Call you mom right now

At the end of the day, do white women make good mothers?

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White people are hugely diverse, they're 3 or 4 races and middle double digit ethnic groups. For every Slav nigger with Turk blood there's a German Irish woman just wanting to serve God and family.

>Call you mom right now
but i want to call THAT mom

I'm fucking a single mom at the moment if that counts for anything.

Imagine her waking him up with a vigorous sweat scented armpit BRRRAPPPPP

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Only if they are guided by white husbands.

that child is a mutt

No. Not mine and not my grandmother's either. They do t make good wives either.

However my grandmother's were very good wives to my grandfathers. Perhaps my great grandmother's were good mothers, they must have been because my grandfather's turned out to be successful people.

stop posting this shit with race traitors. i can see the chink eye

which white women?

My mom did OK raising me and my siblings, all things considered. She got sick when I was very young, so she was rarely strong enough to play with us outside and whatnot. Dad had to do most of the things at home, like cooking meals and taking us to school.

In spite of all that I don't trust my mom (or any woman for that matter) with anything political in nature. She is too random and disloyal. She thinks concepts like honor, pride and ambition belongs in a past, barbaric age. She is also VERY Liberal in her opinions on politics. Not only that, she isn't loyal to her own family and have outright said that if any of us kids did anything illegal, she would hand us over to the police.

I'm not like that at all. My priorities are my family (my own), my people and my country. Everything else is irrelevant when all is said and done. I live my live according to the Fourteen Words.

I hope it's because you really like her and want to give her another kid and a chance at a happy family.

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she looks like a whore

My mom was a great parent. She died when I was 13, but we'd have home cooked family dinners every night, she'd organize block parties for me and my siblings birthdays, worked full time and always made time for us. That being said, l know plenty of shitty white mothers now.

I've just realized this fucker OP is paid to make the same thread on Jow Forums daily.

I'm attractive and my dick is big but nobody wants kids. They just to fuck, which is nice, but why not settle down while we're still young and able?
I've yet to find one

I’ve never met a white women, who was a good mom. And I’m white. Grew up around a lot of white kids. Most of their moms either threw knives at them while they were drunk or abandoned them.

A good job raising me? No
A good job providing for me? Yes

But how could she possibly raise me right when she was at work 6 sometimes 7 days of the week?

Ideally you want a father around. A step dad might have been nice.

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Well, I called her like you asked.
I explained to her why and she said she didn't think we were allowed computer time during the weekdays and hit a bong and hung up.
I'll ask her during visiting hours if she shows up tomorrow. She hasn't shown up in 8 years.

I'm not black.

Just fuck off for good, man.



I just want to squeeze my face in between those mammaries

I think women are retarded, I got lucky... my mom just wanted to spoil me and that ends up being most akin to the helping model of childrearing. those still socialized are a bit more neurotic. Otherwise, she let me be a picky eater which sort of traumatized me. Also she trusted systems instead of intuition and I never followed my childhood dreams... also she divorced my father and that sort of is easy to see as the reason I'm a NEET.

yeah... I got lucky though, the only drugs she took were the ones that the doctor gives you to sedate you. kinda boring, but no real personality issues other than being a shell to deal with. yawn

I would call her but I didn't respond to one of those posts and............well

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What better option is there? Asian? The problem is your sons will be short and very effeminate.

Good point!

You seem like a douche. You won't attract worthwhile women, just whores for now and nobody later.

I concur.

>the reason I'm a NEET
Faggotry. Stop being a faggot.

My mom died last year at the age of 64. My father died in 2001 at 60. They weren't perfect by any measure, but they did the best they knew how. I appreciate them more now that they are gone, but I clearly see their mistakes too. My brother and I came out flawed but okay.

actually, it really is faggotry. my libido is the worst. I should just marry a millionaire, you straight guys are fucked hahaha

I want to fuck that white girl.
t. spic

why would anyone need to hear that? of course squatemalans don't want to fuck each other, you guys are fucking hideous.

All the best white men you can think of had white mothers

I'm in your country getting white pussy.

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latina women are hideous, I don't blame you

Hahaha. You should. Let him give you the dick. At least you got paid for it, whore

Family was literally Malcolm in the Middle minus Jamie. I'm Dewey btw

so? take out the trash, fine, just makes the whites left even more refined now that our garbage is made mulatto

My mom is a saint. Married at 18, first kid at 19, seventh and final at 32, that woman got my lazy ass out of bed and make me breakfast every single day, along with all the rest. And she never complained. Now that we’re all adults all she wants to do is relax at home, garden, and see grandkids more often.

There is no bouquet big enough for her on Mother’s Day. Damn it I need to do better for her

Mine did. I don't know about yours, user faggot.

White women are shit parents. Every white mom I ever met abused their kids. Throwing knives at them, letting their boyfriends rape them and calling them whores. Abandoning them at an early age. I wouldn’t let a white woman raise my children alone.

lol, my mom just took me shopping too much, maybe she cleaned my room a few times when I told her not to. yeah, the horror.

My mom left my dad when I was 2 to go be a whore at parties and left my dad to raise her son, and the three kids she had with him (including me). She then after being a whore fought my dad for custody of us for 8 years straight in court, stole my two older brother's college funds, and got knocked up by some dead beat who ditched her, and got married to some other guy with two daughters from a previous marriage. But don't worry she's a "good Christian woman"!
I fucking hate my mother

you're a defect

My mother was terrible to me. Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Psychological abuse. Because of that I was extremely selective in choosing a wife. She's an amazing wife and an even better mother. I couldn't be more proud.

Moral of the story, not everyone is the same. Sure, you can generalize a race or a sex to a certain degree, but something like motherhood is so intimately personal that there's no way to make any sort of blanket statement.

Lol communist claiming only nonwhites are good parents

>dead nigger babies

Are you a shlut? But are you a shlut though?

ouch, a real munchausen's mother? yikes, can't get more tragic, but borderline mothers are really fucking traumatizing it seems. Lucky you weren't born today, because it seems the latest trend in Munchausen's by-proxy is transsexualizing your child and running him through the tranny child tv talkshow circuit.

I thought the kid looked Asian but wasnt sure about it because of the angle. Well this confirms it

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my mom died from cervical cancer when i was 6. my father is the stereotypical succesful beta who was rich and able to provide but never bothered to teach me anything about anything. just let me do whatever i want whenever i wanted and didn't give a shit. it took me years to develop a fraction of the personal responsibility and discipline skills others acquire from their parents. i swear if i ever have children i'll actually teach them how to survive in this world instead of just assuming they'll figure it out.

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sad, and weird... a father ought to teach his kid about everything... my personality is pretty much my father's, and that's supposed to be the case.

I wish I could. She's not among us anymore... hold me lads.

Bawww, the feels!

Ironically, July 1 is my mum's birthday. Sadly, I can't call her because she passed from cancer last February. Every user whose mum is still there, call her.

Seriously: where do you find commonly find girls who look like this? I seriously need to move out of my area

Mine died almost exactly a year ago. We had to postpone her wake/funeral due to the 4th of July. Cervical cancer, came up very suddenly. She was in bad health for years, didn't take care of herself. Suffered a lot.

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White women have the capacity to the be the greatest mothers of all. You see it in a lot of animals. For example, the farther north you go, the greater duration of time various elephant species spend weaning their young - it's especially apparent when comparing mammoths and mastodons to 'normal' elephants.

Blue eyed, blonde women also have the greatest capacity for pain. They start to do stuff like dissociate when faced with absurd trauma, which I believe is probably also related to their capacity to be incredible mothers. Instead, this ability is taken advantage of for use by cults running MKULTRA programs.

Oh yeah also, white women's ability to properly mother is dependent on the presence of a spouse (or lack thereof). Unless the husband is her spouse, the government and social media become her spouse. It's common for government and social media to be the spouse even if the husband is present, simply because they are the "alphas" in the relationship. So while it's true a lot of white women are completely shitty mothers, this is partially the result of government and social media making shitty fathers, who is supposed to take the reigns in the relationship.

Girls should be married off at like 10-13, to a guy deemed suitable by her family.

My mom could have been a hippie at woodstock.
Instead she worked her ass off at home and raised three kids while my dad worked long hours.
I will always respect my mothers efforts under tough circumstances.
Thanks Mom and rest easy now.

Zoom. Enhance.

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So many white girls have been brainwashed by the media to try black dick. It's at the point now, when I'm in a bar, I need to hang back and watch a girl before talking to her. I have to see if she is too receptive to attention from the predatory niggers, or if any of her friends burn the coal. The really scary part is, if I wait long enough, it seems like 80% are open to it.

The world is fucked.

Hopefully Trump, Brexit, Salvini, and so on somehow manage to turn the tide.

To quote Richard Nixon, "my mother was a saint."
I have nothing bad to say about her. But women just aren't like that anymore.

Too moley.

The fact that this woman feels the need to post pics like this of her and her child on social media is all i need to know about what kind of mother she is.

They literally can't help themselves. Women are herd animals. They can't differentiate between what they see on TV and movies and social media, and real life. So with all the interracial propaganda, they view it as totally acceptable.

None of that shit is gonna change anything, unfortunately. The situation we are currently in didn't appear from thin air. We can try whatever 'flavor' of government, but that doesn't solve the problem of the government being subverted over and over and over again. Only one way to prevent that...

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Better than anyone else BUT we have failed by not slapping them back into the kitchen.

Try meeting conservative cuties at the libraries. The trick is to go to actually fun events and hobbies to connect with. Our library host a weekly book club, church youth meeting (due to proximity of park and cathedral), outdoor tai chi, Toastmasters, art club, and ultimately the weekly Saturday farmers’ market by the front.

Where are all the good girls? Doing good things

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Exactly this. Beyond that, something just seems 'off' about her.

>good girls
>pic related of 2 dykes with adopted gook

You’re lucky

Fuck you.

theyre probably the worst mothers on earth for the same reason theyre the worst quality women to date. they were raised to be disloyal and to think they are identical to men by television, politicians, and other trash that want to manipulate their gullible asses.

Just a happy grandma with her daughter and grandson

Motherhood is beautiful

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A defect how? My girls dad divorced her mom because she was an awful woman.

Church? Get the fuck outta here. Nope.

Tai chi? Am I an 80 year old? Brazillian jiu jitsu and heavy weights for me.

Farmer's market? Hmm, maybe. I'm not good at picking up at those places. I'd never shop there, by the way.

I do fairly well picking up at places with communal seating for food. I spend a lot of time in Boston and often meet broads at Quincy Market.

Good catch.

The big thing about ending abortion in the US that bothers me is, it's been controlling the nigger population. Crime went down as a direct result of Roe v Wade. Can we make a legal exception, so niggers can get the vacuum to the pussy?

That's a creep fucking picture too. The way the flowers are taped to the wall. The chicks facial expressions. The way they're holding the baby. The 'minimalist' environment.

I'll take allusions to witchcraft for $500, Alex

I know several women and every one of them had their lives changed with their first kid. Some went on to have more, and it wasn't so out there. I've been baby picture spammed, some of them post gorillions of pictures to faceberg instead. Not unusual at all.

I agree

Why does Jow Forums hunt down and collect pictures of happy families who have really obscure instagrams no one would ever normally discover?

Well, this is the only time I get to see some kiddy posted on Jow Forums.
Maybe people should make more thinly veiled pedo threads where they share pictures of mixed race children?

I prefer girls, btw.

1) fuck no, fuck my mom
2) compared to other races, on average, yes


It's the only way I can get erect.

>Well, this is the only time I get to see some kiddy posted on Jow Forums.
>Maybe people should make more thinly veiled pedo threads where they share pictures of mixed race children?
I'm not disagreeing...

Maybe some breastfeeding threads? Maybe some about child sex trafficking? A good Jeffrey Eppstein discussion? Who was that Hillary campaign guy that just got busted? The Netflix movie ("Desire") scene. Lots of ways to go about it.

I called my mommy and she was very happy! :) We chat briefly and I feel really good tonight.

In the last few years, after a serious illness and a month in the ICU (she went in on the day of her brother's funeral, too sick to attend, my brother flew home and found her unconscious), I called my mother virtually daily. After about 3 years of that, she died.

Do it often, man, you won't regret it.

My mom was, my wife is..

I still don't understand the premise.

So, white women are bad mothers. Okay, maybe, you can make your case. But, if they are bad, who is good? It's relative.

Niggers are good mothers? Arabs are good mothers? Gooks are good mothers? Dotheads are good mothers? Spics are good mothers?

On average, whites dominate the field. You could make a case for asian mothers, but that means you probably are only considering the high level immigrants, not the mainland Chinese that are shitting in public places and other lesser mongol mongrels.

I don’t know why, but I’m just thinking about childhood and my mom, while listening to melodic beats, and several tears started to flow out uncontrollably.

I-i-is this depression?

It means you're still alive, user.

my wife is a qt blonde with blue eyes
she is a excellent mother
sorry mgtow you went out of your way to avoid the best

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Race mixers get the gas

Incels live destitute lives then die alone with no descendants.

We will always have each other

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poor chang

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i dont talk to my mom anymore
she cant admit my brother is actually retarded (we're talking high 80's iq) and it led to a massive rift
either hes gonna kill me in a fit of retarded rage or im gonna have to kill him in self defense. honestly i hope he kills himself. we all wouldhave been better off without him and my dad would still be alive

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mine was pretty good bar the whole circumcision thing

1. I am white.
2. my mom is white.
3. I am 27.
4. Still live at home.
5. Turned out gay.
6. No bf.

White women are really bad at this.

Thanks leaf, I needed that.

Chang had no man Thang

I envy you guys with good mothers. I bet you all had gen x parents. I was stuck with boomer parents and it showed. Dad was a high earning high spending irresponsible drug addict. Mom is an elitist liberal who considers herself at the same level as doctors and scientists because she has a bachelors in psychology.
My dad left when I was 6 and my mom would constantly defend him and attack me. If I were to summarize how I was raised, it would be like a pet. There was some food in the fridge and I was given some clothes, but otherwise I was expected to figure everything out myself. I didn't have a house to grow up in as my mom can't manage money or admit any failure or responsibility for anything. Stayed with my mom as she bummed off different family members.
My mom never made any sacrifices or worked hard for me. Never acted as emotional support or a nurturing loving person.
Seriously I envy you guys.

Christfuck, act like a man. Grow up and go your own way, or find an Aryan hotty and multiply.