Gay zoomers are not real republicans

gay zoomers are not real republicans

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Is this the zoomer thread?

what's your favorite tide pod flavor?

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get your own memes you faggots
and if you need any "ideas" as to what make it, well you "Z" is obviously pretty big with you, so how about Zit-ridden kiddos?

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Hi, I'm a zoomer.

Name is Skylerie, my helicopter mom named me that. I love fortnite, dabbing on the haters, it's lit, and snacking on the tide pods.

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Bible wasn't kidding when it said to kill fags.
No fags, no memes.

it's just not funny

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Zoom Zoom

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Nnoooice tide pod challenge

this is a very specific meme

I ask every time but why is Sora being used for your shill threads?

Zoomer Culture

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ITT 30 year old boomers

I love him and he is very cute(I'm a girl)

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hey skylerie. check your redditt notifications i added you to the fortnite subreddit. free vbucks for new subscribers.
no its actually funny unlike your shit boomer memes.

is that why you're appropriating something that's already popular and shitting out a shit version of it?

Thanks. My mom just bought some new tide pods. Want to schedule a playdate and snack on some while dabbing on the haters? IT will be lit!

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The fuck is this nigger shit?

Zoomer culture. You probably don't even snack on tide pods. You are out of the times.

Bet you remember blockbusters instead of netflix ipads.

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I approve.

Hey guys I just got a new face tattoo of a marijuana leaf. It’s pretty lit.

Boomlennials as a whole are trash, but they have the finest individuals of any generation.