
Why do they hate Donald Trump so fucking mush
What is it

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What the fuck did he even fucking do

What the fucking did the fucking Orange Toupee blumpf do that was so fucking bad

I don't understand


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Because they are learning small hands equals big balls.

because their masters command it.


Because they NEEDED Hillary to win to make all the crimes and scandals go away. It ALL depended on her getting the white house. Dont get me wrong at the end of the day the Rothschilds still control the world's money printing and its gold and the ruling bloodlines keep on trutting. But on a smaller scale, the DNC and deep state satanic crime machine was betting on their girl to keep the scam going a little longer. I really think even of trump has ties to them, he has become a wildcard of sorts.

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Americans are generally comfort-based animals. You let laws go too long without being used; one side gets mad. Now, the roles are reversed because we are implementing laws that have been on the books since before the automobile. This makes 'the other side' upset, they are no longer comfy. It's a 'how do YOU like it' scenario; which might lead to Mad Max/Hyboria levels of fun and freedom. Legal citizens only, of course.

Trump is an unstoppable political entity, because he is shapeless.

They literally cannot formulate a strategy against him because he's not bound by any rules. None of his supporters give a fuck because they judge that he is a patriot, and are just enjoying the political show.

He's destroying the game that the jew crafted to push down the people it doesn't like.

Pic Related - Jews Admit the truth
Jews want to erase Europe
How Jews REALLY feel about multiculturalism in (((THEIR))) country
No Muslim dick in Jewish Pussy. But if you are white Christian woman...we got the nigger dick for ya!!
Jews hate niggers in (((THEIR))) schools
There are more videos if you look fellas. Jews are lying fucking hypocrites and they DO want to destroy REAL white people. Jews are NOT white. They are mixed raced SEMITES. Jews don't love democracy. Jews love to USE a democracy to DESTROY the white Christian culture that CREATED democracy.

good post anonbro
I watched them all and agree.
keep posting these places

It's because Donald Trump is a physical manifestation of the idea that all you have to do is hypnotise the masses and they're easily manipulatable from then on. What luck for leaders, that men do not think.

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Jews hate niggers in (((THEIR))) schools

Because Shillary was supposed to be in power during the economic reset.
That is all.

The *deep state* didn't choose him, i think theyve got him under their thumb now

You are half right.
The Pentagon chose him.

He's an old conservative boomer who is a lot cooler. It's just too much for them to handle.

I think you are right
Do you think Jewish Crash will happen?

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This is the Jews

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Trump even said everything was a "Big Beautiful Bubble" when he was campaigning.

you know what the best part is? the more crazy they get when it comes to donald the more people will vote for him.

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If Big Jewish Big Jewish Crash occurrs
do you think Trump will be blamed for it?
ie the same way Hitler was blamed for the agitating communist resistance & then response of the Jewish population of Europe?

That might be true, friend.

Of course he will be blamed.
It's not his fault or even Obongo's fault.
The time has come.

Because Trump intentionally triggers them to get support from the other side

Jews hate niggers in (((THEIR))) schools

I have tried and tried to get this video to play here. Jewtube won't let it. You have to go to youtube to hear it. Jewtube also took down the original video. They REALY don't want anybody to see this.

>Why do they hate Donald Trump so fucking mush?
>What is it?
The answer is really _very_ simple: 'they' hate Trump because he loves America.

You see, 'they' hate America. 'They' are globalists, and hate nationalism on principle. But America is something 'they' hate even more, precisely because it was founded on Christianity, not "founded by" or "founded as", but "on". (Because Christianity isn't about 'where' you live, or who your parents were, or any of that: it's about Jesus, what He did, and a personal relationship to Him.) -- Just look at how hard the churches have been infiltrated and subverted.

They hate that Trump, motivated by his love for America, would have the unmitigated GALL to ACTUALLY ACT LIKE IT!! -- This is unheard of absurdity to the globalists who have spent a century pushing people who at-most merely say the words.

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user knows his monetary history. You missed the Coinage act of 1965 when they took the silver out, which was the same year as the Immigration act where they took the white out. Coincidence? Seems like the Jews like to attack our monetary system and our racial culture at the same time.

He's a white man who stand's for an implicitly white political ideology.

They liked him RIGHT up until he ran for president.

They hate Trump because he did not go all the way with the "rituals" of joining the Elite. But he knows about the rituals, and they know that he knows.

I'm not saying that all the people attacking him are baby-rapists, I'm saying that the truly evil ones that we hate are the ones who push this treasonous message from the top of the media/globalist machine. The good guys in the know have to come out of hiding and help NOW.

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Good point. do you think they will canterlever this point to destroy him?
Surely he will survive this like everything else that has been thrown at him but who knows

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why am I not on t he front page like r/reddit instead of Jow Forums

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