New Mürdoch Mürdoch

Get in here faggits:

Featuring Juden Peterstein

Wash your penises... individually.

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nice spoilers dickhead


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>nice spoilers dickhead

There is plenty of more, bruce.

This is better than anything on TV

Funny all thise shitty threads get bumped by shillbots and this is ignored.

The Juden Peterstein bit was announced in their last AMA

People are busy watching

What's the best Murdoch Murdoch episode? Nice Guy National Socialist is the only one I've seen. I have heard some of them are really shit

Galaxy MM88

Which episodes are better than Nice Guy National Socialist

Nice Flag. Also I agree, Galaxy M88 was amazing.

I didn't choose the flag it was chosen for me.
Also, a close second, IMO, would be "The cruel fate of Kekistan". Lots of quotable memes.

This was the shittiest episode yet

Holy shit I love you bunch of faggots.
Thank you....sincerely

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My favorite is TLSOIW AND TRRPB.

Always cracks me up, when Murdoch is fighting the welfare state and protect the nigglet from it. 'Let the nigger baby go!'

That Dodge

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MM88, Border Runners 3, Metamorphosis are my top 3.
Theres so many good ones though having a top 3 is irrelevant.

OP is a fag and digits waster


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I'm gonna spam this message in all the Murdoch-JBP threads because I want you faggots to use your brains for once:

Peterson wakes up tens of thousands of young White men from the institutionalized neo-Marxist sjw brainwashing, and these men want to do something valuable with their lives and raise families. How is this bad for the White Race?

Think of JBP as the first necessary step in redpilling young men. Addressing the JQ isn't his job.

Also be aware that the anti-JBP shill campaign started about six months ago as a direct result of his effectiveness at destroying the egalitarian narrative. Ask yourself, (((who))) doesn't want young White men to wake up from the neo-Marxist nightmare and take responsibility for their lives?

The "individualism vs. collectivism" argument is weak and malformed, much like the anti-JBP shills' unwashed penises. How can a collective be strong if all the individual members are weak?

Wash your penis!

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True to an extent, but he once bragged about sapping people from the Alt-Right and thinks we're the same as commiesmore or less. The media also adores him whoch should tip you off.
Is he /our guy/? No. Is he theirs? I don't know, but i would be wary of him. He is cozy with globalists.
t. Someone who has watched hundreds of hours of his lectures.

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People making fun of Peterson and the boomer liberalism he represents is the next step in the awakening.
Doesn’t stop him from herding normies through the gate.

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Well that's an interesting picture

She's half-Asian irl though

>muh neo Marxist boogymen
He's just a self help guru with good rhetoric and well read on psychology that trolls libtards. He rarely debates with actual Marxist/socialists and makes a faulty generalization with his postmodern neo marxist boogyman. He isn't that knowledgeable about history and economics, he's just a classical liberal that got famous for his entertaining stream of thought.

And I used to thin south park was 'edgy' becuase kenny drank gasoile...

MM88, Borderunners & last son of the west.

>refusing to acknoledge the substantial proof behind (((JQ)))
>muh collectivism is ebil, just be individualist, goyim
>clean your room for daddy
Literally a professor for children and literal retards.

He's a gatekeeper though. He won't touch the difficult questions and tells normies not to touch them either.

>Be an 'individualist'
>Get BTFO by anyone acting collectively.
>Get BTFO by groups behaving collectively.

Wonderer's choice, Alt-Light Strikes Back, Your Hero's Journey, Last Stand of Implicit Whiteness, and Metamorphosis.

the downie commentators nearly had me do a spit take