Talcum X

Talcum X

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Why don't you faggots ever provide a fucking link to a tweet so we know if it's real or not?

lel, fecalphiliac confirmed

Where are his DNA test results?


>non-whites are totally used to fecal matter on the streets

>12 June 2016

They sure love feces and things pertaining to feces, don't liberals?

>basic hygiene is white entitlement
Even a cat will bury there turds.

sooo.... /ourguy/?

>Stop shitting on the street
>that's racist you entitled cracka

I doubt it's real but it could have been.

Yeah we whites happen to dislike things like Cdiff and Cholera not to mention that it's generally considered poor social norms to fill the place you live with yours and everyone else's bodily filth.
But hey, call me entitled.

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100% Congo cant you use your eyes?

Fake as fuck.

Try harder next time shill.

>He likes his streets covered in shit

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What is he trying to imply? Hygiene is only important if you are white?

This has to be a shop

Why should we still give a shit about this larper? Who cares?

We do when it's a real tweet, just ignore posts without links.

niggers dont care about literal human shit in their surroundings

>If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth

Is he really saying that only white people don’t like living in shit?

How did you get that from my post you literal retard? I said to ignore tweet screenshots without links, like everybody else does on Jow Forums if they have above a 70 iq.

>no link

Nigger I aint searching through two years of tweets. Fake news.

I mean, does this really come as a surprise? They are probably happy to see stuff that looks like them.

If it gets spammed enough here it becomes real. Make Talcum defend shitting in the streets you mong.

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Why is nu-pol so comfortable in sharing their retarded ideas?

I wish someone would kill this fucking white nigger

Sorry, I didn't realize you were a venerated oldfag. Please, accept my apologies.

I don't believe this is real but I'm sure if it was made into an issue somebody, somewhere, would say it.

French people, for one, fully support shit in the streets.

It's really quite fascinating to track the propagation of ((the controllers))) weird quirks as it seeps into their puppets, through the various media networks and business/political connections. At least some of their deliberately unclear language, victimhood culture, corruption fetishes (child rape/scat), and perfidiousness sets into the golems; tracking those subtle cues are sometimes the only way to figure out who's been corrupted.

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white people and their
*shuffles cards*
aversion to the smell of shit

IT coincides with their views, which are shit.

It's fake as shit. Shaun King would never say something this dumb.