Can leftism be cured?
Can leftism be cured?
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Only by the person infected.
You'll never be able to argue or debate a leftist around, because they about you down in packs and love in echo chambers.
They have to have an ephipany, a doubt that turns into something bigger.
To an extent. You won't destroy their empathy, but you can help them decide what things to be empathetic about.
I used to fancy myself as a democrat, and as I got older, I realized how moderate I had become.
That is what it boils down to.
Realizing how little you understand about the world.
Yes, but its a cult and addiction so you need to separate the person from the environment and take it out into the countryside or something.
Is that " before and after " or " after and before " ?
She'll always have residual leftism in her.
>I cured myself of AIDS
Highly unlikely. The only cure for leftism is purging by fire.
>i don't know what dentists do
No. We leave them behind and they're on the street rotting they'll think back to a time we tried to help them.
U.S. Shekels> U.S. Dollars.
Oh I didn't notice she had dreadlocks. I was wondering what a girl going from a 4 to a 4 had to do with leftism.
Only by a schedule of rigorously applied beatings.
Yeah i used to be one, 2014 changed me.
Once the Niggers and Arabs came and started raping, robbing, and murdering i went right.
Used to be chill guy who didn't give a fuck and made music with my bros.
We have little time and few resources to save the values of Western civilization. Let their demise serve as an example to others
Living near minorities will usually clear that right up.
But dreadlocks are a tradionally white hairstyle
Having dreadlocks has nothing to do with political affiliation. Check out fairyloks. Take back your hairstyle white man, stop letting the enemy dictate how you look. You already did this shit with facial hair and now look, you retards can't wear a beard without worrying about whether people think you're a cuck(protip that makes you a cuck)
>Can leftism be cured?
yes, with cock
Um....isn't that a porn star?
The Ocean Contingency. We build ships and ocean platforms around the world, so we get the fuck away from civilization. Solar power and sea floor agriculture + free fish.
Certainly. It can be permanently cured through careful application of bullets.
Only with a healthy dose of BBC and mixed kids.
ugly people aren't white
>insect people
>quality dental care
are you retarded? because celts wore dreadlocks as well.
What is wrong with leftism?
No, it's a personal problem.
If they can't figure it out for themselves, you cannot get through into their thick skulls.
yes with a bullet
>I realized how moderate I had become.
Let me guess, now you think that white people should only give away half of their possessions to blacks to make up for slavery and the holocaust.
Alot of leftism is ignorance. So much disinformation.
>What is wrong with leftism?
You believe that all races/genders are equal in aggregate.
Then when reality doesn't match up, you blame racism and sexism.
Using this blame, you employ actual racism and sexism to "even things out."
Basically, as long as this continues, you will be my enemy.
it's called growing up
Yea, you just gotta hit 21 or so, barring any massive influx of xenoestrogens.
Yes. By a good dicking.
As a former leftist, I can tell you it can be done. Most people have some sort of belief that's considered less than acceptable (eg. "wow, black people are really loud and obnoxious at the store") that you can play on to serve as a starting point, or even get them comfortable sharing more with you. Otherwise, the core of most leftist arguments are fundamentally shaky, and they know it. In an actual debate, they will put up walls of factoids, anecdotes, and intellectual backswings to divert your advance toward the end point. It's just a matter of getting past those defensive barriers and taking a few good swings where you find the crack in the wall.
>Sticking your dick within 5 miles of a leftist chick.
>not expecting a false rape charge
user, I...
>giving the leftist your real name
Good one
>You believe that all races/genders are equal in aggregate.
>Then when reality doesn't match up, you blame racism and sexism.
>Using this blame, you employ actual racism and sexism to "even things out."
I am not talking about those pseudo-problems
You can be right-wing and still see them as problems
I am talking about anti-capitalism,anti-industrialism and pro-environment
Name me one white person with dreadlocks that is right wing
Boy Do I have a movement for YOU
I still find this one so hard to believe.
I know a hangover cure that also works on leftism.
Pic very much related.
You stole this picture from reddit. fuck off
The only method.
this does nothing more than prove you spend time on reddit.
So you have any suggestions on how to aid the infected develop this doubt, oh wise one?
More like I support universal healthcare, but I think all these trannies that want me to use the wrong pronouns can go fuck themselves. Also, I own firearms. You know, moderate. In the middle.
Don`t you mean liberalism? Sure by bullet or bayonet.
Only with a recreational mc nuke
Most leftists grow up, and eventually make the switch.
Moldylocks is a "pornstar" too.
If you're into filthy hippies, that is.
I'm being very literal with the filthy, BTW.
>Can leftism be cured?
only by a bullet or a rope.
Was a communist and then a lot of years of bad experience and observing turned me 180. When you see all the fucked up manifestations of human nature proliferate throughout institutions like the welfare office and VA (Veteran Affairs for non-USA), when you see how utterly useless and backwards public schooling is, when you see how many fucking things, said with unshakeable confidence, our intellectual classes have gotten wrong...
Well the best metaphor to explain to a younger person in general, let alone a leftist, would be as follows
"When you were 8, you had interests and obsessions. Haven't they changed by then? When you were 18, you had interests and obsessions. Haven't they changed by then? What about your perception of the world? Hasn't it grown in complexity since you were a child?"*
You emphasize that ideologies don't reside in people forever (well most people). Aging and experience change what things we value, notice, anticipate, prefer, etc. That they don't have to bet all their emotion into a position that will most likely change.
I'd tell all college aged kids to shut the fuck up and listen. Putting everything down in a single position is fucking retarded in the same way that an 8 year old betting his cookies that he'll always love "Sugar Fun Doki Doki American Girls". New and relevant information doesn't get transmitted to you only at a certain age. It happens all the time.
Come to think of it, with the advances in hydroponics, Iceland could be an excellent location for the Ethnostate: Isolated, easy to defend, plenty of geothermal power to heat and power hydroponic farms that would allow the island to sustain a large population...
Oh god how many killotons of dick has that hole taken? There isn't anything left. Its like when coke addict's noses slowly start to fall apart.
You better bring your own condoms and not let her touch them with anything but her holes. She will tamper them to get the genetic material for her false rape charge
We're in the megaton scale here, mate.
Of course. Many here are former leftists. It's sad what it does to people.
I was a leftist in my youth, because it was pretty much the surrounding environment I grew up in, the music I was listening to and the places I went to at the weekends I deemed cool (antifa clubs). I held the believe that equality and deconstruction of capitalism is the key to a better future.
When I grow up it was a constant struggle because I gradually saw the negative effects of immigration by muslims and the hypocritical double standards of the establishment. I realised socialists/communists/antifa aren't against the state or elites – they are the establishment and their core beliefs are essentiale reasons of state. The politics of Merkel's Germany pushed me farther right to the conservative corner (I guess I always had a conservative touch and was always sympathetic to german romanticism). Now things you heard at antifa meetings in the 90s/early 2000s are standards in politics nowadays, defended by the whole spectrum of established mainstream parties from socialist parties to former conservative parties. The only semi-established party against the mainstream is the AfD but sometimes I feel they are kept around to be the useful idiot. I don't know. I still believe in equality but more in a way of equal opportunities under certain conditions, and I still think of capitalism as a system that will destroy the people. Maybe now (or maybe always) I was more of a "real-socialist" or national Bolshevist. I really don't know. I just don't want muslims and their medieval belief and honour system around, I don't want monoculturalism (which is Islam) to be sold to my as desired multiculturalism. I want to get rid of degeneracy and scum.
Yeah at least if it's your gf.
she hardly changed faggot except braces, she's still pretty
I used to be sjw when I was fifteen, but when I participated in discourse in the internet my worldview changed a lot. My leftism was maintained by schools, media and my family. But problem is that most leftist are not going to humor your point of view.
Yes, with a job.
Wait... that was a GIRL?
The best way to get through to hardened lefties is through economic debate. Show them that the reasons they can’t afford their own house is because section 8 is creating artificial demand and foreign investors are hoarding real estate, lowering supply. Tell them that the Democrats’ proposed solution is to raise prices even more (more gibs, more globalism), eventually they’ll connect the dots.
only with Gulag17
Sufficient blubber can mask the female form, my friend.
what happened to her did media lame stream ((((media ))))) dumped her and that faggot david hogg
4 U
That pic was unfortunately taken before Parkland happened.
she has nice tits
Isn't #WalkAway proof of this?