel.

When we're done we will have committed acts of genocide, of course nobody's gonna care because everyone has been SWEDED by that point so hard everything's smoking crater of SWEDISH alpha cum. We will win the world cup.

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Lock up yo daughter, lock up yo wife.
Once the nordicks unite it will be like another mongol invasion all over Europe. We will literally choke you to death with our cocks.

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Cat's got your tongue, huh? Hard talking with all that nordic cock slamming down your throat?!

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felix and marzia are so cute
their relationship is like life fuel

>war of northern aggression
Dude you lost get over it

Funny thing is I'm in Alaska and my gf is Russian and I give her the big mutt cock daily

come get it...……...

Come take it

Man I kinda miss the old pill comics.
Was Iron Pill's saga ever actually finished.