whoops we killed everyone stupid enough to vote for us
Whoops we killed everyone stupid enough to vote for us
David Brock
Neera Tanden
Angelo Carusone
Ryan Migeed
Josh Dolin
Adrienne Watson
Amanda Karpay
Elizabeth Shapell
Matt McClure
Rebecca Charen
Benjamin Fischbein
Burns Strider
Ellie Cohen
Elizabeth Price
Johan Newman
Benjamin Williams
Caryn Lenhoff
Daniel Wessel
Karla Towle
Kathleen Kennedy
Oliver Willis
Matthew Chapman
Wouldnt that mean that the democrats are a part of a "eugenics program"? and by extension...
Obviously yes
I am pretty sure that the women in the red states have more abortions that "democrats" because having a baby without being married is often taboo there, and because "democrats" usually have better sex ed and know how to use contraceptives.
tl;dr Bible nuts get the abortions. Belief in the US is twisted and their false views need to be purged.
Prove me wrong.
most democrat voters are black, most babies that get aborted are black
>implying blacks can afford the medical bills
>implying blacks don't just use coathangers, stairs or fists instead
For blacks literally nothing will change.
If the republicans would be pro life, then they would advocate for proper sex ed in schools and to teach kids responsibility.
Face it. The US is full of disease ridden whores. Both men and women. STI stats don't lie. Only worse in motherfucking Africa.
These jokes will never ever get old.
you're an idiot Hans. Black people aren't a large proportion of the US population
it's urban cities that overwhelmingly vote Democrat, a literal collectivist bubble that thing food and produce magically appears in shops.
in addition, urban cities in every nation on earth overwhelmingly vote leftist. i.e London
urbanisation is cancer
You'd be wrong faggot
>less than 2% of right wing women date outside their race
>70% of abortions are blacks
>mfw we can't stop abortion without being flooded with niggers
To a large degree, incorrect.
>Not a single red that isn’t caused by niggers
Remember to tell the guy your replying too Non White Women abort 4x - 5x more
Unable to find per capita breakdown by demographics
Alright, so niggers are responsible for the majority of the abortions. My other points still stand.
Preventing pregnancies is better than allowing for abortions. Still, preventing pregnancies in the first place is the best way to go about this. Enjoy your exploding nigger population, because their kids do now learn how to use a rubber in school.
No. My foolish friend almost no aborted infants are the kids of two conservative white parents. You forget democrats are actually the party of the poor and uneducated. Trump won people WITH high school degrees overwhelmingly and 70% of white suburbanites, one of America’s most educated and fastest growing demographic, like him.
2/3rds of Black people under 18 are in urban core otherwise known as “Inner city” schools. 4/5ths of white students attend schools in suburbs
the left's entire program in the last 50 years is self-extermination.
>birth control
>anti-natalist propaganda
>women in workforce
>mass migration
>gay lobby
>trans lobby
>effeminating men
It is demographically hurting their white hipster, and non white constituents
them as well desu.
blacks are aborting in record numbers, are nearly all fatherless and the lgbt lobby has a firmer grip on the black community than on anyone else.
Here quads
This is just the race of the mom. Minus 14% for the non white infants they are aborting
>implying that niggers go to school
>implying that niggers are smart enough to use rubbers
You Germans are so fucked... you don't even know it yet
>could face problems
>blames niggers instead
classic Mutt escapism
Florida does not report.
>literally not understanding that niggers are animals
>being this cucked
I'm now more sure than ever that your strong bloodlines died during WWII
This is why I can't bring myself to be against abortion. If only we could pick out the Trump babies and make it illegal to abort them, while the demon spawn continue getting sent to the dumpster.
>literally blaming niggers for everything
>sitting on their ass all day instead of fixing the problems
Stay mad Mutt.
Congrats you fucking retards revived a shill thread that was dead for 2 hours
20 names who survived planned Parenthood, amidst a sea of millions of Gen-Z right-wingers..
Good luck David Brock!
>niggers get the abortions
FTFY. Look into it.
You understand that these Red States, with the most vehemently right-wing white Christian populations, are also filled with niggers?
This isn't a shill thread. OP raises an entirely valid point.
Dem babies are in the dumpster. This is why Gen Z is so right-wing.
Thanks, point proven.
That is fake news. They didn't end up in a dumpster behind Planned Parenthood because PP trafficks the baby parts to (((medical researchers))) and flavoring manufacturers.
Thirty year old Boomer here. Gen Z is fucked. They can't even decide what kind of genitals they are. Watch stupid jap anime, play gay games.
why do you think they are in such a panic to import a new voting base.
Whoops, we imported voters but they stay in the city and are rendered useless due to the electoral collage.
The Democrats are currently losing power internally and they can't understand why. They can't understand why they can't unify for their big decades-long agendas when they've set the stage for their entire power base to be forcibly usurped. And it is being usurped. It's time for the establishment democrats to shuffle off to the retirement home and abandon the dreams they fought and bled for over the last 50 or so years, because the people replacing them just don't give a fuck.
So they ended up as hotogs and mtn dew. Nice.
I'm bisexual, and have had sex with both really liberal Democratic women and men, and really Republican women and men.
Liberal women are the worst lovers, and the worst at bed. It's a lot of work, and you have to live a more straight and narrow life and not lie or cheat on them, (unless you think you can get away with it,) but sex with Red State girls is FAR BETTER. Or foreigners from a conservative country, be they liberal thots or conservative women. Pretty much anything is better in bed than a liberal American woman from a big city state.
I am more of the, I speak foreign languages and hit on foreign born women type, ..... I am trying to get into country living culture, not just for the women, but because of other comfy stuff. But the women are a big part of it. I hate modern country music, but like old country music and Western tv shows and movies, ...... some of the corniest looking girls are the best in bed.
This is exactly why I'm not against abortion.
It is a fucking shill thread because this exact same thing is posted over and over and over with no responses from OP. Those names are shareblue employees who are paid to shill on Jow Forums and they stop replying when you post them in order to not raise awareness.
pretty much this.
Degenerates want freedom, the freedom to cull themselves. It's a problem that solves itself.
Think about it though. Thots want abortion and contraception, that means making sure they can't breed. Others want the freedom to cut their dicks off. Fags want the freedom to take literally hundreds of dicks up their arse until it literally kills them. Junkies want the freedom to ruin their lives with drugs, and so forth.
Literally who?
Being that Margret Sanger, the leading woman behind planned parenthood and a supporter of abortions, was quoted in her writings to of said "Black people are like weeds that must be removed". I would say yes that looks like eugenics.
>prove me wrong
Watching you act stupid is more rewarding, irrelevent meme flag nigger
Youre a pedoshill who wants to talk to peoples kids about sex.
>meme flag faggot here
In the trash it goes retard
>Ima gross faggot
Kill yourself FAGGOT