Why do most people around here assume that there's nothing after death ?

Why do most people around here assume that there's nothing after death ?

If anything the monumental amount of testimonials we have on the subject tend to prove that there's indeed something.

I mean even a neurosurgeon that went through a near death experience and wrote a book about is convinced about it, so why wouldn't you ? Because you saw a shitpost """proving""" the contrary about it on some anime imageboard ?

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When I die bring me back as the booty of a Latina amen

Wasn't dmt speculated to cause the near death experience?

Strongest and most reliable type of evidence

It's simple: We've never heard back from a single dead person

Even if they're still there, in what meaningful way are they still there? What, they frolick in heaven doing...?

Earth and the universe is interesting. My hope is that it's just a game I slipped into and if I die I get to play again.

yeah..100% of the people who I've seen give testimony all claim they saw Hitler in hell burning and being tortured ..

>a neurosurgeon that went through a near death experience and wrote a book about is convinced about it, so why wouldn't you ?
Newton believed in God. Einstein didn't believe in black holes. Neurosurgeon's opinion is ultimately just as worthless as anybody's

>dmt causes intense hallucinations
>brain releases lots of dmt when its dying
nope its the afterlife!! :)

Like reading the serial number UNDER an operation table all of that while the brain is ALREADY shut down ? No because it literally happened and the doctor that made the procedure on the dude having this near death experience did a testimony about it.

All the testimonials we had cannot all be put under the "lol it's just the dying brain spazzing out !". It's like saying all UFOs sightings are just planes or meteorologic balloons. It's stupid and shortsighted.

why do most people around here assume that most people assume things?

Here I will reveal the secret of Life’s death consciousness and the afterlife.

Electricity, bio electricity, magnets and electromagnets.

Prana, mana, chiha


this is from an actual study, the AWARE program and they did an AWARE II but havent anounced anything yet.

>During the NDE, the patient felt quite euphoric.
The patient heard an automated voice saying "Shock the patient, shock the patient."
The patient rose near the ceiling and looked down on his physical body, the nurse and another man, bald and "quite a chunky fella", who wore blue scrubs and a blue hat. The patient could tell the man was bald because of where the hat was.
The next day, the patient recognized the bald man who attended him during the resuscitation.
The medical record confirmed the use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) that would give the automated instructions the patient heard and the role that the identified man played during the resuscitation.

my theory is consciousness is raw energy and needs a host, a "brain" to experience reality. During NDE, it can still communicate with its host brain but because it may be time for the brain to cease it has to depart and find another host.

afterlife is the real thing, this is the simulation matrix


There is nothing after death without your Lord and savior Jesus Christ . Now when you are a demon you have other rules.

do not shit in my thread man
and i know you are the user who said jesus grabbed you by the neck in a lucid dream, LEL

Lol that is not me though i am serious . Humans die and all they see is blackness they wake up in the judgment , Demons move on because they have eternal souls

>tfw you are already under judgment

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That is soon , Demon reincarnate usually until they find Christ to cleans their sins , but this is their last chance to find Christ or they will perish forever

Medical evidence about brain damage.

Every single thing that makes you you: memories, personality, language, relationships - can be selectively disabled by damage to specific parts of the brain. Each one can be proven to be dependent on oxygen supply to specific pieces of tissue. If the entire brain ceases to function, you don't magically get them all back.

the brain is an avatar. when you lose 1of those functions, its because the data stream somewhere has ended and this manifests in the avatar world you perceive

So a organic brain has to be the same as a soul ? if the soul is energy and we unplug the soul and then replug the soul the brain works again . Damaging the brain would be the same as damaging a hard drive the computer can still fuction but its retarded

Who is this guy? Why does he love watermelon so much? Is it summer, is it hot out?

if you come back, you werent dead.

claims like that are often passed around but never hold up to scrutiny. stop believing shit just because someone said it.

>Is it summer, is it hot out
nigga just go outside, like walk out your door.

look up dmt + dying and quit being an idiot. your brain trips out when you die so you don't panic (not that it would matter)

Define soul as energy if you like, but consciousness does not survive death. smash your hard drive like Hillary Clinton and you can "replug" as many power cables as you like but you won't be running windows.

could be a horrific and enlightening thing.

This is not true. The brain is not a receiver of "data signals". It is a vast neural network that processes sensory input and thoughts directly.

dmt has never been found in the human brain yet. there is no evidence supporting the claim that dmt has any effect on the experiences of dying, dreaming, or any other endogenous altered state. look into it, there are a lot of claims made but the evidence does not exist as of now.

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what television show is this from Op

>The brain is not a receiver of "data signals"
you seem awfully sure of this. what about a universal consciousness?

i’m convinced that there is some form of existence after death. i’m just sad that i’m not sure i’ll remember this existence or that i’ll even remember the next one

If there's nothing after death then there's no evolutionary purpose of the brain releasing DMT when it dies. Nature doesn't give a fuck if you're afraid or not.

Still no one has given a viable explanation for the similarity of hallucinatory content in DMT and Ayahuasca

why don’t you? let’s hear what you think.

i realize now my post was ambiguous, similarity of content in all who do them, not between the two of them

>hurr this experience is just chemicals
>chemicals are just word concepts to observable phenomena
>hurr observable phenomena are defined by word concepts therefore no inferences as to why these observable phenomena occur is allowed
why are atheists such cancer?

>It's simple: We've never heard back from a single dead person
How would we know if that did happen?

Maybe if you provided evidence he wouldn't be so confident. In fact, you have seemed awful certain of everything you said, some of which is topics i follow closely and know you have no evidence to support your claims of. Start coming with evidence if you expect not to be dismissed immediately.

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Hard problem of consciousness people. Until we can "solve" how a brain produces it we can't be sure the brain produces it at all.

Remember before you were born? That is what death is like.

do you remember anything during the time before you were born? no. you didnt exist. same thing will happen when you die most likely. but we will only know once we die

because you don't have to be a neuro-surgeon to eat a handful of mushrooms and experience the same exact thing.


You better fucking hope there's no afterlife, because spoiler alert, eternal ANYTHING would be fucking torturous to a human mind. The thought of eternal life is literally the most frightening thing I can imagine.

This lad gets it

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As for the topic of why this board has a disproportionate amount of materialists, I would say conservative viewpoints are consistent with a "down to earth" view as opposed to a "head in the clouds" type view that for example a new ager would have.

I find it highly unlikely. Either way, the best course of action is to live a good moral life likeit's the only one you'll ever live. Too many people hold onto that possible second chance to justify or cope with their shitty behavior. I know because my father uses spiritism to avoid sorting himself out and it's pathetic.

>people who take the same drug have similar experiences
whoaaaaaaaa duuuuuuuude

Bullshit. I want to live forever. Those who say it would be torcher are boring. I could never get tried of studying the universe and acquiring knowledge.

At least you will say "most likely". So many seem 100% sure one way or another.

>Why do most people around here assume that there's nothing after death ?
Who do you assume that Santa Claus doesn't exist?
>If anything the monumental amount of testimonials we have on the subject tend to prove that there's indeed something.
How do you have the testimonies of dead people? If they're alive they're not dead.
>I mean even a neurosurgeon that went through a near death experience and wrote a book about is convinced about it, so why wouldn't you ?
Because it's a well known fact that hallucinations are triggered in the brain as it's losing oxygen. Look at how many astronauts see gods (depending on their respective faiths) when they pass out in the centrifuge machine. That must mean all those gods are real right? Some pagan dude even saw fairies and spirits of the forest, so I guess those exist too. On one hand it could be that you just hallucinate something you've been indoctrinated with until it becomes a part of your identity; and in the other hand the elder Mesopotamian gods are real because one dude saw them and made a YouTube video about it. If he's convinced, why aren't you?

The same way there are people who believe everything started with the Big Bang. Before there was nothing but afterwards there was the Big Bang. I figured that Atheist tend to just make things non existent when they do not have an answer for it. There was nothing before the Big Bang and there is nothing after death like there was nothing before you were born. Why was there nothing before you were born? Because we don't remember anything, so that means it didn't exist. A smart man would ask the question if we did exist before we were born and just don't remember. But atheists are convinced in the self riotousness that it can't possibly be true. Or else they would remember it.

The atheist mind is very simple, if they can prove it then it exists. If they can't they will just make up stuff about it and pretend like they are intellectually superior to others. So who cares anymore.

>Why do most people around here assume that there's nothing after death ?
That's pretty much the definition of death. You're body is gone, and that means you are gone. You are only different from your body in the sense that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. But if you take all the parts away, the whole no longer exists.

>You're body
Fuck me

user, hold my hand. Let's sign up for cryonics together.

If we do not remember it then isn't it fair to say we did not exist at that point if there is no record of anyone else saying we did exist? I do not remember my little brother before he was born therefore he did not exist then.

When I get older I will. There might be a good chance we will be able to extend lifetimes in the near future. God I love being a scientist.

If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, isn't it fair to say that the tree did not fall? See how stupid that sounds, if you do not wish to pry deeper and just take things at face value what the scientists can proof and you see what can be proven to be the absolute truth. Then fine, be an atheist. Many people wish to go beyond that and discover things that are hidden from us. But as I said, who cares anymore. Atheists are so much filled with pride that they can't look beyond what science will prove. So good luck with that.

Because everything science tells us indicates that consciousness is an emergent property of our organic structure, which we can observe decays and changes into another form of energy upon death. Therefore it seems far more likely that when you die, consciousness ceases, like being put under for an operation and time is felt to have been lost after you wake up.

I agree. I'm as libertarian as the next guy, but the government should be pouring billions into life extension research. It falls under the first tenet of life, liberty and property. In the end, it is the only issue that matters and it's for all the marbles. Trump adviser Peter Thiel was pushing hard to have a pro life extension guy appointed to head the FDA, but apparently Trump didn't listen. As a 10 year old zoomer, hopefully I'll reach the escape velocity.

it's neat to think about though

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I think people who pretend there is an afterlife with zero evidence supporting it are holding us back. What makes humans so special? Elephants remember and seem to have "souls, do they live on after death? Pretending in an afterlife is a childish fairytale. I am actually jealous that anyone can believe in one. If I could be fooled into it I would be much happier.

>anons may be interested in this

I Survived...Beyond And Back (tv series)

The question of whether life exists after death is one of mankind's greatest mysteries. This series focuses on numerous individuals who, after being pronounced legally dead, amazed medical professionals and family members by inexplicably returning to life. These survivors share their stories about what they experienced on the other side, whether it was strange voices or deceased relatives urging them to return to the land of the living, or actual encounters with heavenly apparitions and God himself.

Attached: I Survived...Beyond And Back.jpg (960x1440, 138K)


When you die you return back to where you came from. And your death brings life to those who are around you.

The same can be said for there being nothing after you die. You would need to prove nothing does happen outside of observable reality.

No one here said animals don't have souls.

Animals dont have souls

Abbos dont even have souls

im not talking about the effect, im talking about the hallucinatory content, which is not implied or embedded in the chemical structure of the drug ;), even people with no previous knowledge of the culture around the drug hallucinate on the same theme and content

this doesn't happen with other drugs, for example LSD

this means that its either a triggering sth embedded in the brain, or is altering the brain to allow it perceive sth that its actually out there. If it were embedded in the brain, most probable answer, then its content would need to be embedded in its physical structure, given that people shared the contents along cultures and time and space. This to me is an important break anyways

now if it were embedded/implied in the chemical structure then is a huger break too, cause it means one can design drugs with a specific content in mind, drug synthesis as an artform/media, you could do away with VR and just embed your games and stories and all sorts of virtual experiences via chemistry

wtf is that in pic?

after /sci/ highest average IQ. And they have zero sense of humor.

>I know because my father uses spiritism to avoid sorting himself out
what do you mean with spiritism?
Spiritism as the belief in the existence of nonphysical beings or that obscure religion after kardic?

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If God is all knowing, all powerfull, and ever present—what the hell is he actually thinking about?
Is his state of grace completely still and at rest?
If he exists outside of our system and time, does the info arriving to him about us come all at once or is it still bound by our concept of time?
If there are two systems of time, the Beatles finally make sense.

Are dreams true? Is the afterlife true? KYS and pay debts, shit stain.


Machine elves ftw!