North Korea has increased nuclear production at secret sites, say U.S. officials

North Korea has increased nuclear production at secret sites, say U.S. officials

"There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S."

Well Jow Forums what the fuck do you have to say now? Donald's celebrating false victories once again. Is this your Nobel winner?

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let me guess

'according to a source familiar with Kim's thinking'

the only party that "There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the U.S." is the press

So all evidence that goes against Trump from now on is just fake news? How convenient.

What percentage are they at? If they want to go nuclear with America regulating it I wouldn’t care. Same goes with Iran but both should be done via congress and have strict regulations.

the press could report that the sky is blue and i'd check to be sure. Trump has nothing to do with it

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top jej

Although its probably fake news leaked by rouge IC members.. Its in Nk best interests to ramp up their nuclear arsenal. Its actually a very realistic idea that KJU has increased production, given their history of manipulating US.

Tldr possible fake news but Nk have a history of deception so this is no surprise if true.

So are they going to get freedomized?

are these the same stay behind obama "intelligence" agents who lied about everything else?
and all the rest deserve nothing but a firing squad for their treason to the oath

>muh wmd

How do you know, if it's SECRET site?

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Good news Democrats, you get to have Nuclear War. Its what you've always wanted...

That’s what happens when you cry wolf 1000 times.
Regardless, this shit is obviously fake.
Just look at how sweaty and scared this guy is.

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My dad is one of the officials and he said that "anonymous sources" is journalist for stuff we made up.
Check: The United States is in danger. Should we do literally our job and tell higher ups? Naw, let's tell Brian Williams. So in other words there is no danger, and there's no meaningful difference if there was because these people are just still trying to game the 2016 election by telling lies, just like every previous story of this type. They're not intelligence officials. They're not anybody.
What the hell has the CIA dobelately that you would trust a word they said? If I could I would dissolve them and move anything salvageable to the NSA (which owns the internet) and the DIA.

Look up what that word means, I placed the definition right next to slam-dunk evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

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Assuming it's true, Trump hasn't given Kim a god-damned thing beyond one nice lunch, and we simply continue to withhold all the goodies Kim wants.
Compare that to Genius Obongo telling Iran to shut up and take his money as well as his sailors.

What does this image even prove? Show previous photographs to indicate changes or gtfo.

Two cars parked in a driveway and an AC unit are not proof of jack shit besides "Human activity occurred here at some point."

>U.S. officials
Glow in the darkies and other elements that desperately want a belligerent and nuclear North Korea as it justifies their own existence and keeps the money and power gravy train rolling in. Whenever you see stuff like this from "U.S. officials" it's being put out by CIA niggers to undermine Trump and what he's attempting to do.

I don’t know whether it’s the lies or the laziness that piss me off the most

>look at these grainy circles
>look there are some vehicles
>look here, a stain
>you MUST undo all your peace efforts and declare war

Fucking glow in the dark niggers need a set of headlights closing in on their chest at 120mph.

wmd all over again

I would take a bullet for Trump before I listened to the FAKE NEWS anymore.

They've lied about every tiny little thing so far. Why would it be any different this time?

>Say officials

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Yes, the article you posted is absolutely fake news. Go read the original report, it says the opposite what your article says. was counting on you being and idiot and easily fools, and you fell for it. Well done brainlet.


"stained roof from cooling unit"


Fuck the absolute state of FakeNews™ and American Propaganda. Shit's hilarious.

Give Trump the Nobel Peace Prize NOW

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(((inteligence agencies)))

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where is the original report? nice ID btw

Who benefits from this information?
Who benefits from sabotaging peninsula peace talks?

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This is a fair assessment.

>anonymous "officials"

I have a bridge to sell you user.

Didnt their fucking mountain collapse into a nuclear radiated shit storm?

>Weapons of mass destruction
Hmm I've heard that before..

>more than a dozen American officials who are familiar with their assessments and spoke on the condition of anonymity
Impeccable sources.

>some guys blog is the source
oh no no no