When did you realize /pol was dead?

its just endless slide threads now,Q shit, racemixing generals, fag threads, nigger dick, demoralization threads etc.

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Jow Forumscucks jerk off to videos of Black Bulls like myself fuckin their women while I'm upstairs showing their mom who man of the house is

When /mlpol/ went away.


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Jow Forums is too popular to have useful posts (even pewdiepie is saying he comes here), just go to cripplechan or krautchan or a number of other ones if you want a better Jow Forums

Stay strong friend.

It's pretty simple, hide/filter shit threads. Debate every boomer faggot in the actual threads, and in time they will come around.

Encyclopedia Dramatica is the place to go now.

It’ll be back just before election time. Let’s just enjoy the shitposting

>imlying race mixing is bad

I miss the days when Jow Forums was more left-leaning. You could actually find good discussion and debate back then. Now it is full of the same people spouting the same bullshit over and over. God forbid you have an idea that goes against there narrative..

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No, Jow Forums was less authoritarian, you mean. Faggots like you keep Jow Forums "left-leaning" nigger.

american newfags don't know what sage or reporting is and believe that "redpill me on x", "meme threads" and "imagedumping threads" belong here.

Jow Forums killed the soul of pol

No. You are clearly a newfag. Back in the day we used to support obama and be all for the environment, athetism etc.

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It's not dead, a few msm stories on us in the past few months mean we just have a new batch of people to redpill. Some will take it and becoms regular browsers, some will be repulsed and leave, some will get bored eventually, then it will level out for a few months of relative normalcy and go to shit again when the next news story brings people here.

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Did you get that off of ED, retard? Jow Forums was Ron Paul, newfag.
>support obama and be all for the environment, athetism etc.
Basically the 2012 version of OP.

>discussing politically correct opinions on Jow Forumsitically incorrect board

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>racemixing general
>fag thread
>nigger dick

Sounds like you’re some uptight 22 year old boomer

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I think people here are still for the enviroment, but misguided /new/ was counter culture so while the rest of Jow Forums leaned Obama /new/ leaned anti Obama from day one Also we did have nigger hate threads on the regular

you ded

Shut up kike, get fucked

Jow Forums is fine , it's just less peaceful now. You're an obvious newfag you said /pol

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fuck off nigger back then there was only national socialism, libertarianism and even monarchism. everyone hated the jews or atleast was redpilled about them. moon man was the most common meme and we supported ron paul. best happening: zimmerman trial

the nigger hate threads were only ironic of course

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>kys kike.../poI/ is the fourth most influential website in the world and becoming more relevant among normies every day as the Jews and they're lies are being exposed in the MSM.

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how do you know who's ironic on anonymous internet imageboard or flaseflagging as ironic or being genuine?

jesus christ... this is what the average nu/pol/ poster believes. It was never about "redpilling" you fucking newfag. XDDDDD LETS LE REDPILL THESE REDDITORS BRING ALL THE NEWFAGS. And now look at Jow Forums. Full of shit people lile you who actively want more people. The day Jow Forums died was when people stopped being elitists and welcomed newfags. Remember "welcome to Jow Forums now gtfo"? Of course you won't.
Look at this faggot not even knowing how to greentext. We need more gore and more shicking images. I unironically wish there was a cp poster on Jow Forums to trim the fat. Now this place isfull of 12 year olds.

Jow Forums died when post quality died. And post quality dies when more people come. Its baffling how Jow Forums welcomes everyone, and now look at the average poster. People believe we are LE MAYMAY central. An come here for jokes and imagedump. Fuck this shit and start reporting non coherent threads. You can help improving Jow Forums by reporting shit threads that don't apport anything. Look at the sticky.

Jow Forums was never good, but it's always had that 4chanic meme magic on its side.

Here we see El Autismo, screeching into the void because constant media coverage brings lots of people here who he can't scare off, and kids who need to be guided away from leftism, so he'd rather not try to convert them because this is HIS safe space goddamn it!
Need better moderation too. So many BBC and black cuckold threads stay up for longer than reasonable

Around the time meme magic became too powerful and therefore attracted too many libtards to find out how it works.

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It's fine we are molded by chaos and chaos is what keeps this site alive

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At least the insanity is alive, good for keks.
But its not creative anymore though.
Its like scared turtle sitting comfy living on welfare like nigger

It’s been dead since around June of 2016.

she has the same emptiness in her eyes as Hillary.

Asiatic genes

>Need better moderation too.
Or any moderation at all.

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fucking cuckold bitch go die in the depths of hell with all the jews.

The election will reignite the flames of keks and pol.
It will also reawaken the user beast and we shall have more operations and raids and MORE FUN TROLLING KEKS.

Jow Forums white subhumans live in their mothers' basements and are afraid of my superior black cock

>Back in the day we used to
this is a shill