Let's get this coca cola add ridiculously downvoted for forced diversity!
>these comments
is youtube moving right fast, or did no one saw the add other than people being linked to it in threads like these?
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Stupid leaves. Disliked anyway though.
POZ ads thread?
Same, changing location doesn't help either.
Not available in the Uk & comments are disabled, any chance of a screenshot of the fire rising?
i don't see anything
You have to set your vpn to syrup to view
Mental health and neuro-psychological assessment of the typical politically incorrect poster.
Pepe Frog, MD, MPH, PhD, Wojack Feel Guy,MD, PhD
University of Meme,Kek State
Behind all the hate.Behind all the monkey and KANGZ memes,Tyrone sheeit comics,gifs,demotivational
pictures, and webms - pol/ users secretly admire the Negro.Every three or four threads created on
the board you will find one discussing them.The raw brass confident masculinity that they possess
which they are quick to compare to a feral animal,and yet at the same time acknowledge is what women
truly desire at their core and what is lacking in many white heterosexual unions.Their intrinsic ruggedness that enables them to stamp their mark on any field of physical activity that they enter.The amazing sense of rhythm that they naturally seem to possess that they liken to ape gesticulations and yet are oh so majestic to witness.Then there is the stereotype of the black man's sexuality,particularly his phallus.It has become a bodily protuberance of myth and legend.There is a reason that r/AsianMasculinity trolls are laughed off while BBC and Blacked generates anger and solemn disdain.For where the asian man's masculinity is considered a joke the black man's is a threat to be taken with utmost seriousness,for there may be a kernel of truth to it.Is it a coincidence that of all the races of men it is the black man whose masculinity has become a meme.Based on our assessment,doctor Wojack and I have thus concluded that pol/ is a board populated with manic depressive autistic shizoid individuals afflicted with a sort of Freudian-Jungian-Pavlovian psychopathological negro-complex.
t.kangladeshi use VPN nigger
Its unlisted now i guess
Tutturu pajeet-kun!
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
>Coca-Cola Canada
Canada must be really butthurt at us
even normies know this is fake. black people drink sprite.
first 2 pages aren't cherry picked, literally the first 2 pages of comments. 90% are about this.
Added a few random ones below.
>not available in your country
What did coca-cola mean by this
It always was right.
That's the natural state 90% of the population is in.
how this is forced when it represent reality ?
>not available in u.s.
You cucks are on your one with this one.
We aren't but Cuckdeau sure would like us to be. Half of the right wingers here, including me, are just waiting and praying to be annexed. Our culture is dead and gives us no reason for patriotism.
>shiping million of niggers from Africa to Europe is not forced
if niggers rape your ass, it is not forced or rape because it is reality. omg. stay in Paris and suck nigger cocks
Wonder if the comments are disa......
Course they fucking are.
Yep, they got out before it got out of hand, lmfao.
Also R A R E.
>This videos is not available in your country
Good thing I never liked coke or soft drinks to begin with. Fuck this race mixing bullsiht.
its probably smart on their part
So this race mixing ad is only available in Canada?
they fuck negroes by choice
Boycott cuckacola
Where are the mexicans? Why do they keep showing niggers?
My sides
>Nigger male with white female
The marketing department of nearly every major corporations favorite combo.
>Not available in your country.
Just click the link, you can dislike it even when you can't see the video.
Well, what did you expect? If this ad ran here in Eastern Europe, probably even politicians would be asking about the negro in the advert.
(((((((They))))))) are terrified now.
Walking in 37 c weather gave me the urge to drink coca. But I made the decision to go home and drink water. Save money.
>2 generations of anti-white propagnda
>importing millions of non whites
>not forced
because juden import them. they should not have that choice. women are natural traitors and whores. if you give woman knife, she will stab you in back. and women are easy to brainwash. they don't use logic. they use feelings.
i don't have big hopes for Europe. all i wish is at least some war before we get replaced and all white genes get wasted by non white scum.
"Why are they pushing this agenda so hard."
Because whites have lost their way and are little small cuckbois. No muscles - no speed - just video game addicted little cuckboys. Nerds can't even replace themselves or rebuild society in their own image. Pathetic nerds would rather die a death of a thousand distractions and anime titties.
Iv'e almost completely stopped drinking soda and this just convinced me to quit completely
eastern europe is safe at least
>"Why are they pushing this agenda so hard."
to replace us you cuck
stop projecting your cucked gay weak lifestyle on rest please. not everybody is bitch like you
>eastern europe is safe at least
idiots u doing wrong , now ppl will hate u more
Daily Reminder: White pussy was made for the BBC. Whitebois can't get white women anymore because the women go for the real men- the Black Men!
>Not available in my country
>Can still downvote it
based I guess
A quintessentially American post.
Most white men are bitches. They are video game addicted little bitches who aren't replacing themselves. Look at the birthrates all across the west. It's white mens fault they are being replaced by more masculine men. Women are drawn to masculinity and strength. If you do not exude strength you are not desirable.
Also if you're an ugly fag.
Milo and his husband?
if the rest of the world falls, think this eastern europe will hold on their own against the rest of the world?
these "Don't care, I'm safe" stance are dangerous.
Like the muslim migration in western europe... It doesn't happens in the US but it's still worrying. When Europe is 80% muslim, the US won't just have to deal with a few desert countries, but with all of Europe.
TL;DR : Don't look at your neighbors falling to the enemy with indifference.
Bumping for more dislikes
Wow this thread is really pathetic.
Shut it down
>The goyim know
True. This is reason i am glad that refuge crisis hapen. Finaly ordinary people start to hate niggers instead sucking their cocks.
Is it more pathetic than how you feel when Mohammed mounts your wife?
First 7up now coke?
These jews are just begging for a real shoah
We dont have any significant number of Mohammeds here but I am sure yours knows best I mean BBC cuckoldry is an US tradition at this point.
Perhaps but remember this is because race-mixing has been normalized by the (((media))).
They actively promote it all the time and will try to destroy you if you oppose.
We can legally kill niggers here with guns
Why don't we weaponize black women against this racemixing propaganda? They hate BMWF probably as much as we do, if not more
consider this, my friend
throughout all of history, europeans LOVED genociding inferiors
common sense dictates that LOVE is still there, but is currently getting suppressed (I'll get to that later)
now in the past a full EXTERMINATION of the non-white pest on this planet did not go through for mainly 2 reasons
tech, and the "people"'s willingness back home
what changed now, is that Europeans got to live with subhumans closer than they ever have before
now the results of that are pretty obvious, and once again dictated by common sense
the Jew does everything he does for profit, that much is clear, BUT even the Jew probably knows that if unchecked his non-white pets will smog up the whole planet, and turn oceans into plastic
so where does that leave us? why haven't these inferiors been culled from the planet yet and who is going to be responsible for that?
well that brings us to USA and America who control 95% of the world's nukes, with a couple more % being in Europe, and some peanuts scattered among shitholes like china, india, pakistan, israel
once the next "war"/"conflict"/whatever kicks off, what happens to the non-white piece of trash?
sure you could argue that there is some kind of "plan" to have a race of retard mongrels, but it really just sounds like the results of careless jew-profiteering
the northern hemisphere alliance of whitebois, can purge every single non-white off this planet whenever they want and it honestly wouldn't even be too hard
there won't be some sort of "thermonuclear war" because chinks, streetshits and other monkeys will have every single one of their nuke installations instantly overwhelmed without a chance to respond
and it's not exactly a secret either, what the chink "plan" is for the world, same for streetshitters
sure you could be depressed about the future, but I honestly believe the final extermination is approaching fast
because the TRASH on this planet is fast reaching critical mass
Okay and? How does that change what I said?
>USA and America
USA and Russia*
If I found a nigger in my house he'd be dead
why do they never promote my dreams as a white male of having an african queen
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
But your wife would have invited him that was my point also unless you have castle doctrine in your state you wouldnt be able to and not face charges yourself if he wasnt aggressive.
Plenty of minority shills here projecting their video game addiction on others to make themselves feel better
why does coca cola hate black girls?
I live in Texas
>birthrates all across the west
problem with birthrates is this. white people want best for their kids. non white do not care and can have 6 niggers even if they don't have food for 1. everything is expensive and women are whores. how you can afford kids if you can barely afford live alone.
>Most white men are bitches
i don't agree with you at all. maybe if you wrote most men are bitches. all races have same problem. again stop projecting your weakness an self hate to others. i understand it is hard to not hate yourself if you are from cucknada. women are drawn to whatever you programem to be drown to. start with massive kpop campaign and all whores will suck asian tiny cocks. make bollywood propagnda and pajeet will be alpha kings. niggers are not more masculine or strong. their are only more stupid
Oh so BLACKED central well I guess the tradition is even longer there than the rest of the country.
can't even pretend to be a neet right.
>We can legally kill niggers here with guns
than why don't you do it?
Check this out for the submissive left ...
That is partially true but you can't just ignore the institutions that are pushing the feminization of men.
A masculine man is seen as a problem by the establishment.
My TV is always on because someone in my house is watching it or something,and I see a shit ton of interracial couples on advertisements. I got triggered when I walked out and saw Marvels "cloak dagger" trailer. It had the white girl and black guy walking towards eachother and the narrator said "The divine pairing". Like some fucking blacked porn.
This is nothing, coke fags would profit from the attention it gets.
They still make money based on views, even if you down vote. If you want to fuck these kikes, ignore their propaganda. They are collecting and selling your metadata, so you are just useful idiots.
The only thing cuckacola is good for is removing rust
>not available in your country
Canada pls
video not available in my country lol
And they're not afraid to be loud either.
Its almost as if they are smart or something.
Your vital organs will also thank you.
they don't sell more coke if people boycott the product... fuck off jew
>Blocked in your country
Whatever. I must assume it's something outrageously cucked.
Not available in India.
Can't help you kids.