Amy seems to sincerely hold strong traditionalist moral and religious views as well as being a Scalia style textualists. I don't buy into your doubts about her just because she's a woman. That''s the only argument against her you have and it's shit.
>Chinese restaurants love illegal labor. I've heard stories about them locking spics in basements and using them like slaves.
They do the same with illegal Chinese, to make them work off the debt they owe smugglers. Also in tug joints, where the women are kept as slaves for the same reason.
Kayden Clark
Looks like the left is still taking Maxine Waters' advice
Clarence warned them, and they still won't listen even with Trump able to choose a new SC These liberals activist judges are going to get themselves blown the fuck out
Who the fuck cares about how they will make libshits seethe, what is more important is their views and verdicts on actual cases. Immigration and the 2nd amendment are the two most important things.
Here's something that's both great for stumping leftists on muh climate change and intrinsically very cool.
>Cloud formation on Earth is caused by supernovae and other distant sources of cosmic radiation. >Solar wind keeps some of this radiation away from the atmosphere and thus depresses cloud cover. >The late 20th century's period of sustained warming corresponds to high solar wind, and the plateau since ~2005 corresponds to low solar wind. >SPACE WEATHER, SOLAR WIND, and EXPLODING STARS are painting pretty pictures across your sky and bringing life-giving rain clouds, RIGHT NOW.
>I don't buy into your doubts about her just because she's a woman. That''s the only argument against her you have and it's shit. Go make me a sammich.
>"We'd be lucky if we get to 21,000 by the end of the year," said Lee Williams, senior vice president of the humanitarian organization US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. Refugee Council USA offered a similar take.
>That number of entrants would be by far the lowest since the advent of modern US refugee policies in 1980 and would mark a drop of more than 60% from the 2017 fiscal year.
>The expected tally also would come to less than half the maximum number of refugees the Trump administration said it would allow to resettle in the United States this year, after slashing the cap to 45,000. In his final years in office, President Barack Obama had steadily hiked the annual cap to 110,000 refugees.
>"The administration is putting unnecessary administrative hurdles in place to purposefully reduce refugee arrivals to all-time low levels," said Danielle Grigsby, associate director of Refugee Council USA, which represents resettlement agencies and other humanitarian organizations.
There is a more conservative justice out there. Trump just hasn’t named him yet.
Hunter Russell
Are they still going insane from net neutrality? Have they not noticed that nothing is different?
Lincoln Cox
>>"The administration is putting unnecessary administrative hurdles in place to purposefully reduce refugee arrivals to all-time low levels," said Danielle Grigsby, associate director of Refugee Council USA, which represents resettlement agencies and other humanitarian organizations. Those seem eminently necessary.
Leo Mitchell
i'm not arguing against her specifically. i'm arguing against the point everyone keeps hitting of "WE NEED MORE BASED WOMANZ." you want persuasiveness, hit the strong points on her views and debate on that, and ignore people invoking the women. you devolve into muh vagina, then i'm immediately going to assume it's a bad idea. i personally don't have an opinion on the selection because i trust trump to make a good one.
Robert Morgan
These people need to hang
Colton Thomas
>living in the worst shithole on earth Brazil is nice in some places compared to so many fucking third world shitholes I've been in. I'm not meaning to defend anything he's saying because I'm not reading the conversation, just wanted to say it could be worse. Not much worse but worse.
Destroy the economy and send hundreds of millions into poverty.
Charles Brooks
Thanks. To be fair one can authorize a warrant but not read the whole contents of an order but that looks very bad.
Ayden Carter
>doesnt know about based Black man exception
Jordan Parker
certainly, with three textualist SCOTUS picks
Ryder Moore
Nope. Today was slow and the shooting yesterday is getting memoryholed fast.
Aiden Perez
>I'm not religious but that would have to be the touch of a god. Trump revived my faith in a higher power.
Daniel Wright
>rally >endorsement rally >rally >SCOTUS victories >new SCOTUS opening for Trump >media gets shot up shortly after endorsing violence against Trump staffers and supporters and jumps the gun on playing victim continuing the decine in their public trust This week has been great, today fucking blows.
This is the only reason Spencerpedes shill that spic, never mind her open borders and gun control stance.
Luke Morgan
I held my nose and read that article posted in the last thread. >well the first couple of paragraphs Obama has already implied he was a magical savior. And these people call Trump arrogant.
photoshop her mouth please i can't stand looking at those disgusting protuding gums
Landon Wood
I started reading the bible because of his presidency.
Logan Lee
Yeah, he's gonna pick some lefty schmuck from one of the institutions that currently wants to see the works and likeness of William Shakespeare burned from the books for being too white. This broad has no idea how obnoxious she sounds.
Daniel Cooper
>Rod Rosenstein refused to give an answer when he was asked if he read the FISA warrant against Trump and his campaign... and he signed off on it! no. he answered it. to jordan gohmert or ratcliffe.
Cameron Martin
I'm fine with this, Amul Thapar seems pretty based
>Obama has already implied he was a magical savior. Reminder that Farrarkhan called obongo "The Messiah".
Leo Long
I hope you realize that he DID read it and that, when it is found out that this was all a soft coup attempt by the intelligence agencies and political elites, that Rosenstein is going to be the guy who gets all the blame and shame.