Fell for the "university is a scam" meme

>fell for the "university is a scam" meme
>now make only 50k a year at 26 years old
>meanwhile 22 year old university grads are making 80k STARTING
>quality women will not date you if you don't have a university degree, only low tier women(obese and/or stupid) will
>average university student has sex with a new girl once a week meanwhile I'm surrounded by low IQ boomer tradesmen
>you can write off the education expense on your taxes anyways so it's basically free

DON'T be like me, go to university!

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com.pr/search?q=average median income usa&oq=average median income usa&aqs=chrome..69i57.3463j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>4.166$ each month
I would kill for that

i encourage everyone that thinks OP is right to NOT go to university

because you are smart enough to do better than him

This reads like a university kid who hasn't graduated yet. 3/10

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50k at 26 is fine.

STEM PhDs don't even make 50k per year upon graduation

>50k at 26 is fine


You need at least a 200k household income to buy a STARTER house

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No you literally don't. You obviously don't know much about the real world.

Average salaries:
$25,636 No high school
$35,256 High school
$41,496 Associate's
$59,124 Bachelor's
$69,732 Master's
$84,396 Doctorate

That's really all that there is to say on the topic.

Well, remember that's 50k Canadian. He's a leaf, his money is in freefall so you gotta do conversions.
Leaf Housing is a bubble about to pop too.

Post medians, pleb.

Does that control for age?

i got a bachelors degree in math. i do manual labour because it's the only job i can get. all the tradesmen my age have trunks and decent apartments. you're a fucking fool.

lol, what? STEM undergrads get more than that right out of school...

in what niggerville city?

Except that probably various widely by field, age and location, so it's not "really all there is to say" you pretentious faggot.

what shitty doctorate only pays 84k?

Here's weekly. Just think: if you had an education, you'd also be able to google 3 words at a time.

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University is a scam. That doesn't mean degrees don't open doors. Men making life-changing decisions, think for longer than just a couple of seconds.

>tfw don't know difference between median and average because i didn't finish high school
Still make 150k at 18 year old because i'm just that rad.

what did u study? gender studies?

An average of all of them.

Facts are facts. Get an education? Your average earning potential goes up.

>Went to trade school making 90k a year. Started at 70k.
>Brother went to 4 university for computer programming.
>Made 36k starting
>Now makes a little over 40k years later

I went to school, 250k for my degree, I only make 58k, and i'm getting laid off later this year. OP is a special case of dumb ass if he thinks he can do better with a degree alone. Connections are everything

I make $50k a year with a business degree

>Canadian reading comprehension.

>memes are all there is to say on the topic

And the only people that get the useful STEM degrees will be spending their salary on video game currency anyways

Facts aren't memes. They're facts.

You're retarded and I hope you didn't make it into high school for next year.

Tulsa school of welding


I've got a house worth 200 grand in a nigger free area, a wife with big tits and three master race looking kids at age 28 and I'm a fucking bus driver who only works 4 days a week. Use your brain to figure out what is and what isn't worth spending money on (such as the Compounded Jew).

>you can write off the education expense on your taxes anyways so it's basically free
>Paying 70% is basically free

Ya brainlet couldn't get into UNI if you wanted to

What state and what trade? I’m at a fork in the road in my life currently


You're doing just as good as college grads with 4+ extra years work experience and zero college debt

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Want to hear another fun fact? college is only actually worth 1/10th what it's currently priced at due to artificial demand inflating the price.

its just inflation.

Source on your claim is...?

How do you faggots not see this for the bait it is? Is the whole thread bait? because now I'm mad.

what degree? why would you take 250k out in loans if the earning potential was less than 60k?

Survivorship bias. You are also including super earners that are statistical outliers. You should get training beyond high school, but you have to do your own research on what career will be most profitable. You also don't include opportunity costs of being in college vs. working and investing.

Wtf. I do 40k per year in software development. And I live in fucking Russia, what, he works one day a week?

Failures like you will fail with or without an education.

>>meanwhile 22 year old university grads are making 80k STARTING
See this is the catch. YOU DON'T GET STARTS. That job goes to some rando from Iran or Pakistan.

You dont "go to university". You attend an institution to train yourself in a vocation, whether thats a practical skill at a trade school, or a discipline at a university.

This distinction has to be made because attending training for any other reason is a misuse of resources.

>university grads are more successful

Not even bait it is the truth supported by statistics

>lol it's because there are outliers skewing it!
Hey so why don't they skew the retard-level of education that you've got? Oh right: Because not enough people from your bracket ever become exceptional.

only 50k? you better count every penny or you might starve with that amount of money

The laws of supply and demand, found in any intermediate and above economics textbook. Which you can just go torrent freely at any time.

Software development here is full of pajeets and gooks that drive salaries down

But canada has all the timber. Just buy some land and start building.

Maybe in leafland, but in freedomland a starter house is usually bellow 100k, and a bit more for nicer neighborhoods. This is rural though not suburban

>I made something up and my source is "lol textbooks duh"
So you failed out of college.

Maybe he just went to 4 years of university without ever finishing his bachelor?

^ He's right you know. Women and diversity quotas are a big factor.

>t. 18 year old freshman boomer at his local community college

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false, i put the majority of mine into stocks. I'm 30 and have 3 million in my brokerage account. i live in wisconsin and don't have that special of a job.

but you aren't far off from most. that pretty much describes my coworkers.

good thing i live in OR and make a killing growing and selling weed to dispensaries. people love that stuff... i wonder why?

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>hurr dur you failed, you couldn't possibly have figured out it's a scam and decided you were a lot better off keeping your money

Another fun fact, I make twice what most 4 year graduates do.

Right? I mean sure: I posted facts and stats that prove my point. But you've got a crude drawing on your side. Way to lay me low, anonymoose kek.

Wrong. My cousin dropped out of high school and within 3 years was making 100k a year with welding. Hard jobs pay heavy wages...

>50k at 26 is not enough

google.com.pr/search?q=average median income usa&oq=average median income usa&aqs=chrome..69i57.3463j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Kill yourself

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Stupid faggot. I make 62k a year and I never went to university. Only 1 guy I know who went to uni is making more then me and he went for engineering.
Everyone else is broke and retarded.
Additionally, if you're making 50k you're doing much better than most and if you can't live off that then you're a fucking retard and you deserve to stay in debt for the rest of your life.

it will only get worse. there is a reason they are moving to nigger brained scripting languages and trying to force as many people into coding as possible. it isn't because they can't find people to code. it is because they don't want to pay them decent wages.

You can't post a source. I asked for a source, and you said "because I think it's true." That is a failure, friend. You failed to prove that your claim was true or based on anything. Because it isn't true and it isn't based on anything.

>uni grad making $80k starting
lmao fucking where? söylicon valley?

>dropped out in grade 7
>spent part of the 80's and almost all of the 90's traveling around and doing coke financed through a variety of crimes
>in and out of jail a bit, did maybe 2 years total
>work in the patch for a few years
>buy house and $50k truck
>get married
>wife wants me to stop going out to the patch since she gets enough mineral royalties that we don't have to worry about shit
>have not worked at all since '04
>closest thing to being productive is taking the kids hunting or fishing
>still get calls to go weld sometimes
Deliberately living outside of Alberta is a meme

Learn a trade.

Tell 'em why you mad, son.

>>quality women will not date you if you don't have a university degree,
just lie to them stupid

>tfw 30 and bought in the 2013 dip
I feel for the new grads today...

Epic in Wisconsin is starting at 105k now

No high school also includes literal retards that gather garbage, sit at cash and other monkey tier jobs. Proletarian elite earns more than stem-degree people

The only reason pol says this meme is because they are low social class people who only have access to low status universities. University is absolutely worth it if you're going to a good one

Everything but MD and JD lol. PhD fags don’t make much unless they work in pharma or make a big discovery. Remember that people get PhDs in social sciences and history etc... they don’t make shit.

>the epitome of summerfags

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>Fell for the trades meme too
>Work with low IQ white niggers every day
>Buying a used Dodge Challenger is their highest goal, or maybe a Corvette or Harley
>Rampant degenerate drug use (meth, coke) among co-workers
>Shitty fucking pay for long ass hours...53k a year, work like 60 hours a week
>All the women who will date us are complete trash, used up ex-strippers, highschool dropouts, have a mulatto child etc
>Co-worker comes to work off a four day bender still high, fucks up, chain breaks and shatter my knee
>Trying to sue the Boomer shop owner, but turns out he's already $1.4million in debt
>Sitting at home in pain, unable to work, on gov't gibs
>probably kill myself next year

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Outliers mean the distribution is skewed. It doesn't follow a normal distribution.

Yes but then you have to work on SöyNite, id rather blow my head off

I'm 32 and I make about $37k. No college education either. You're fine, just impatient. Work hard and eventually you'll be worth more, it's the only option we have user.

Yes, the no-high-school does include that. The high-school that makes just-barely above the poverty line still makes just-barely above the poverty line.

That's not what outliers mean.

I AM a tradesman and only make 50k starting as a first year apprentice, sometimes if I work in the oil sands I can make $600 a day but I rarely do because not enough seniority

Meanwhile university grads are making 80k starting and have higher social status and stock options, I am forced to trade stocks using lunar cycles and only made 8% the past month

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not true at all

Hahahaha how do you fedora tipping 16 year old boomers come up with this shit??

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+1 paying the price now after being too edgy for schooling. Still earning well over London median but I am now having to retrain to secure a reasonable future.

Much like a major, trades need to picked by what's in demand. The statistics for what education brings will always be skewed because it's a fucking statistic. I know plenty of people with a shit master making 40k a year. You don't automatically get rewarded for graduating college. Experience and work ethic is how you get rewarded. I have yet to meet one person fresh out of school in any profession that had any actual work ethic worth admiring.

Graduated a few years ago and i make 66k :) job is pretty easy

t-this is pre tax r-right?

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its a meme newfags

Humanities is a scam you idiot.

oops yeah I admit I am retarded

Wouldn't being an electrician be a good job?

I can't believe I am arguing with a fucking leaf. I quit the interwebz.

Not knowing the basic concept of supply and demand. The power of university people! Fuck off kike prof

So top 10 or don't waste your time?

Yes, that would be a good job.

"Quality women" kek

I know. I see it here too. I should have listened my heart and gone to biologial, jobs be damned. Maybe I would have been living in USA, creating mega-plague to wipe out melanin-rich people and serum to turn fellow incels in ultra chads.
Everything is so depressing.