Influence over ourselves, others, and our surroundings is achieved through kinetic, willful action appropriately directed as to advance one's interests. Achieving a desirable outcome from your actions depends on:
- the scope and intensity with which you plan your success
- a thorough understanding and respect for the obstacles standing between you and your goal
- your resolution and willingness to struggle for the sake of your action taking meaningful effect
These 3 conditions of success apply to both individuals and groups.

Many other organisms participate in grouping to advance their interests. However, the ability to affect willful, conscious, and incredibly complex action upon our environment as an individual or collective is the greatest cosmic gift given to any form of matter within the observable universe. Logic, reason, and the will to act must never die, for if they do, our destiny as gods amongst the stars die with them. Never lose sight of the irony that the opportunity for humankind to wield ceaseless, infinite power presented itself the second two monkeys got together and decided to bash another one's brains in with a rock.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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We've come a long way since then. Think of who you are compared to the average person 100 years ago. 500. 5,000. 50,000. Modern humanity grows exponentially more complex and exponentially more powerful every second when you zoom out on the timeline. We also grow exponentially more self-destructive. Our need to select for the above traits of success is never greater. The weapons we use to do so have changed since the Stone Age, however.

Our weapons evolve like we do. The collective sprang forth as an earlier, primitive way of using intelligence to survive. You might observe orcas, dogs, dolphins, and other "intelligent" animals act as a unit in nature. You might also watch them visit violence upon members of their own in-group to establish an order. Symbols are essentially weapons adapted to projecting an individual's or collective's will via manipulation of upon another's mind.

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Good thread. Just cut your meme flag and tell me why are u giving out free secret teachings?

Hey man, I don't want India in on this kind of talk, feel me?

Symbols can be used peacefully to unite and focus the will of numerous people in order to gain a collective advantage against existential threats. The SPLC, in a massive telegraph of their intentions, labelled Pepe frog as a hate symbol to much ridicule and not nearly enough suspicion. Symbols may be used against adversarial wills to disrupt their plans, muddy their collective knowledge, or erode one's resolve to act. What are our plans? What happens when we try to organize? Why is history being revised on a large scale? Why are men killing themselves in droves? Most importantly, what can we do?

The Internet is the beginning of EVERYTHING. Those of us living will never come close to comprehending how deeply the Internet will forever change human civilization. The historically almost spontaneous means we created to communicate ideas to absolutely MASSIVE amounts of people (4ch - 22 million unique vistors/mo, unknown millions influenced) has given the calculating, knowledgeable, and resolute of humanity a way to stab at the heart of anything that would stand in their way.

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Our rulers, using the television, cemented their inherited new human order of debt-slavery, anti-intellectualism, sadness, psychopathy, and waste. Those of us who cherish beauty, who seek strength at the cost of comfort, who stand waiting at the prepice of humanity's Renaissance - we live EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY under attack in this Brave New World. So now, we attack our abusers with our ideas. A considerably-sized portion of humanity has subconsciously realized that as a species, we are at a juncture in our evolution where the magnificence of sapience and conscious action are to be respected and preserved. Nature WILL select for collectives of Man that exhibit intelligence, adaptability, strength, and psychological resiliency. It is a sacred inborn duty etched into our very DNA that by virtue of being able to act upon our environment cohesively we strive to defeat death, become immortal, and claim the Universe in Man's image.

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Every letter you type, every meme you shitpost, every word you speak, every friend you make, every time you succeed, every time you fail, every time you -ACT- we win the battle of fear for ourselves, and the battle of energy against our enemies.

I write this letter because I cannot stand to think how disgusting it would be if mankind becomes a species of slaves purpose-built for the exploitation of our dopamine receptors in exchange for trivialities. Many are already just that. Free them. Fight them. Never succumb to comfort. Never succumb to fear. A conscious mind is the most precious resource known to exist - YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE THAN BEING CHATTEL.

The free exchange of ideas on this forum saved my sanity and my life. If you, reading this now, value truth, beauty, freedom, and strength, you are my brother. I love you all.

Now go. Act.

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Jesus said, “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don't enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.”


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>implying India isn't a memeflag by this point

Thank you, my poo friend. I wrote this because for years now I've had no mouth and needed to scream so badly. I'm at a point where I see humanity at a crossroads. Many paths lead to an eternity of being the wasted energy that might have conquered the universe had it been focused into pursuits beneficial to humanity. I disagree with Ted that industrial society is the doom of man - just the opposite, I think its a natural civilizational progression from endless toil to infinite power. To hold back our species in the name of pathological altruism, empty fleeting pleasure, and endless spoils for those that spit in our face DAILY is the ugliest of sins.

per your request

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Just stop deluding yourself further. Earth is better place to live. People are working to carry your lazy ass and lazy asses of your family, friends and next generation. No one is wasting time except you.
It's better we work in dark to serve the light.



What's delusional about what I'm saying, specifically? We're living in an ongoing black swan event and don't know where its going to lead - I'm just expressing my wishes that our existence has meaning. Real, tangible, glorious meaning. We're perfectly capable of it.

>people are working to carry your lazy ass

People that figured out how to shit in toilets hundreds of years ago are spending valuable time, energy, and money to teach your people the virtues of sanitary living and the lesson STILL doesn't fucking stick. We're over here trying to evolve. Stick your edgelord SEKRIT CLUB blackpill shit up your smelly, rotten ass, currynigger.

Bumping for an eloquent and woke user. What you are articulating is what it all really comes down to for me as well, the great cosmic battle of good and evil at its root - the human creative impulse overcoming our bestial nature.

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A slave is a person who is told to him what he wants, and that thing is given to him for the price of his Will

Sage, there is only ONE

Thank you, user. That image relates perfectly to this conversation. Life is ourselves against ourselves.

and muhammad is his prophet amirite lol

canuckistan, everyone

Better thread theme when it comes to Jow Forums.
Not your gay ass music op.

We are, though, created in the image of God- able to create and make or break moral choices

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>didn't check my id

You should play fewer video games, user.

Remember white race/european culture does not have left wing and right wing... we have acceptable and unnacceptable. This idea that its normal to bounce back and forth between two different cultural platforms, or for your population to be divided 55/45 is fucking absurd. We need to figure out what we want our culture to look like from a birdseye view, and from a personal perspective as well and just do that.

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>Implies, I play video games all that much
>Not something I took out of my history when hunting some more good music. which includes gmv, amv's etc.

Thanks. You will never learn and shine.

100% agreed. I posit my thoughts as pondering the end-game of our species specifically to highlight the lack of context and purpose for our current state. We split the atom at numerous facilities and distribute the energy hundreds of miles on a scale we can't even comprehend - all so a wake-toil-spend-sleep cycle that leaves us spiritually dead can keep on chugging. Its madness.

We need to increase our influence through institutional power and action. All of us should be supporting existing European culture groups. Volunteer and donate to German groups, Scandinavian groups and others. These groups consist of people who are actually trying to preserve and promote our cultures.

Jesus fuck keep this thread bumped!

You've got a good way with words user. A lot of people have a lot to gain from understanding what you've said. Also show your flag and bring pride to your nation

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Thanks user

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based leaf

We are to make ourselves in God's image. Being like Children of God. Recognizing our primal nature as being innate, and learning to harness our higher thinking to control that nature.



>We need to figure out what we want our culture to look like from a birdseye view

All we have to do is look into our past and our traditions. We have to reject the current culture and promote the things that make us European. Join donate and volunteer to a European cultural organization

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Wasn't gonna reveal, but I want you to know I'm here with you, somewhere in this crazy fucking country of ours. Thank you for your kind words. I'll write more because of you.

To those bumping the thread, thank you infinitely. Spread my message if you don't mind taking the time to do so and feel as if its important. You faggots are the best.

Gotta head out now. Do good things, anons

one last shameless self-bump

What a great thread, its too bad there isn't more discussion. thanks OP.

Our ancestors went through hell. This is a struggle as well.

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Haha are you Penrose user? Ring a bell? I read the book, thank you.

Show your flag man, don't ruin the thread with a meme flag

Get right

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