These are the people on the Left. These are the people that think they can win a civil war

These are the people on the Left. These are the people that think they can win a civil war.

Well Jow Forums have we got a chance?

Attached: _77749730_samandmaz (1).jpg (624x351, 25K)

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The opposition will get fucked so hard. Their confidence will be broken upon the first engagement.

I would put money on that they would break prior to that

I can do 20 pullups and my arms still look more puny than that. IDK what i'm doing wrong.


In a civil war won't i and the rest of the left have the aid of the military?

>In a civil war won't i and the rest of the left have the aid of the military?

Attached: 353cbr.jpg (276x310, 21K)

Attached: whatcivilwarlookslike.png (1598x803, 1.03M)

Attached: William-Tecumseh-Sherman.jpg (1200x1523, 277K)

>skinny twinks and homo vs 300 pound video game playing sippin virgins

LOL gg pussies.

on the left btw

>scrawny nu-male faggots, blue-haired land wales, and people like this ( who send little girls into a fight with grown men vs an armed populace

Wowee. I'm really having trouble figuring out which of these two sides stands more of a chance of winning. /s

well shit
How do we make sure a civil war doesn't happen?

not right now you wouldn't

Attached: Trump with Generals.jpg (2048x1364, 676K)

oN tHe LeFt

pull ups works your back muscles

by making a single last total civil war to end all civil wars

because working the forearms and bicep in a single exercise it's not effective at all memeflag

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Lurk on Jow Forums more, faggot.

you can't

that's like saying "how can we make sure OP doesn't suck dick?"

yeah well even if I /sig/ starting yesterday I wouldn't last in a civil war cause you dickheads seem to be fucking right and me and my ilk truly will be massacred but I can't follow through with uprooting my reality tunnel and value system when it would erase everything I know and call my life like some kind of material world ego death and I'd be alone cause that's at the core of why scrawny stoners like me won't fully jump ship it's cowardice and pure constitutional incapability to face the adventure of reality as the hero archetype and I'm deep in the throes of the dark night of the soul hacking up redpills wondering why I've been so dumb and mislead my entire life with no one left to blame but me

start doing them weighted muppet

He more than likely means chin ups

try cutting down the road instead of across the street next time

you won't build muscle unless your diet is right. Doing pullups will build your strength, but if you want gains you need to be eating right and eating enough

Who tops?

I live in Kentucky, so in a civil war all I have to do is help the white forces clean up the scum in Louisville, Lexington and Frankfurt, then I can go fishing for the rest of the conflict.

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Hahaha, whew lad. Maybe the females in the military.....I can tell you first hand, we all have nothing. It disdain for your kind bud

Sherman probably got pussy like a boss.

the fuck is this a gay sex ad

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Sam Pepper isn't left wing.

>but I can't follow through with uprooting my reality tunnel and value system when it would erase everything I know and call my life like some kind of material world ego death
And that's why you fail evolution, because we've been destroying our reality tunnels for years and replacing them with memetic meta-tunnels.

I don't feel disdain for you

Yes he is your dumb nigger.

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strange being one that's missing the boat and having to live with it
I really don't want reality to be the way it is

The black guy on the left is a screaming rapper now


Sho' did. The (((Union Army))) were know for raping the black women

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token black man

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No need to worry about it. Based on OP's pic, they're going to be too busy plowing each other.