As a attorney not involved with the Russia investigation but I know how these things work. So I want to inform you all what is going to happen. Mueller already has enough to convict President Trump. But the truth of the matter is we never put charges on a sitting president. Therefore it is being put off until he is out of office, whether after his first term or his 2nd term. Pretty much as soon he is walks down the stairs from the other guy being sworn in the feds will be waiting he will not get a chance to pardon himself even if he legally can, His and his family assists that they accumulated while he was in office and in office only will be ceased by the United states government see "civil forfeiture" or

bottom line is, Trump is going to jail. And it doesn't matter what you think or say it is happening.

Attached: the truth.jpg (4079x1530, 2.07M)

I want to inform you that you're delusional; pretending to know shit that it would be a crime for you to know.
Go troll plebbit... they like that sort of thing

>Mueller already has enough to convict President Trump.
convict him for what

Flaming and false

nice try

lol stay mad kid

>says increasingly nervous open-mouthed bearded man for the 25th time in 18 months

Lol kewl larp mein dude

The truth needs neither caps lock nor three exclamation points. Therefore; LARP.

Boy, I just can't get over Mueller's jawbone. It's ginormous. It's like in that bible story where someone slew someone else with the jawbone of a Philistine.

untrue and homosexual

An attorney who can't even English? No, you're just some 56% mulatto faggot teenager who spends all your summer days pretending to be intelligent in the Youtube comments

No that was on purpose, I asked my uncle what was really going on, I also know how to trigger you trumptards, use 3 of anything...
>use 3 of everything!!!
>use 3 of everything???
>use 3 of everything...
I just summarized everything he repeated to me
but seriously he is a big wig in washington, although not involved with the russia investigation. I hadn't seen him in years and he has a big mouth

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>tumblr filename
>Not even raw

This is an 18+ board

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Logan you asshole! I knew you'd come Fucking running to Jow Forums. You promised that you wouldn't say anything to anyone! Swear to God! You are a snitch!

Trump has enough to convict Clinton, Obama and their cronies. The Mueller show is theater to keep the left distracted until Trump decides to drop the hammer. That will occur when Horowitz & Huber complete their investigation.

OP is having a nervous breakdown because his name is in the sealed indictment list.

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No. Mueller IS the special prosecutor Trump promised to appoint during the Debate with Clinton.

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Lori I swear to God one more word from this ID and I'll create a vola with those videos you don't want shared! Also how is my favorite dog doing? Lol
I always told you he'd wreck you if you tried it even once

As you were Logan I just saw her throw down her phone and walk off, she's on those short shorts. I may just follow her..

Claims to be a lawyer yet cannot differentiate between the use of SEIZE and CEASE. You should try at becoming a better larper...

>I'm totally in-the-know
>can't spell assets
>can't spell seized
>but I totally know how investigations work or what evidence they have

0/10 leftypol-LARP

Are you sliding pic related?

Attached: Screenshot_20180629-204433_reddit is fun.jpg (1430x1759, 662K)

You are illiterate for an attorney. Also, not how it works. Learn to LARP.

God she's wearing those shorts, you know the ones that look like this.. Damn dude Logan! Text me I might record it.

Kinda getting tired of that blonde hair in a pony tail bouncing around as she walks with next to know clothes on.. Damn Logan I don't blame you anymore. I'm out. Oh change your UP by reseting your router like I showed you. You are on your own now. Go for it dude

Posting this than gotta jump since I fucked up last time

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>his and his family assists
Hmmm. You went to law school you say?

Yeah well no, don't shoehorn us to root for Trump again with your retarded shilling. The investig. is a total farce.

Hurting their fee fees with his mean words

You better be posting it! That blonde haired bitch just turned 18 like a week ago where are you posting the video? Here use this vola /liveme I swear to God Tony you better post all 120lbs of her here!

Attached: BBC_259b453c4da589a8027903aef048829a--famous-people-valentines-day-1.jpg (500x501, 169K)

>No one ever asked an attorney this before!
Yeah, like an attorney is hard to fucking find. You got a real unique perspective there, faggot.

Sorry kiddo, that's where you are wrong thinking I'm fraud, I'm not Jordan Peterson or Sam Harris

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Sweet evidence.

Ya know, most of us fantasize about all things sexual when we jerkoff. But if this is what does it for you, go ahead. All I know is I stand a better chance of nailing Kate Upton than any of your fantasy coming true.

Attached: SLFO.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

that's not what this is about, god I hate simpletons like you

Attached: 7pfY.gif (320x180, 721K)

>that's not what this is about
It absolutely is.