A woman being the key vote that brings down Roe v. Wade

>A woman being the key vote that brings down Roe v. Wade

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Liberals on suicide watch

President Trump has a list of 25 candidates.

Of course, but if he's narrowed it down to two women and names either as justice, it'll be hysteria from the left.

Women are traitorous though. It would have to be confirmed first that they are anti abortion

women only work on feelings though
one more mass shooting and they'll just ban all guns because think of the children

Are liberals against female representation on the court?

Amy Coney Barret will be the pick.

Yep, she's probably the best pick too. Young, conservative and a textualist. Plus she's a white woman so it will further tear the left apart.

Her membership in a Charismatic ecumenical organization despite being Catholic concerns me. Then again, the Catholic Church is pozzed, so her being quasi-Protestant could actually be a good sign. I like that she didn't go to an Ivy League Jewniversity.

She's waifu material

How about Ann Coulter?

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It's a crime against humanity that she didn't reproduce.

by the time ginsburg and breyer die I 100% guarantee the Court will have 8 catholics and 1 jew on it (Kagan).

Young, conservative and a promise to protect the Second Amendment is all I want.

yeah no abortion is what keeps you know whos in check

No. No more wise fucking women that think with their vaginas.

black woman

then during the 2020 election he accuses abortion of being black population control pushed by liberal elite (a couple of margaret sanger quotes and some statistics is all it takes)

blacks vote republican for the next 200 years

Would be an even harder punch to the face for liberals if a women overturned Roe v. Wade.

>Women are traitorous though
this, nominating a woman is a huge risk

why does everyone assume they will go after roe v wade? why would the supreme court immediately repeal laws? i dont understand how that would come about. wouldnt it have to go through multiple levels of gov first to get there?

Joan Larsen
Screencap this

I hope it's Laura Southern

Attached: ms13democrats.jpg (445x600, 87K)

Would be hilarious

Overturning Roe vs Wade, just means the states decide abortion. When that happens, libshits coming into red states will fucking stop finally.

Its' either Mike Lee or Barrett

much of our law is dictated by legal precedent or Court cases, so overturning a case basically can undo laws. for instance we could overturn birthright citizenship by overturning United States v. Wong Kim Ark.

>A female judge
>Not a white anglo saxon protestant male
>This is acceptable to some people.

Sotomayor is a genetic Jew supposedly. Her mother's maiden name is Baez, a Sephardic Jew surname.

huh, doesn't she have diabetes or something? if she leaves soon for health reasons, I am sure a Catholic will replace her.

we have 0 Protestants on the courts lad, Catholics and Jews only!

at least if Barrett gets the nomination we will get mummy memes on Jow Forums

>7 Children


This kills the liberal. Decades. Glorious.

>It would have to be confirmed first that they are anti abortion
You can't "confirm" anything with SCJ's.
Once they are seated, they are absolutely impervious. You can't boot them for anything, only the Grim Reaper can pull them out of office.

This means they are entirely free of the need to follow any political ideology. And historically, if they shift, they shift Left.

Gorsuch is technically not a Catholic, just raised as one.
But fuck this Catholic bullshit. America is a protestant country.

Stance on the 2A?

Couldn’t care less about abortion

Joan isn't controversial enough for the election cycle. Trump needs this nomination to be a fight to the death to consume all media attention.

>This means they are entirely free of the need to follow any political ideology.
>he thinks the law isn't political

What you lot fear will happen quicker if RvW is reversed

And five men.

You people aren't thinking big enough. The case that you want to get overturned is United States v. Wong Kim Ark.

I caught that, too. I'm really liking what I hearing.

She is sexy as all hell.

The left is far more viscious to women that goes against their agenda than men. See: Palin, Bachmann, Sara Sanders, even liberals like ((((Javanka)))) just for being related to le evil PMURT.

She BTFO of the leftists who say career women can't have kids. Roasties will be on suicide watch.


Rundown or milkers pic on her

>he thinks the law isn't political
The point is, none of the Justices are in any way beholden to the political parties.
Once they are sworn in, they are absolutely free of them.

I don't.

>let's just get rid of the weapon the left used
One should reverse the gains of the left before kicking away the ladder.

He better not fuck this up


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She's mentally defective, it's a good thing

She’s got a shit load of kids. Her milkers are probably gnawed to shit.

Militant right wing extremist

$5 says its black woman. If your gonna pander go all out.

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If its a strong female figure and conservative the libs will freak the fuck out this is great


Right now the women on the SC are an old shriveled Jew, a lesbian Jew, and a diabetic Latina. All of them are ugly as sin.

If Trump picks a hot white woman with 7 white children, their heads will collectively explode

>appoints female justice
>stands for 2A rights cuz muh female protection
>does away with RvW cuz states rights
>hardliner anti-immigration cuz family values

ooh a rare ann

Attached: young-ann-coulter.jpg (250x280, 34K)

Ooo I just had a good idea. The left would absolutely melt down.

Attached: Jeanine-pirro.jpg (800x445, 51K)

She dresses too modestly, looks like a c-cup.

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She has one adopted black child actually.

Even better. Would cause that much more butthurt

good things never last do they? we had a fun run senpai

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The daughter is in the picture.

I know everyone can see me replying to myself, but fucking THIS

>women in politics at any level

You can’t see that type of strategic planning and not be intrigued.

This vid is really worth you time.

She looks fucking great for having SEVEN kids. I'm with it, even though nominating any female is a large risk. Her confirmation would cause actual seizures with those leftist retards.

So, user., you're a contrarian (ie. a devil) before you use your own experience.

But Margaret Sanger quotes will get more people to support abortion so it won't work.

kikes never voluntarily give up power. She, like Ginsburg, will die wearing the robe.

They are NOT banning abortion, it's going to the States to decide. Blue States will still have abortions, Red States will not. This is very important in keeping the roasties contained.

thank you for making this board less shit

Do not make the mistake of compromising to the left.

No women, no kikes, no capitulation.

no she fucking wont

she's just on the short list to appease evangelicals

it's kavanaugh

Please God.

Only problem I have with this is that she is in her 60s. You want someone younger so they'll be there to BTFO liberals for decades to come.

yoooooo... she was banging back then... damn

She's a fucking mockingbird contrarian shill. Worthless.

No one wants here to end roe c wade christfag kill your self

I don't want any women, kikes, or niggers on the SCOTUS.

I want straight, White, protestant men.


they all are

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It literally keeps the minority population under control. Roe needs to stay.

Absolutely 100% this. Would overturn all judicial review since 1803


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Ted nugent digits confirm.

If it goes state by state only niggers will be able to get abortions.

All the more leverage (((they))) have against her when its time for the court to really vote. Women have no place on the bench.

It would, most of the fucking mutts on here don't understand how our legal system works. In order for Roe to be overturned (well, more like planned parenthood v. casey which came after Roe) a state would have to pass a super restrictive abortion law first (this is actually likely). Some (((women's group))) would then sue the state, then a federal district court would have to agree they have standing to sue and then rule on the merits of the case. After that the case goes to an appellate court and then the SC if 4 justices agree to hear the case. The whole process would take at least a couple years, the courts move slow as fuck. They just now ruled on the travel ban case and that was old as hell news.

It will stay, but only in coastal blue states where all the white leftists, Jews, and pavement POCs live.

Wtf I'm a Cruz missile now!

>You can't boot them for anything
The term "good behavior" is understood to mean justices may serve for the remainder of their lives, unless they are impeached and convicted by Congress, resign, or retire. Only one justice has been impeached by the House of Representatives (Samuel Chase, March 1804), but he was acquitted in the Senate (March 1805).