What does Jow Forums think of my propaganda?

This is my last shill for this video. I shared it here last night for some feedback. I got good criticism but not from very many people.
Give me your feedback, Jow Forums.

I'll be posting similar content at least once a week. Hopefully, I'll be able to garner a normie audience.

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idk it's neat esthetically but kind of esoteric. If you want results, try something a little less highbrow.

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I confuzd can u enlighten me?

Alright, so I should be using more modern and contemporary imagery instead of the traditional European art?

What are you confused about?

Preaches a bit too much to the choir. What this user says is accurate because while I loved the video itself, it isn't very normie friendly. The camera pans over the high res paintings were really nice.

What about it is not normie friendly? I didn't think that there was anything particularly edgy in the video.

I'm open to tone things down in the future but I need to know exactly what to avoid.

I don't think it's not normie friendly because it's edgy. It's just too esoteric for people that aren't initiated into the things Jow Forums is into. Most normies won't get what you're getting at the way a Jow Forums user will. I think you need a stronger narrative. Pick one country, or even just a narrower theme. For example you could do one using only folk imagery, one for architecture, food, etc.

Ah, okay, I think I see what you mean.
I'm making associations that are too broad for the average normie?
I was planning to make this video about Sweden but got carried away a bit. I'll try to be more precise and focused in the future.

Exactly. Most people outside our Cambodian basket weaving emporium lack a lot of the requisite knowledge that makes the video have the emotional impact it has for us. So you need to make it more easily digestible and lead them a bit more.

The editing and so on was quite nice and you really made the imagery dance with the music. That video itself would make a good intro video for your channel home page since it has a bit of all European stuff for everyone.

As well, possibly avoid (((problematic))) greats such as Napoleon and Vlad the Imparler. I get what you are trying to convey, but normies have been brainwashed by our academic institutions. Focus on the positives- the real worth we have brought. Hate to say it, but it's (((optics))).

I think you hit the nail on the head there. I guess I've taken it all a bit for granted. I'll make sure to take this into account in future videos! Thank you, user!

No problem. Always nice to see a new content creator in our camp. I look forward to your future work

Alright! So I should go with more (((academically))) accepted figures then. I hate optics but I'll play the game if that is what is required.
This was my first attempt at a video: bitchute.com/video/dr6Tb9sSSX0e/
As you can see, it's full-on National Socialist and it got shoad off of youtube very quickly.

I have certain talents that I felt I should be used for something worthwhile instead of the odd degenerate music video that I get asked to edit. I'm glad you liked it!

i like this one.

First video have some classical music. I don't like that kind of music so it is hard to watch. But second part is much better. Nice montage of classic paintings and music is more interesting is second half. Anyway respect to anyone who create something. Continue until Jewtube delete your channel. It may not change the world itself but it may by part of bigger movement. Just don't get too depresed. We may fail. We may get erased from history forever. But if you fight for your people, your homeland, you did your part. You can't save world alone. Good luck and make more of them if you can.

Thanks for the support, brother. I'm glad you liked it. I'll keep making them for as long as I can.

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If you enjoy making these then do them regardless of feedback.

Holy shit OP Tannhauser is my favorite song of all time and I have often daydreamed and imagined of making videos EXACTLY LIKE YOURS

>degenerate news clips
>Classical Art
>Sentimental War footage

Are you fucking me?? Spectacular job bro. Please please share what program you are using I want to get to work too. Not to copy you of course

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Sure, of course! But I also want to know what I should improve. Critique is important to me. I'll always make videos the way I want to but I have to take the feedback into consideration because they may have a very valid point. I'll always try to push around the edges a bit but I need to know how far I can push it without normies being completely turned off.

Glad you liked it! Every time I listened to the song I would have images of the degeneracy and total destruction of the west and then when the song picks up and comes at you with force and passion, I would see the great culture from the past.
It's a fantastic piece!
I'm using Premiere Pro.
Send me a link whenever you've made something!

Ok do I have subscribe to adobe suite or is there an offline version?

Also I did make a video making fun of feminist transformations on my iMovie app. If you have a burner email I’ll send it to you and you can upload it if you want. Has before/after pics of roasties synced to tune of “Hurt” by Johnny Cash. A proud shitpost

Also my only legitamite critique is that I strongly feel you should have added the original audio in the beginning and done the segments into a build up of degeneracy starting with the meh stuff and ending with the psycopathic trannies and 9 year olds. That visual building would have climbed emotion with the music’s climbing. Just include enough audio volume to be audible with the music. You still want to year the music.

There are versions that you can get to work offline. I got mine through the school that I went to and after the subscription ran out, I just switched out the amtlib.dll.
There is plenty of free software that works just as well but I use After Effects for other projects and it makes the process easier for me.
Cool! Send it to [email protected]

Yeah, that would have been better

>I just switched out the amtlib.dll.
Im a 27 year old boomer and dont know what that is.

Ok ill try sending it

Just google "adobe painter amtlib"

video is 161MB and too big to email.

got it thanks

upload it as an unlisted video and send the link.

>But I also want to know what I should improve.
You can't improve much. Also everyone have diferent taste. I like to have all part of videos fullscreen. I would focus on technical details because i was graphic desinger. I like some glitch, old vhs and other effects but that is just my taste.

You can improve by making more of them for longer period of time. Every 14 days, or month or whatever. Your time. Your choice. But if you made enough of them, your channel will grove and you will have chance for more reuploads etc. You make content that establisment hate. So you know leftist faggots will consider it racist and you will have less views than some retarted Fornite lets play.

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I went ahead and created a real account! Fuck it! 25% uploaded.