Practical preparation for a US civil war

A lot of people in the US are expecting a civil war, many even hoping for it, but their stance on the matter is stupid.

My first issue is context of a civil war.
Many expect the government to start it, but that never ever happens because the government dies without economic support from the people.
If you want a civil war, you have to help start it without getting arrested.
The best way to help start it is simply to help others prepare for a civil war; the main reason one won't happen is because people know their livelihoods are screwed if a civil war occurs.

My second issue is the weaponry people stock.
It's one of the biggest focuses of people preparing for civil war, but fighting the military would work against revolutionaries unless assaulting a strategic target.
The ground forces would be both morally and officially divided between helping the populace and protecting the US as a political entity, if you kill innocent ground forces just trying to keep the peace you lose the many benefits of having them around and make the military more opposed to your cause.
The weaponry and quantity of bullets people stock (assault rifles and pistols with over 1000 bullets) suggests intent to gun down any infantry they see, which is terrible in so many ways.
The weapons that revolutionaries would actually need are sniper rifles and anything that can take down armoured vehicles or aircraft.

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My third issue is the non-weaponry equipment people stock, or more importantly the lack of it.
There will be no shortage of weaponry in a US civil war, but it's inevitable that utilities will go unmaintained or be deliberately cut off. You could buy the equipment to provide an indefinite (though minimalistic) supply of electricity and clean water to your neighbourhood, which would make you 10x more useful to revolutionaries than some lardass with an AR15.

Seriously, only a tiny part of civil war is actually shooting bullets into people's bodies. A great example of what not to do in a modern civil war was the Ukrainian revolution, where despite the massive scale only 13 government personnel died because due to poor supply and weaponry choices the rebels were helpless against being besieged by snipers.

Whoops, I mixed up my facts and apparently a good chunk of Ukraine is now an independent republic.

Maybe "civil war" isn't the best word to describe it, maybe "insurgency" would be more accurate. Now, will the left wing/Antifa insurgency we saw fizzle out not long after the election re-ignite or will the right begin to lash out at the left after having sat on their hands for so long while riding Trump's successes as their own? We'll see this summer I predict. I'd say the left is the key to any possible ignition of the right, as the right have no genuine "leadership", and so I think we are a just a couple of left wing outrages away from some violent activity being reciprocated by the right. Just my humble opinion.

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A Left vs Right civil war is a totally retarded concept.
The US government is more of an enemy to both than the two are to each other, and would have little trouble nipping the quarrel in the bud.

No it isn’t. Crimea is illegally occupied but the Russian operatives in Donetsk don’t actually control a damn thing. They can just destroy things, that’s all.

You are making a lot of assumptions, and most of them are dumb.

The 2nd Civil War will be neighbor against neighbor, town against town, mob against mob. All that ammo isn’t for soldiers - it’s for rampaging half-starved niggers who will come flooding out of the cities a month after things fall apart.

I was talking about Luhansk.

fuck off jew

That's a fair point I hadn't considered, when I think about how scenarios will play out I don't factor in stupidity.

The media has been shilling hard for this the past month. That is reason enough to resist it. If they want a civil war, it's part of the plan.

Still buy ammo and get trained on guns though. I'm just saying, the actual reality of civil war, is crazier than most people realize ( oh you forgot to stock up on toilet paper and matches? Oh you ran out furnature to burn for heat? Oh, you don't have any bandages or antiseptics?) The idea that this is being memed by the mainstream is proof shit is getting fucking nuts and we need to be watchful of their traps.

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>it’s for rampaging half-starved niggers who will come flooding out of the cities a month after things fall apart.
This and always this. The vast majority of people aren't really looking for a fight. They're looking to hold what they have when shit gets going.

This is all you could ever need for civil war prep.

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There won’t be a civil war. The idea is being pushed through our media by enemies of our nation like China and Russia.

Please note that civil war talk greatly increased when Trump hit those nations with the trade war.

In the current context, without a leftist wannabe dictator President, a "civil war" would be more of a civilian vs civilian affair, with widespread conflict and disorder. See:
Trump's federal government would likely be focused on keeping the peace and regaining order and control. He might take action to arrest left wing state governments that full on declare rebellion though, but he would probably try to avoid as much bloodshed as possible.

Lol jews pushing for civil war to distract from the luciferian child raping/eating

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There’s not even violence happening and the only people mad are a bunch of basement white guys who don’t want black people in their video games. And Kathy Griffith.

First thing to do is print all Q posts and place them in binders for dissemination

Currently the Left is lead by the government. The Right is lead by a group wanting to restructure the government and root-out long time issues.

This entire call for a "civil war" is originating from the left being upset the right has dug their heels in the sand (finally) and refused to budge on core values.

Violence against trump supporters is happening daily. Sure it’s not rifle rounds. Yet

Harassing staffers at their homes and restaurants, bike lock guy, it’s happening by the hour and only getting worse.

Trumps gonna get Supreme Court 2 pick nominated before the mid terms despite the left screaming for him not to. Things are happening.

>assault and attempt to kill people you disagree with for 2 solid years
>try to use every crooked lever available to depose a democratically elected president and threaten to assassinate him on a daily basis
>be surprised it's interpreted as a call for civil war originating from the left

>rampaging half-starved niggers who will come flooding out of the cities a month after things fall apart.
those lazy bastards might make it 30 miles out of the city before they die of thirst, the shits, or a combo of the two from drinking standing surface water, or out of a radiator.

>A Left vs Right civil war is a totally retarded concept.
Except it's happened repeatedly throughout history - one side gains enough power and the other goes nuts - Reds v. Whites, Pinochet, The Dirty War, Hitler used escalationism and secret attacks in Germany to kill his enemies by covertly targeting leadership

i'm just not feeling a civil war vibe dudes.

>like China and Russia.
nobody fucking buys your shit anymore

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