did Trump and pol get BTFO?!
Wow... he's got a heck of a point
Other urls found in this thread:
scandal-free kenyan
credit where credit is due: rush limbaugh called this response almost immediately
i wish i had a high verbal iq 2bh
Because the retards wanted to save the pick for shillary.
It's more than 25 months until the next presidential election, not 9 months.
Mr. (((Abramson))) is trying to confuse you.
The Joe Biden rule was invoked because there was an imminent presidential election. Also, the Republicans had the power to stonewall while the democrats do not.
Being accused of something doesn't mean anything legally. This is a nation of laws, not of appeasing histrionic gibberish.
Innocent until proven guilty also.
It's overrated.
Unless you're an immoral kike there's not much you can do with a natural talent for twisting words.
>Scandal free
Gommunist R Funny
This is a parody right?
120 days? can i get a quick rundown?
I like watching Leftists die.
Well if the judge had stepped down just after the presidential election it would have been the same argument but “120 days post election”. You can’t win with these people.
Um, sweetie....
Anyone else wonder why this investigation is fucking never ending?
lefty memes drag on
Remember building the obamacare website that cost a billion fucking dollars? Then someone made a website that actually worked for free.
are you going kys after pride month?
>just 120 days pre-election
>he's implying that you shouldn't be able to nominate a justice before a first term midterm since you can't do that as a lame duck president
>under investigation with nothing of substance ever brought against him
kikes everybody
oh they're actually serious about their new "can't nominate because midterms" rule? lel, they'll come up with any excuse to stop this.
Well... he shouldn't have won. He lost the popular vote; so he shouldn't be able to nominate up to 24mo before any election.
it's not just about twisting words, you can use language for good too, and present the truth in a more appealing package
Popular vote doesn’t matter fuck off
i know that feel. i think fast but have always talked slow.
Meanwhile, back in reality:
Because it’s intended to be a distraction and something like a talking point whenever they need one. Mark my words, if trump is re-elected this investigation will continue for until the end of his presidency