What does the closing of Toys"R"Us signify in American society?

What does the closing of Toys"R"Us signify in American society?

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Mismanaged businesses shut down. The system works.

A further sign of what happens when white birth rates decline (nigros do not buy toys for their children)

In my opinion I think that it signifies the shift away from toys and towards technology (Xbox , iProducts etc...)
The death of child creativity.

Not at all, what are they suppose to do?
Sell iPads and the game systems to appeal to kids?
Those aren't toys.

That the innocent and cheerful times of the past are over.

The death of childhood as we knew it.
>Don't go outside and play with your new toy with your brother, Timmy; stay inside and play on your iPads.

this is the only answer, sadly

A way of buying things which is no longer acceptable for the modern burger.
Just like blockbuster became useless, so did toys r us. However, toys r us should have closed back in the early 2000’s.


this, old boomer retard think "the old way" of running business is best

pure boomer pride, I feel sorry for the people who lost their jobs though, all because some old boomer faggot didnt want to do this or any number of other things because it was not in their stubborn robotic limited boomer capabilities

And yet Family Video is still around and expanding

>Those aren't toys.
people who can't provide their target market what they want can't be in charge. that includes people like you. people who don't even know what toy means, or how its meaning might change in the face of technological advancement

>family video
Never heard of it. Please tell me about it.

its irony you autistic shitface

That capitalism is gay af

To modern burger children, a toy is really limited as it is just that toy, and should they get bored, they'll still have it. With their electronics they always find something else, which is bullshit because I always found something new to do with the legos I had.

>That the innocent and cheerful times of the past are over.
Yeah that’s what boomers said when toysrus shuttered many small family owned toy stores, what goes around comes around.

Does everything have to be about how bad black people are?

It’s regional but it’s basically Blockbuster.

Welp i'm saving all my old nerf guns for my kids. It will be fun to play with them and will get them outdoors.

thats true, the thing is, the business was mismanaged by a bunch of retarded private equity guys who loaded the company up with billions in debt that it could never pay off.

Its ok tho, they withdrew billions of capital from shareholders in the form of dividends and share buybacks long before the house of cards collapsed. So all in all, the partners at a few Private equity farms got paid, and a once healthy retail business was hollowed out and destroyed.

Iamokwiththis.png since fuck toy retailing, but the point is, the company was fine, a bunch of retarded PE guys mismanaged it.

That Amazon, Walmart, and Target still exist and have stronger business models.

The last time I was in a toys r us, it was completely full of niggers and 56%ers

They could have done anything other than just sitting there doing nothing. There’s not that many Toys R Us stores to begin with. Each city has 5 at the most. Get yourself a driver in each store, have them do “same day shipping” on toys ordered online. The stores would basically be a shipping warehouse where kids could also come and shop. Amazon took them out of business, they should have learned to grow with the fucking times.

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That an overpriced toy retail outlet won't last forever and a company ran by ignorant old farts who don't adapt to the times will fall.

That toy retailers should not go public and expand too quickly.

No, the other half is how much better white people are

Are you serious? That has little to do with the closing, they were in a shitload of debt because 3 companies bought toys r us and then the debt stacked because Walmart and other stores stocked toys deemed to be popular with children.

Not to mention that it was severely overpriced. I don't remember any parents ever willingly wanting to go there.

toys r us was a shithole and will be replaced with another shithole like planet fitness.

Jews. Look it up the company started to go down when a Jew became CEO.

The bigger problem was that the stores were in so damn much debt that they had no real money for upkeep, so the stores started looking like K-mart.

That leveraged buyouts are a bad idea?

>In 2013, following the continued decline of competing video rental stores, Family Video formed a partnership with Marco's Pizza providing space for the franchise in many of its stores.
>The company is using the partnership as a way to deliver video rentals with pizza orders.
>Family Video also leases space to other retailers such as hair salons and fitness centers.
>Unlike much of its competition, Family Video owns the real estate housing their stores, helping them to avoid unsuccessful lease negotiations that led to the demise of Blockbuster and Movie Gallery, which includes Hollywood Video.
>In addition, it owns a fiber-optic network in the Central Illinois region, called iTV-3,as well as a small chain of fitness centers named StayFit-24.

God damn those motherfuckers know how to generate continuous profit. Had blockbuster been this innovative they’d still be around. Amazing and good for Family video franchise

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Anything can be a toy to kids. Sticks rocks and a muddy puddles

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Intellectual Property will be sold to Amazon or some other store like Target, allowing it to have an actual competent store to work under.

Jeffery will return from vacation with even more pussy and cash.

Everyone's going to ignore this and just blame Amazon when it turns out it had nothing to do with it.

it means more shall perish come black friday in wallmart. no more malls no more toys r us no more circuit city. who ever opens those doors is dead along with any one who falls

Progress, children should be reading and learning to farm God's great Earth, not playing with toys.

Means more summerfags posting shit like this.

fucking MARCOS pizza fuck yeah.

My elementary school would order that shit. The kind of square pizza you take 1 bite of, and the entire cheese sheet rips away from the dough. Lol fuck yeah marcos pizza.

Thats a very innovative idea from Family Video. I'd be surprised if dominos didnt form some partnership for free video streaming with an order.

They had over 5 billion in debt. They are the fucking case study of a mismanaged business.

Last holiday they were so cash poor and such a credit risk suppliers are not willing to deal with them for fear they would not get paid.Some of the larger toy companies were giving them merchandise directly on credit to keep them afloat because they are scared of Amazon and walmart having more leverage over their pricing.

Toysrus was so shit at selling stuff in their market category that the big money maker was infant products. So they started to ignore their customer base and cater to that without a branding change.

Nothing. It is a company that existed to make money. Fuck 'em. Stop using corporatism to replace your culture.

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>Had blockbuster been this innovative they’d still be around.
Blockbuster could have been Netflix like Sears could have been Amazon. Neither had the foresight to see the internet as the business model of the future, that's why both no longer exist (will soon no longer exist in Sears' case)

>without a branding change
They did rebrand to ToysRus-BabiesRus. Hell, newer stores were JUST BabiesRus.

Nothing. I was always a overpriced store meant for kids to extort their parents for expensive garbage.

The end of child-like imagination and innocence.

I know where you're coming from, but back when I was a kid, I had a Sega Mega Drive, Super Nintendo, Sony Playstation, etc. yet I still owned toys too. So I don't buy the argument that toy sales in general are down across the board because of consoles, computers and smartphones. People still buy toys, especially adult collectors and parents of toddlers.

The fun is over. The children are all being taken to extermination camps on the south west border on orders of the Trump Regime.

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It means that children will raise as alcoholics, criminals and will lose their lives to technology. At least people will get more into tech related stuff, so less SJWs when it comes to more people working IT jobs and less people doing shitty arts and other shitty degrees or majors.

That’s what I thought. How smart is that? Deliver pizza and video, and save on postage completely.
Yeah. I wonder what the next more efficient way of shopping will be in the future. I can’t imagine anything other than just 3D printing what you ordered

>toy in Toys R' Us: $65
>same toy on Amazon: $35
They did it to themselves.

There's always Walmart!

Well if I had to bust out a conspiracy theory, it would be that shutting down traditional toy sale means more kids getting brainwashed by propaganda and those freaky youtube cartoons.

>It means that children will raise as alcoholics, criminals and will lose their lives to technology.
This already happened with the millennials and they were the reason Toys R Us even existed.

Toy's R Us had a shit ton of issues
>Crappy store locations
>too much inventory of underselling products
>poor customer service
>Lack of video games
>bad prices
>little online presence.
Honestly when Walmart and Target sell stuff for better prices, why would you go to Toy's R us?

It also means that (((they))) want children to be adults, it's also why (((they))) are pushing the pro-pedophilia movement.

At least the children will be safe now.

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