Why don't you use GNU/Linux and free software? Microsoft and Apple are owned by Jews

Why don't you use GNU/Linux and free software? Microsoft and Apple are owned by Jews.

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Linux has trash software management.
It's literally the opposite of what we are taught in CS.
Global dependencies that are constantly corrupted by installing packaging = worthless.


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Enjoy your bloat.

Also, the community is intensely resistant to any changes or consolidation that would improve the user experience.

OSX has no bloat. Agency backdoors on the other hand...

How so? You can make any changes you want, that is part of the GPL.
Laughing at you.

As soon as Win 7 support ends in 2020 I will user. Probably RHEL or something that has better WINE support - though games these days are total bullshit now.

Games are for kids. Just grow up and you'll have no need for Microsoft's spyware ridden operating systems.

>makes a change
>oops one of my libraries is fucked
>happened to be important library for my desktop compositor
>no desktop
>load up Windows/OSX computer to look up the exact syntax/arguments for whatever shell commands to get the desktop working again
>ok so just link this library that the pacman refuses to fix...
>welp now it's even more fucked for some reason
>format and install windows 10

Because I don't want to rely on WINE to run every piece of Software thats worth a shit.

I've managed to get most games I enjoy running on linux, although these days games are such shit

>I forgot the mention that the community is filled with arrogant pieces of shit which is part of the reason why nothing ever improves

I don’t condone the data collection and spying, but I personally have nothing to hide and W10 is convenient so I just use that.

>can't tell what OS i'm running
>not realizing they are comp'd
lol fucking amateurs

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Sounds like an easy fix that could have been easily avoided to begin with. Why did you go for this as an example?
Then fork the software. You don't have to be beholden to developers like with proprietary shit. You can improve anything however you want.
I thought Americans liked freedom?

>Sounds like an easy fix that could have been easily avoided to begin with. Why did you go for this as an example?
>literally happens after at least 10%+ of pacman -i if you install anything worthwhile, worse if you use ubuntu etc with massive repos that are hard to keep in sync with dependencies

GNU is communism

This is why I use the only Unix that's worth a shit: Macs

Because I'm stupid faggot.


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it's because the linuxtards drank the dynamic linking cool aid and now linux is a huge pile of DLL hell.
at least OS X has sane software distribution as it packs up all dependencies in one bundle (directory). no installing of libfaggot.1.4.2.so into /usr/fag/lib
god commies fail at everything kek

Try NixOS/GuixSD it's the dependencies final solution.

but they readily adopt SJW style "code of conduct" shit

Works on mine, maybe you just fail at installing your OS properly and maintaining it.
GNU is Not Unix.

>games these days are total bullshit now
well you can use your gaming GPU to mine cryptos

I use windows at home cause I'm lazy and like video games.

I use a macbook at work cause it's a great development machine. Linux laptop would've been cheaper but hey I'm not the one paying for it.

Exactly. Once I realized the situation I was blown away by the incompetence of it all.

I've read about NixOS in the past. Had trouble finding good documentation or evidence anyone was actually using it. The idea sounded ok though.
Ultimately I preferred stuff that emulates OSX bundles. There have been many attempts over the years, but a large portion of the community is not even interested in this crucial feature.

but WINE does run them flawlessly. unless your'e talking about muh gaymes. in that case step away from the computer, nigger, and let the next white male make productive use of it

Just a reminder that Linux is communism put into practice.

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>Then fork the software.
good joke. the most "but I can fork" retards don't even know how to spell C let alone how to go into a foreign code base and not fuck things up.
the FOSS (free as in communism) userbase is 98% retards who just want free (as in beer) software.

>but WINE does run them flawlessly.
sure if the game is like 10 years old.

try something that came out this year and then come back to me with "it just werks" bullshit.

>Why don't you use GNU/Linux and free software?
Becoming more and more apparent why no one does with each answer from OP.

Arch Linux sucks. Have fun constantly fixing everything on your machine and getting no work done because you wanted to be cool and have a "rolling release" fuck Arch. And Ubuntu too. Rest of Linux distros are cool

>he fell for the arch meme
kek, my old arch machines broke every 2nd update and I had to boot into a low user level and fix shit manually.
if you really want the Arch stuff but don't want to spend hours every time an update breaks shit: install manjaro

>paying for software
Topjej user


You obviously do not work in technology.

>nigger won't even read 2nd sentence
kek, back to the jungle, tyrone

It's because of Stockholm syndrome, I think. They like not having any freedom.
Don't project your own incompetence on to others, freedom hater.
Just sounds like you are too stupid to maintain it.

Software is an absolute nightmare in commienix. At least with winblows there’s a lot of support because people actually use it. Dynamic linking is the fucking worst
Outside of specialty forensic data recovery tools I never use Linux anymore. It’s just more hassle than it’s worth. Sure windows spies on me. Sure apples software quality control has gone to shit in recent years. If the gubbamint really wants to get you, torturing yourself by using Linux isn’t going to help. If I had endless time to rice and do workarounds all day long maybe Linux would be cool, but I don’t.

There's no escape from the Apple corporate machine, and I largely blame linuxtards since they could have prevented this if they weren't snowflake commies who all wanted to do things in their own uniquely fucked way.

manjaro mitigates this "arch experience" by accumulated the rolling updates into one weekly update and checking that the updates won't break anything. it's the better Arch.
still Linux sucks

>hating video games
You must be real popular at your office. I have yet to work at a single IT company where the majority of people were not gamers. My current job has regular office LAN parties and is constantly trying out new games.

bitch please go back to prepping the bull tha'ts fucking your girl.. or whatever you call that thing.

you know damn well the only reason to even own new hardware is to play videya..

you can shitpost off an old apple power pc (and probably safer since it won't get rekt by the viruses burning up cpus now..

True. I would kill for a viable unix alternative to macs. But given the choice between windows and mac I picked mac and I don't regret it. I'd make the same choice every time.

>Just sounds like you are too stupid to maintain it.
uh yeah, i'm too stupid to type `pacman -Syyu` every day after checking the arch website for the "does this update break anything for anyone?" message
it's literally so hard to maintain an arch box!

>My current job has regular office LAN parties and is constantly trying out new games.
What am I doing with my life...

>Lol ur Stoopid
Meanwhile both my windows and mint machines ghave given me absolutely no trouble in years. Computers are tools. And a constantly broken tool is shitty. Not wanting to use it is not a sign of stupidity, the opposite is true

also hitler would ofc have used arch

Obviously not working for a tech company. I do not know the feel of people who have to hide the fact that they like anime and play video games. We have a public anime slack channel in our work space and when E3 was going on hardly any work got done.

Will check it out. Linux has some great tools native to it. Just try stuff out of the Arch ecosystem you might be surprised

Just remind you that it's still in one pieace because of mr torvalds. He's basically a dictator deciding what to do, and it's working. What will happen when he retires?

with windows there's support because there tends to be a market. so the software creators tend to treat their users as customers.
with linux money is a dirty work. the only acceptable way to earn money for a linux dev is to become a wage slave or contractor for someone else and to write software for them. "hey I made this cool software I bet people would pay money for that" is worse than murdering babbies in the eyes of the gnutards
that's why linux software tends to suck and that's what socialism would look like for the little man: a bunch of crap forced onto you by incompetent sperglords who think they have the moral authority to tell you how you should earn your living

how not to give jews money for a *nix like pc while getting some performance.

not perfect. single threaded it will suck but multitrhead it's "nice" and the hardware will end up being good.


you can play wow in wine pretty comfy, but if you use photoshop there there is this mouse bug

Because I have already paid for what I use.

>you can play wow in wine pretty comfy
Great does it come with a time machine so I can go back to 2006 when playing WoW was fun?

Maybe we will get another benevolent philosopher king for our glorious software kingdom.

Shit will get bad. The leftists already go after him due to his dictatorial nature with the kernel. I fear what that future could hold

>you can make any changes you want :^)
Nigger, 99% of people aren’t programmers. 99% of people see a computer as a tool to get shit done that’s not fixing their fucking tool to make it sort of usable every god damn day. His point is the neckbearded autists who put out the software are so autistic they can’t see why most people don’t want to endlessly fuck with their tools because they have other shit to do. Then they wonder “why are all these fucking normies not using my heaping pile of shit?!? Surely *this year* will be the year of the Linux desktop!!!”
>t. Was one of you sperglords until I realized this and took a shower


>you know damn well the only reason to even own new hardware is to play videya..

I've heard stories about these kinds of things, but I thought they died out. Granted, I was only ever to land consulting roles and big corp jobs.
Feel blessed, big corp pays well but it's a silent hell from all the PC.
BTW the CEO of Cisco is compromised and will probably get swept up in the crackdown.
He sent company-wide emails saying white supremacy was the greatest threat to the US after Charlottesville and that mental health was important to the company after Kate Spade and Bourdain were suicided.
Also, it sounds like Webex is used to remote into vote-counting machines to rig elections, according to a deposition in TN.

try again cia boi

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A lot of open source software is made by big companies for a variety of reasons. For example Google made their machine learning tools open source so fresh grads would be already trained on their architecture. It's not all communism. That being said, RMS is cancer especially his gnu liscence

Less performance, less compatibility.

I would pay around $200 abo bux for it if it wasn't. I need a new laptop. Would also pay $30 for it to be installed anyway. All running, no hassle. Wine auto running as needed.

Opensource software is shit in general(there are exceptioms, of course). Everyone write down a bloat of code and does not take responsability because is open source and you did not pay for it...

Networking at office functions is important for your career, user. Many people show up to these, not just current employees but also people who have gone on to other companies. I introduce myself, exchange steam IDs with them, now I have a connection at another company. I have a guy who can vouch for me at Amazon, who would be willing to recommend me if I wanted in. I met him at a AoE2 LAN party last year, we play games every month.

You should try having fun some times, opens doors.

>He doesn't know about classic wow

Yours broke multiple times, so it must be too hard for you.
Maybe you should start paying developers to make software for you, then. We've all been making software for ourselves then sharing it with others since the 80s. You're just a leach.
Why would you need WINE? The performance is also better, wangblows eats resources with all of its bloat.

You clearly have no idea how open source software works. People can't just add code on a whim.

whenever I boot windows 10 I'm amazed at the level of stockholme syndrome the average windows user must be experiencing. the PC will spam you with "notification popups" for useless crap - even if you disable them. sometimes it won't boot up when you need it - but it will install some shitty update for 45 minutes. because hell yeah, that's what you want to be doing in the morning. who needs productive work if they can watch windows update spinning in low res on your PC
oh of course the shit will also just restart in the mid of a session and apply some update
every software installer tries to install some "bing bar" or trashy 3rd party software
anytime you switch your USB hub to another port all the fucking USB devices are being recognized as new and you have to sit there and endure the notification and sound spam.
2 fucking control panels. "oh you can change the time format here but if you want to adjust the time you have to go to the old control panel"
also pls drive letters ... come one ... it's not 1985 anymore
it's sad that FagOS (macOS) is the only operating system that you can get shit done with

Yeah we're definitely still a medium sized business, but we're growing and the culture is shifting under my feet. Our company opened 3 new offices in the last year, we're planning an expansion into the Bay Area by 2020. I'm a little uneasy how fast we're turning into a big corporation, and I feel like our fun close knit culture won't scale.

WoN should be classed as a drug.

You do understand that command merely downloads and applies updates right? If running an update command correctly breaks your machine maybe the update was the problem...

I am though....

(((Richard Stallman)))

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No, maybe you never bothered to read the bug tracker or you built your packages incorrectly. It could be caused by a number of things.

yes, this software is made by companies who need it to compliment their "for profit" products. IBM spends massive amounts on linux dev because its' still less expensive than maintaining and developing your own operating system for your servers.
it's telling that the only linux software that doesn't suck ass is developed by companies who use it to compliment their proprietary products kek. community software usually sucks or is just outright unusable. because in the community no one gives a fuck and no one is being forced to finish and polish the "unfun" parts

Shit is crazy addictive I give you that. Although after hosting my own private server I got most of it out of my system. Not o just play whenever a new server comes online for awhile for the fresh experience. It definitely can uin your life

It's why I'm sticking with win7 on my home machine. It's not without its problems but I've been using win7 since it came out and so its quirks and potholes are familiar to me, I can diagnose and fix pretty much any issue my PC is having. I've kept my current box running in fine condition for almost 10 years now with only a few hardware upgrades here and there, and I don't see a reason to retire it just yet.

was your mouth open all the time when you were writing down your sad little story?

>Sudo apt-get update
Everything just works
>Pacman -syu
Welp. Time to dive into the forums since my dekstop just broke

>Yours broke multiple times, so it must be too hard for you.
low effort bait

Not according to youtube. MD under linux got 40fps, 60fps on Windows.

Game on, fellow gamer.

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If your definition of sad is having lots of employment opportunities, making friends, and having fun, then you must be a very bitter person.

What the fuck is MD?
pacman -Syu just works for me. Why do you think apt is so much better as a package manager?

>No, maybe you never bothered to read the bug tracker or you built your packages incorrectly
This pretty much answers OP's original question more than anything.
>Mom, what are you doing using Windows again?
>FFS I told you installation in Arch would go fine if you read the bug trackers and the package build wiki
>Like, reading all this stuff will take like, 2 or 3 months max. And then it's just keeping up with the bug trackers for all programs you want to use. It's NOT a big deal.

windows 7 really was peak windows. guess 8 and 10 show what happens when you hire a pajeet CEO and start replacing your white male employees with black single mothers

Yep, windows 10 is fucking annoying
But you know what’s more annoying? Trying to get any work done on a duct taped together dumpster fire of an OS known as Linux where every time you update it or install/uninstall software it could stop working entirely.
>lol but you can just spend hours fixing it by learning obscure shit no one cares about and then you’ll be as cool as me
sudo apt get the fuck out

but not greedy??...

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I'm using Linux right now.

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>pacman -Syu just works for me
you can't be running arch for longer than 2 weeks then

I knew you'd say that.
Mankind Divided. Not going to play it but it's a big enough difference to hmm.

I get my work done on fagOS. Linux is only used on my web servers. And there I use Debian because it just werks.

It's not a big deal at all, just read it when you check your email.
Try 2 years. And the only reason I reinstalled then was for a new machine.
>Mankind Divided
Oh, it's a toy. Why should I care?