Seriously, every time I'm on the subway or walking down the street I see white timidity on display. There will be a group of white lads just fooling around and being youngsters then a group of blacks come around and they become quite.The blacks are talking amongst themselves, laughing and minding their own business but the white chaps assume a submissive role.Their eyes dart downwards, their voices become low or they just stop talking all together.It irks me to my core whenever I see this. I'm old enough to remember when a nigger knew his place. That he was inferior and carried himself accordingly. Now whenever I have the misfortune of dealing with a nog, they always look me dead in my eyes when addressing me and their voice is cocksure.What does the future hold for the Aryan.
The white man's masculinity is under assault
you don't say
>There will be a group of white lads just fooling around and being youngsters then a group of blacks come around and they become quite
Well yeah, blacks chimp out at anything
That's so beautiful I cried
>The white man's masculinity is under assault.
womp womp i dont care womp womp
great post OP
it is OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE to make eye contact with these niggers
just let them know that you are seeing them
this makes them behave
it enacts the natural order. they thrive when they are controlled by whites. they actually relish in the discipline just like a dog
if you're training a dog, you will never let the dog walk in front of you without getting choke-chained. you will spit in its food. this is what dogs love. they are happy this way
niggers are roughly the same
Im fucking done. Just kill me already or start the race war. I dont care which
It's natural that we treat niggers as though they're wild animals - they are. Unpredictable and violent, they're basically feral. If the white lads were brainwashed they wouldn't be quiet, the fact they're exercising caution means they're aware of the threat. We will not always be content to live with the threat of random assault.
holy shiiiiiiiiiieeeet
I just don’t want to keep going. This will all repeat again.
A few weeks ago I walked dont the street, minded my own business. Two girls were walking in my direction, laughing and talking to each other. From a short captured them with my eyes, but didnt stare or anything. It was just a quick look to in their eyes and then back to straight looking infront of the street. They have looked at me too and became quite and started to look down fro some reason.
Are you telling me, that this behaviour is a sign for attraction of some sort. Were they intimidated?
My God.
Fake news pic and fake news story
Cucks get the rope to desu senpai
>waaaah society isn't doing the heavy lifting for me
Just hit people who fuck with you and be polite to the rest, like every decent man used to do everywhere.
Whites have been told they're monsters for the past 70 fucking years. We've been told to sit down and 'listen' for the past 20. What the fuck do you expect? White people understanding this and attempting to counter it are the exception, not the rule.
>Haven't fucked my wife at all
>She's pregnant even though I haven't taken her "virginity" yet
>Must have been God
Ywn start a whole religion in order to cover up banging some jew
I think I've seen a thread lately saying how every penis that fucks a woman has an influence on the future children's DNA.
daaaamn.. this is seriously fucked up.
the faggot actually believed that coal burner that she didn't jump on a nigger dick...
We stand today at a crossroads: One path leads to a slow diminishment of our numbers, a weakening of our ability to defend ourselves, and the likely extinction of our people. The other leads to vicious conflicts with immense losses on all sides and the possible extinction of our people. Let us hope we have the wisdom to make the right choice.
you don't see shit, you probably go outside twice a year
Is that Badger from Breaking Bad?
>believe that they are his
how many levels of delusion is this guy on? or do you think the girl basically has him over a barrel and is blackmailing him with divorce until she finds someone better and bails anyway?
the one of the left went to europe in a war to achieve what you see on the right.
I feel diseased just looking at these
this in particular has more to do with the decrease in physically demanding jobs than anything else. The son probably has the potential to be as strong as his father, but has not developed himself through manual labor
That's fake. No one is that delusional and if they are then they deserve to suffer.
This is why we must support Chad. He represents and projects the masculinity of the White race in the public space
Beta cucks deserve to be mocked & shamed.
Why he get with a used-up old white coalburning slut?
I hate betas. They're such fucking pussies!
If you're a beta, you're a pussy!
If you're getting with a [ex]coalburning single mom with some ugly mutt, you're a pussy!
Moral of the story: Be a Chad, not a beta simp cuck.
2017 = pathetic
Why are so many betas Libtards?
Beta males are byproduct of single moms
Because the best weapon of white people is their intelect.
If our society allowed those kid to form a falange formation carrying blades and spear they will brutalize the niggers.
Not even talk about using modern warfare weapon, tactics or just using a drone to disintegrate the niggers.
The modern state force white people to confront niggers in their own terms.
It's the same as saying that gorillas are superior to humans just because you throw people inside a gorilla cage and you spect them to wrestle it.
Enjoy your illusion of power while you can.
Ahahahahahahaha *gasps* ahahahaha
At least that makes me feel better about my life. If I were him I’d go for a very long trip to get cigarettes.
>it was god's will
this is why we want you to be atheist kids, so you dont ned like this
Fake as fuck
Just cuck my shit up senpai
good body horror desu
Thinking the same thing
maybe because whites aren't apes that walk around like a wild animal looking for something to attack 24/7.
look at what whites have contributed to society. and the only thing of note blacks have achieved is violence. sports stars and boxing champs. nothing more.
Just lift.
All you European basedboii faggots either get Übermensch or kys.