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Other urls found in this thread:

Don’t repeal Roe V Wade, focus on the second amendment. Make restrictions on gun control and repeal all “assault” weapon bans and make sure gun rights can’t ever be fucked with again.

I want my fucking silencers.

Basically this, who gives a shit about Roe v Wade these days. Nobody, that's who. It's one of the main things keeping blacks at ~13% of the US population.

Just hope that old haggard bitch Ginsburg dies sooner rather than later. The ATF just needs to be abolished completely.

Key word. If they bite, he'll make a pick anyways and get a double whammy win.

>Nogs and feminist thinning their own herd

WHY would anyone be against this?!

You guys need abortions though. Without them nigger population would explode.

a repeal MUST be met with a removal or sterilization of all blacks

Why would anyone white person with a brain want to abolish abortion? Are they too stupid to realize that would just accelerate the darkening of America?

I've been waiting on pic-related for 8 fucking months now.

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He does not need to ask. The list was compiled of people who did not need to express a verbal answer on the subject. Plausible. Deniability.

yes, most of them are retarded.
its the only damn thing keeping the nig population in check.

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Globally the Black population is growing. The small amount of US Black births won’t affect the global numbers much however they’ll have an affect on US White numbers. If it takes more blacks being born to get the White American fertility rate higher then so be it.

Also, it’ll just be a stage issue by then so it won’t change abortions in California or the Northeast cities.

*state Issue

This, fuck the Hugh's amendment and Reagan for signing that shit. Machine guns are machine fun.

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Let abortion stay for now

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Yes. Most of the white racists in this country are low IQ fucking hillbilly boomer faggots who can't critically think.

I hope Trump goes as hard as possible in the last two years, basically repeal every single liberal idea ever. Would be glorious.


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Fucking moron.

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Unless you want a nigger explosion keep abortion legal.

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good job poisoning the movement by injecting muh joos into everything (and subsequently praying nobody questions your assertions)
wow that merchant picture sure convinced me those retards are shills

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>muh joos

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I want mine too...The day will come where I'm allowed to own claymore mines too. Hog hunting would be made so much more easy with a few lines of claymore mines.

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Is this fucking real?
Tell me it isn’t some larp.

I care way more about stopping gun grabbers than dead niggerbabies

This is just some meaty bait.

i dont give a fuck about abortion really
unless we make it illegal for whites only

lucky bitch

People like this are out there
Dont worry, well find them

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The only people who would argue for or against abortion are whores and bible thumping types and I am neither.

That's part of the reason whites aren't having kids. Working class whites and the types above them typically care where they raise their kids. And if nogs make a bunch of babies the state will subsidize them and move them into white neighborhoods which will cause more whites to experience more diversity. Then you'll start hearing more and more say "I can't raise my kids in a world like this." Think you libertarian retard.

I’d be real satisfied if the NY pistol licenses was abolished along with the safe act.

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That guy is cool. He has a "good guy" look, which is what we need, but he definitely needs to work out and get a bit tougher.

"Hard men" are the bane of fun conversations. It's not a surprise that WP took off massively after internet trolls and gamers converted. They have skills and a sense of humour.

Combat training is so absolutely fucking necessary for White men, especially if you are a "nice" guy.

Also the South (which is very conservative and more sympathetic to pro-white issues and racism) has a large amount of blacks. We would easily ban abortion and it'd screw us over in the long run.


Which legislature is proposing a bill to do this?

It's amazing how you fuckwits are all armchair politicians but don't even understand how our system of government works.

Supreme Court won't touch an abortion case in decades.
A case in 2003 which was later challenged in 2007 was the first ban on abortion since the 1973.

Anyone else remember the canadians who flipped their shit because they couldnt see a white doctor?

Does the Baby get to make a choice over it's own body to live or terminate itself?

Because you made the choice to put it there.

Lets start with undoing a few of these and go from there.

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1. Tyrone can get out of prison 10 years early by undergoing voluntary vasectomy

2. $500 payments to negresses to have IUDs put in, paid for by private institutions

Problem solved, no constitutional issues encountered

this 100%

For people that are pro abortion I've got a genuine thought experiment.

Suppose that upon being impregnated it was possible to have the fetus safely removed from your body, raised to term in a test tube, and eventually you could keep it. Would you? It's no longer your body so there's no need to kill the child right?

Roe v Wade is ultimately a good thing

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Who cares about baby killing? Women shouldn't have a choice, if mothers are unfit they should be mandated abortions
Get a justice who supports the border and keeping out spics and sand niggers. This is the most important issue for the survival of our nation

The only reason to care about abortion is if you're a christfag. Otherwise it is great because it's the closest thing to eugenics we have. It prevents undesirables from having kids, it's great.

This, people criticize ICE and DHS, but didn't the ATF remove Elián González? And what about the children that were murdered at Waco for the Clintons/Moloch during the Season of Sacrifice?

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Based on current birth rates in america, I think there's a 50/50 chance either way.

I've coincidentally had that thought experiment as well.

Along those lines- medical technology already HAS advanced sufficiently that infants prematurely delivered in the second term can more and more reliably and be expected to develop normally. If a woman in the second term wants an abortion, can she go so far as to order the child destroyed or only remove it from her body by having it delivered and raised/adopted?

they deserved it for being in a white male christians cult

Repealing gay marriage 100% excludes any potential gay allies from supporting us with Nationalism.

Nazis didn't give a fuck about Christianity, why should we? No point in pointlessly angering people when there are far more important issues like:

Would be dumb as hell to make abortion illegal. And Trump is not Hitler so he won't do it.

According to the Clintons and Janet Reno, white Christian children are the best sacrifice for ancient Canaanite deities.

spot on
but its pretty much a given

its the same reason why even conservative jews as a collective will ultimately chose lefties

rightwingers in its ultimate expresion will always be racist, christians, antigay, antijew thanks to wwii
thats a given, and thats why their worldview will never rule over earth again

Listen guys, the demographics are already baked into the cake. White births are a minority nationwide including in those southern states. You have to focus on the total White fertility rate only. Balkanization is possible in the future so accelerationism could work in our favor.

>Don’t repeal Roe V Wade
Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you, you child murdering evil fucking kike rat.

This. Whites should be banned, blacks should be mandated.

Abortion is murder and it should be illegal.

This is what you evil abortionist FUCKS want to murder.

look at this and tell me you support abortion you warped animals.

The faggots here who want Roe V Wade repealed are either christcucks or civic nationalist faggots because abortions are overwhelming done by nigs so without abortions we're looking at a growth in black population never seen before

i support abortion
and afterbirth abortion for sick children

he has to know.

he should stick to trying to find ALTERNATIVES to abortion. like taxpayer funded tube tying. make abortion a last ditch thing. steralize all the subhuman poors.

abortion is depraved and should be illegal.

however, just use your pea brain for a moment and ask WHO is allowing freaks to mutilate their children? that's right. subhuman filth. and this filth does not need to reproduce. so calm down and just let it happen or push for viable alternatives to abortion. Abortion is a very, very, very good thing for society.

/argument forever

Fuck off Sven, abortion is our only hope of stemming the brown tide and it does a mighty fine job of it.

Black people can't afford abortions,it's white college age women getting abortions.

Niggers get them for free, like most of their healthcare, food, housing, etc. We pay for it, and for once I agree with government spending on jigaboos.

no it is not, not logically, not statistically, not morally. if abortion was illegal, whites would be above the replacement level and your prospects of establishing an ethnostate or returning to your original constitutional purpose of being a white country would not diminish one bit, quite the contrary.

and i don't care what planet you live on, murdering a baby is fucking sickening and evil by any imaginable standard.

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More white abortions than any other race by a long shot. If you support abortion you are trying to the lower the white population. Simple as that.

The problem with Sweden is that they think shitskins are human

Seriously? Tube tying? That procedure is twice as expensive as a vasectomy and is completely irreversible. Force vasectomies on people if that's the route you want to take. Freeze your sperm at age 16 then snip those fucking testes.

RVW is a carefully balanced decision. Move on to more important matters


Literally the opposite of true. It's mostly blacks and Hispanics. Only people that get abortions less than whites are asians.

But where are the proofs?

Why the fuck do I want more niglets and retards in the world

You're stupid as fuck if you want abortion illegal

i don't want them to reproduce, i don't give a fuck how its done. bioweapon, scissors, genocide. it's all ok with me.

Black Abortions By The Numbers
In the United States, the abortion rate for Black women is almost 4 times that of White women. On average, 900 Black babies are aborted every day in the United States. This tragedy continues to impact the population levels of African-Americans in the United States. The abortion racial disparity holds true when the focus is on Michigan statistics as well.

National Statistics
More than 19 million Black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.

Black women have a significantly higher abortion rate than Whites and Hispanics.

36.0% of all abortions in the U.S. in 2014 were performed on Black women, however, only about 13.3% of the total population is Black

African-Americans are no longer the nation’s largest minority group. Today, Hispanics have outpaced Blacks in population growth.

For every 1,000 live births, non-Hispanic Black women had 391 abortions. Non-Hispanic White women had 120 abortions/1,000 live births

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Whites are 9% of the global population.... That means every white baby is worth 10 nigger babies

Isn't not asking about intended ruling best practice? It ensures impartial justice selection.
Trump would be doing the ethical thing by not asking.

Abortion is the reason the nig population hasn't really changed from 13% in all these years. I wouldn't be surprised if we had over 30m more nogs if abortion was illegal, because despite only 19m abortions those ones aborted would have gone on and had niglets too.

How can you pretend that you have the moral high ground in wanting to end white genocide and save whites from being replaced in their own countries if you can't even take the moral standing that white lives matter?!

You have no credibility folks. Abortion is a crime against whites AND humanity as a whole.

It's a war. Some people need to die in the womb race war.


You can get one now with a tax stamp and all. I mean itd be nice not to
have to send your shit in for 6 months and pay 500 bucks though for sure.

I dont give a fuck about Roe v Wade as long as the replacement lives up to Scalia's legacy

You should just stay in your house and never leave and live in a bubble. After all, your life matters so much it should never be endangered.
In fact sven, by your logic all white people should just be locked away and kept in zoos for our own protection. Would that make you happy?

Exactly, it's a war.

You're thinking the war is only in america, it's not. You need to look at the global picture.

By having abortion legal in the US, you are deeply inhibiting the largest producer of whites on the planet.

Did you even try to look this up or you just dribbling battery acid from your mouth? That is absolutely not true.

He won't ask them because they're not going to overturn it. Supreme Court doesn't make laws anyway, just interprets them so unless some anti-abortion shit gets brought up to their level it's never going to happen.

Only heathens already doomed to hell have abortions, retard. we'll keep total body autonomy as the goal and not die on the hill of nigger babies thank you very much.

You do realize it'll just go back to the states to decide, right?

> t. notagunfag