This dude knows 26 languages

>This dude knows 26 languages
>Meanwhile, I only know 1

So what language do you need to learn in order to be successful in the new world order?

>inb4 Arabic

I have free time after work and have the option of going to French night classes, so it might be worth a look.

Attached: richardsimcott.jpg (455x456, 123K)

Chinese is probably the most useful language to learn IMO, assuming you already know English

It will take years to even get to a conversational level. With French, especially if I move to Paris for a secondment, I can probably be conversational in 6 months.

You could learn 5 other languages in the time it takes to learn that fucking mess of a language though

Nigga looks like a Deus Ex character

>know 26 languages
>can only speak one at a time
Very low IQ individual

What's wrong with his face?

I couldn't quite put my finger on it but you did it for me.

Attached: why contain it.jpg (288x499, 71K)

If you plan for efficiency and use it the most useful probably are
They’re used the most, could throw some rusky in there as it’s quite a massive portion of the world.
That is if you want to learn something useful.
If you’re interested in some other language then by all means go for it, you learn faster if you have some interest in the language rather then just trying to learn to fill time.

Someone post the screen cap of the angry Russian dude ranting about why you shouldn’t learn Chinese because then you have to deal with Chinese people.

What I don't get is how people like the guy in my OP have the motivation to learn random languages like Macedonian, Bulgarian or Welsh. They must really, really, really love learning languages because tbqf I'd rather watch paint dry.

Are you learning anything Sven?

I doubt he is near-native fluency with all 26, but he definitely would be intermediate and above.


The US will be speaking it in 50 years and it's simple enough that non-natives can learn it to an advanced level. The latter point is the reason why Chinese or Arabic won't be the language of the future.


Jesus look at those fish lips
Man looks like he just spent five hours tongue fucking a vacuum cleaner

That’s false I learned farsi in about 35 weeks

>Macedonian and Bulgarian
So it turns out I'm actually fluent in British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealandian and South African? Huh, neat.

>telling others to speak chinese
fuck, memes are real

Are you in the forces?

Is there no difference? I thought Macedonian was like Albanian. How do you guys interact with your Albanian minorities then, English?


Some people have a nack for languages, maybe it’s his hidden talent.
There are those spooky dockumentaries where kids know Russian when they’re not Russian themselves and live in the US, they just know it writing and all.
Wonder if he’s fluent in all or if he’s just eh at all of them sounding like he’s chewing the words out.

Trying to learn nipponese but the moonrunes are holding me back, they look like pictures to me not a phrase that is said. It’s more of a hobby, I don’t take classes for it, just sit down once in a while to learn a little each time, in no rush to master it.

Learn an African language like Swahili. It's hilariously simple, looks good on CVs, and could bank you a job considering Africa is now increasingly important economically.

I'm not kidding about it being simple. Swahili has an extremely limited vocabulary and has a simple as fuck conjugation system.

I heard the same about Indonesian. That could be worth a look too.


Nah, Macedonian is not like Albanian, it's a slavic language. A made-up one, too. The people in Macedonia had their history and language forcefully changed by the communists to be made to think they're something different from Bulgarians. Commies have a habit of distorting history, you know. They just changed one letter to be something else, brought back old obsolete words and made them official, changed a bit spelling and that's it. It's funny, when their president was being shown on our tv recently he wasn't even dubbed over with a translation. As for why you may have gotten confused, it's because Macedonia has a pretty bad demographic problem and almost half of the population is Albanians, as Albania wants to eventually make claim to the lands.
I met an Albanian once, talked in English.

Attached: china_dont_do_it.png (1400x5552, 946K)

>If you plan for efficiency and use it the most useful probably are

If you are looking at efficiency you also need to look at speed of learning and where you will actually use the language though.

Learning Chinese would take you around 2 years of solid work, in the same time you could learn 3 new European languages.

Being able to speak Chinese is only useful if you want to live/work in China (some one post the copy pasta about working in China pls). If you speak Spanish and French you can use those languages in Europe, South America and Africa.

>If you’re interested in some other language then by all means go for it, you learn faster if you have some interest in the language rather then just trying to learn to fill time.

Fully agree here. I know intelligent people who struggle with Spanish despite learning it academically for years while some Weeb is able to learn Japanese in a year from the internet and anime. It is all about passion.

Attached: Language-Learning-Difficulty.png (860x3034, 156K)

French is good since and is supposed to be one of the easier euro languages to learn
I learned German up to CEFR B2 but it will probably be useless in 20 years

kys chang

>knows 26 languages

Yeah but at what cost?
>dat face

ching ching chong ding dong filthy commie go back to chinkland instead of spreading propaganda